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SuRGeoNix edited this page May 30, 2022 · 12 revisions

Supported Systems

FlyleafLib supports .NET 5/6 and .NET Framework 4.7.2 and only Windows (7+) as it uses Direct3D 11 for rendering and video acceleration.

By default uses FFmpeg.AutoGen v4 for ffmpeg 4 versions. You can manually add v5 nuget package to your application and be able to use ffmpeg 5.

For Windows 7, it will not work with video acceleration enabled. Make sure you have KB36805 installed and your GPU drivers are updated.

Known Issues / Missing Features

HDR Native and passthrough is not supported yet (Only HDR to SDR)

Might not render properly with custom DPI / Zoom / Screen scaling

For WPF, Panel.ZIndex on VideoViews will not work. It works with WindowsFormsHost (seperate handle) which does not allow it.

Bluetooth speakers might not work properly

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