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Genomewide Co-selection and Epistasis in Bacteria


LDWeaver accepts a sequence alignment (fasta) and its reference annotation (genbank or gff) as inputs and identifies linkage disequilibrium (LD) between pairs of variants (links) that is unusually high given the genomic distance between the pair. This high LD could be the result of co-selection or epistasis. Approximate statistical significance is used to rank outlier links and the output is reported in tsv format, along with several other helpful annotations and figures. Additionally, LDWeaver has functions to assist the detection of genomic regions that have potentially undergone co-selection or epistasis. LDWeaver tsv output can be directly used as input for GWESExplorer for dynamic link visualisation.


Using devtools

LDWeaver is available on github. It can be installed with devtools


Using bioconda

Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge

Preferred Method - using mamba

If you haven't already, first, you need to install mamba. Afterwards, create a new environment and install r-ldweaver:

conda create -n r-ldweaver
conda activate r-ldweaver
mamba install -c conda-forge -c bioconda r-ldweaver

Alternatively, you can use conda.

conda create -n r-ldweaver
conda activate r-ldweaver
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda r-ldweaver

Quick Start

To run LDWeaver, all you need is a fasta alignment (can be gz compressed) and the corresponding genbank (preferred, or gff3 also supported) annotation file with the reference sequence. You can also use a SNP-only alignment (can be generated from snp-sites or FastaR) with a numeric vector of SNP positions as per the reference genome.

A toy dataset is provided in the package itself to confirm that everything is setup correctly.

Note For GWES analysis, it is recommended to use an alignment with a large number of sequences (>500). Such alignments can be several gigabytes in size and not suitable to bundle into an R package. A proper example using real data is available below.

The toy alignment comprises the first 50kb of 400 S. pnuemoniae isolates (randomy selected from the 616 reported here). The reads were aligned against the ATCC 700669 reference genome using snippy. Since this is only a part of an alignment, we set validate_ref_ann_lengths = F, which forces LDWeaver to ignore the mismatch in sequence lengths between the genbank reference sequence and the alignment. Several additional options are also used, see help(package="LDWeaver") for more details.

# devtools::install_github("Sudaraka88/LDWeaver")
dset <- "sample"
aln_path <- system.file("extdata", "sample.aln.gz", package = "LDWeaver")
gbk_path <- system.file("extdata", "sample.gbk", package = "LDWeaver")
snp_filt_method = "relaxed"
LDWeaver(dset = dset, aln_path = aln_path, gbk_path = gbk_path, validate_ref_ann_lengths = F,
num_clusts_CDS = 2, SnpEff_Annotate = F, snp_filt_method = snp_filt_method)

Note If you are using a SNP-only alignment, set aln_has_all_bases = F and provide pos, a numeric vector of SNP positions. Each SNP in the SNP-only alignment must have a unique SNP position.


Please cite LDWeaver using: Mallawaarachchi, S. et al. Detecting co-selection through excess linkage disequilibrium in bacterial genomes, NAR genom. bioinform., 6(2),lqae061 (2024):

Detailed Workthrough using Real Data

The following analysis demonstrates most of the options available in LDWeaver. The alignment with 616 S. pnuemoniae genomes is available here, and the same sample.gbk annotation was used to generate this alignment (also available here).

Note: Alternatively, you can download and use the SNP-only alignment with the accompanying positions file to generate the same results.

For this example, it is assumed that the current working directory is set to ~/LDWeaver_run and the alignment is available in the same folder. Please note that file paths here are written for Linux/macOS operating systems, windows users will need to modify as needed.

The following few lines of code can perform the complete LDWeaver analysis.

### WARNING! Possible runtime > 1h


dset <- "msch"
aln_path <- "spn23f_msch.aln.gz"
gbk_path <- system.file("extdata", "sample.gbk", package = "LDWeaver")

LDWeaver::LDWeaver(dset = dset, 
aln_path = aln_path, 
gbk_path = gbk_path, 
save_additional_outputs = T)

LDWeaver::LDWeaver() one-liner is versatile for most analyses. If previously created outputs are available in <dset>, this function will load those instead of repeating possibly time and resource heavy analysis.

It is also possible to write customised pipelines using available functions. For a full list of available functions and options, run: help(package="LDWeaver").

dset <- "msch"
dir.create(dset) # folder to save outputs

aln_path <- "~/LDWeaver_run/spn23f_msch.aln.gz"
gbk_path <- system.file("extdata", "sample.gbk", package = "LDWeaver")
ncores = parallel::detectCores()

snp.dat = LDWeaver::parse_fasta_alignment(aln_path = aln_path) # parse the alignment and extract SNPs
gbk = LDWeaver::parse_genbank_file(gbk_path = gbk_path, g = snp.dat$g) # parse the annotation
cds_var = LDWeaver::estimate_variation_in_CDS(gbk = gbk, snp.dat = snp.dat, 
ncores = ncores, 
num_clusts_CDS = 3, 
clust_plt_path = "msch/CDS_clustering.png")

hdw = LDWeaver::estimate_Hamming_distance_weights(snp.dat = snp.dat) # Hamming distance weights

# Perform MI computation model fitting and ARACNE - this will take some time...
sr_links = LDWeaver::perform_MI_computation(snp.dat = snp.dat, hdw = hdw,
cds_var = cds_var, ncores = ncores,
lr_save_path = "msch/lr_links.tsv", 
sr_save_path = "msch/sr_links.tsv",
plt_folder = dset)

# Generate GWES Plots (short-range)
LDWeaver::make_gwes_plots(sr_links = sr_links, plt_folder = dset)

# Identify the top hits by performing snpEff annotations
tophits = LDWeaver::perform_snpEff_annotations(dset_name = dset, annotation_folder = file.path(getwd(), dset), 
gbk = gbk, gbk_path = gbk_path, cds_var = cds_var, 
links_df = sr_links, snp.dat = snp.dat, 
tophits_path = "msch/sr_tophits.tsv")

This will generate several outputs comprising annotations into the <msch> folder, please see Performing Annotations.

# Generate tanglegram
LDWeaver::create_tanglegram(tophits =  tophits, gbk = gbk, tanglegram_folder = "msch/SR_Tanglegram")

Above line will create 5 tanglegrams in html format, the first one should look like this:

# Generate GWES Explorer outputs
LDWeaver::write_output_for_gwes_explorer(snp.dat = snp.dat, tophits = tophits, 
gwes_explorer_folder = "msch/SR_GWESExplorer")

Above line will create three files in <msch/SR_GWESExplorer/> that can be used as inputs for GWESExplorer. In addition, it is possible to provide a GFF3 annotation file, phenotype data and a core genome phylogeny. The circular GWESExplorer plot should look like this:

Next step is to analyse the long range links

# Analyse long range links
LDWeaver::analyse_long_range_links(dset = dset, lr_links_path = "msch/lr_links.tsv", 
sr_links_path = "msch/sr_links.tsv", SnpEff_Annotate = T,
snp.dat = snp.dat, gbk_path = gbk_path, cds_var = cds_var)

By this time, the msch folder is cluttered with a large number of outputs. LDWeaver::LDWeaver one-liner will automatically tidy up these files in to several folders. This can be done using the cleanup function.


It is possible to generate a genomewide LD distribution map using the following:

LDWeaver::genomewide_LDMap(lr_links_path = "msch/Temp/lr_links.tsv", 
sr_links_path = "msch/Temp/sr_links.tsv", 
plot_save_path = "msch/GWLD.png")

Note The paths have now updated after running LDWeaver::cleanup().

A network plot for the pbp genes showcasing both the number of links between sites and their magnitude can be generated using:

# Generate the Network Plot for pbp genes

network = LDWeaver::create_network_for_gene("pbp", 
sr_annotated_path = "msch/Annotated_links/sr_links_annotated.tsv", 
lr_annotated_path = "msch/Annotated_links/lr_links_annotated.tsv", 
level = 2)

plot_title = "pbp network", 
netplot_path = "msch/pbp_network.png", 
plot_w = 2000, plot_h = 2000)

Additional Information

Note With LDWeaver >1.5, you can analyse mega scale datasets with > 2^(32-1) elements. This requires spam and spam64 packages. Set mega_dset=T in LDWeaver::LDWeaver() to use this feature. Warning! This is currently considerably slower than the default mode (mega_dset=F) and only supports single core operations. There will also be minor discrepancies between the two methods due to floating point errors, however, this should only have a minimal impact on the final link ranking.

Key Outputs

If the above steps worked as expected, the following output will be saved to a folder called sample, which should be created in the current working directory. (Working directory can be queried using: getwd()).

  • Figures
  1. sample/cX_fit.png - shows the distribution and modelling of the background linkage disequilibrium (estimated using weighted Mutual Information) vs. bp-separation within each cluster (X = 1,2 in the example)
  2. sample/CDS_clustering.png - shows the genome partitioning, based on the CDS diversity (compared to the reference sequence)
  3. sample/sr_gwes_clust.png - short-range GWES plot for each cluster (2 in this case)
  4. sample/sr_gwes_combi.png - combined short-range GWES plot (for links with bp positions spanning two clusters, the max srp_value is used)
  5. sample/lr_gwes.png - Long range GWES plot (similar to the output from SpydrPick)
  • Outputs
  1. sample/sr_links.tsv - tab separated file containing details on short-range links (i.e. links <= sr_dist bp apart)
  2. sample/lr_links.tsv - tab separated file containing details on long-range links (i.e. links > sr_dist bp apart)

Extra Outputs

Note The default sr_dist value in LDWeaver is 20000bp (user modifiable). This means that by default, links from SNPs <20kb apart are considered short-range.

  • Additional Outputs (not generated) - can be used to avoid costly re-computations.
  1. Additional_Outputs/snp_ACGTN.rds - list comprising sparse SNP data from the alignment
  2. Additional_Outputs/parsed_gbk.rds - GenBankRecord of the genbank annotation data
  3. Additional_Outputs/hdw.rds - named vector comprising Hamming distance weights for each sequence
  4. Additional_Outputs/cds_var.rds - list comprising alignment diversity information

Note For very large datsets, the user has the option to set save_additional_outputs=T. When these four files are present in <dset>/Additional_Outputs/, the saved information will be used instead of re-computing.

Performing Annotations

By default, LDWeaver performs detailed annotations on all link SNPs using SnpEff. This will create the following outputs in <dset>. Note that X here refers to sr (short range) or lr (long range).

  • Outputs
  1. Annotated_links/X_links_annotated.tsv - tab separated file similar to sample/X_links.tsv with additional SnpEff annotations and allele distribution information
  2. Tophits/X_tophits.tsv - tab separated file containing the top 250 links (user modifiable with max_tophipts) . Several filters are applied to extract the top links from Annotated_links/X_links_annotated.tsv
  3. SR_Tanglegram - folder compirising html tanglegrams to easily visualise links and the corresponding genomic regions
  4. GWESExplorer/X_GWESExplorer - folder containing the outputs necessary to dynamically explore links using GWESExplorer (X = sr,lr).

Note The default srp_cutoff is 3 (i.e., p=0.001). Short-range links with p>0.001 are automatically discarded, this can be modified using the <srp_cutoff> option. The default max_tophits value is 250, this can be modified using the <max_tophits> option.

  • Temporary files created during snpEff annotations. These are all written to <dset>/Temp and can be ignored or safely deleted)
  1. Temp/snpEff_data - data folder for snpEff
  2. Temp/snpEff.config - configuration file for snpEff
  3. Temp/X_annotations.tsv - tab separated file containing full snpEff annotations on each site associated with a short-range GWES link with srp_max > srp_cutoff
  4. Temp/X_annotataed_stats.genes.txt - annotations and statistics in tab separated format
  5. Temp/X_annotated_stats.html - annotations and statistics in html format
  6. Temp/X_snps.vcf, Temp/X_snps_ann.vcf - input and output from the snpEff annotation pipeline