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Releases: TD22057/insteon-mqtt

1.2.0 - New Discovery Features; HomeAssistant Fixes; Bugs

07 Sep 20:57
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A long time has passed since our last release. As a result, there are a number of bug fixes in this release. There are also two fixes that address changes in HomeAssistant that may prevent Insteon-MQTT from functioning in later versions of HomeAssistant.

Finally @kpfleming made some nice additions to the Discovery Platform that make it significantly easier to make changes to how individual devices are advertised to HomeAssistant.

1.1.1 - Bug Fixes; Improved Commandline

10 Dec 19:19
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  • Fix error which caused changing the state of one keypadlinc button, to turn off all other keypadlinc buttons (#463)
  • Fix error where the on_only and night_only flags for the motion sensor were reversed. (#464)


  • Significantly improvement in readabilty and content of the helptext for the commandline interface. (#465)


08 Nov 20:59
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  • Fixes a problem wherein the modem might not receive commands from secondary groups on multigroup controllers (keypadlincs, remotes, motion sensors). If you are having an issue like this. After updating, run pair on the affected multigroup controller. (#453)


  • Adds an availability topic to the topics published on MQTT. It will publish online when InsteonMQTT comes online and offline whenever InsteonMQTT goes offline even if as a result of a crash. This has been added into the default discovery templates for HomeAssistant. So you should now see your devices as unavailable if InsteonMQTT is offline. (#448)
  • If a level is now sent as part of the scene command, the device state will now properly report that level. (#449)


27 Sep 18:45
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A patch release with some minor fixes:

  • Fix problem with heartbeat sensors in HomeAssistant displaying "invalid timestamp".
  • Fix problem with fan always reporting 'off' state in HomeAssistant. (thanks to @tstabrawa)
  • Fix possible error with KPL switch devices where all leds turn off at once.
  • Fix an error causing the discovery template to advertise the wrong topic for leak devices.
  • Add support for encrypted MQTT connections using the command line.


12 Jul 17:10
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A minor update with some small new features:


  • As promised @lnr0626 added support for the Resume_Dim feature for non-i2cs devices. #423
  • Added support for encrypted MQTT Broker connections. #435
  • Add instructions for using older (~2012) model 2242-222 hubs. Thanks @tbirdsaw. #432
  • Added document with example Home Assistant configs for those using manual configurations. #431


  • Adds minimum and maximum temperature to default discovery template used for thermostats. #434


24 May 21:00
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Version 1.0.0 🎉🎉🎉

With the addition of the Discovery Platform in the last minor release and the simplification of the configuration file with this release, it felt like it was time to call this a major release!

Checkout the ChangeLog for a full list of changes.


  • User config files are now applied over a base config file. So if a setting is not present in your config file, it will fallback to the default setting. This means:
    • the config file can become 10x smaller for most users.
    • if you are using the default settings, future additions and bug fixes will automatically be applied without requiring edits.
    • users upgrading from prior versions will have a complete (or nearly complete) config file that will override the default settings. So no changes will be made to your installations unless you pare back the contents of your config file.
    • new users will no see a much less daunting initial config.yaml file.
  • A new Resume_Dim feature.
  • A new developer tool.


17 May 15:19
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Corrects a bug that was added that prevented the use of domain names for the addresses of the hub and broker.


16 May 18:37
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  • Yaml file validation! The config.yaml file is now validated against a defined schema. This should catch errors early and provide a good description of the problem.

Potential Breaking Change If you have an error in your config.yaml file, you will get an error on restart. I believe that 99% of users will have 0 issues.

  • Add support for on and off command to the fan group for fan_lincs. Thanks @lnr0626


04 May 23:22
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Discovery Platform!

  • Added support for the HomeAssistant Discovery Protocol. This allows users to avoid defining insteon entities in their HomeAssistant configuration.

    NOTE Migrating from a functional installation to the Discovery Platform will be tedious and may not add much functionality. The next minor release of InsteonMQTT should improve this slightly, as it will apply default config settings, so you won't have to do as much copy and pasting. It may be worth waiting until then if you are interested in migrating.


  • Added join_all and pair_all commands to improve the experience when initializing a network or setting up many devices. Note, the
    skip battery devices option was removed from the refresh_all and get_engine_all commands. ([PR 389][P389])
  • Add a {{timestamp}} variable to templating. Will output the current timestamp. Useful for testing whether a received state change was triggered by a change, or is simply a retained mqtt message that has been resent because of a restart. ([PR 393][P393])


  • Fix cyclic import error([PR 388][P388])
  • Save DB Delta on Refresh([PR 392][P392])


09 Apr 18:46
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Fixes a Breaking Change in HomeAssistant

  • HomeAssistant version 2021.4.0 now only supports percentages for fan speeds. This means any fan entities in HomeAssistant that were configured to use "low", "medium", and "high" for the fan speed will no longer work. See config-example.yaml under the mqtt -> fan section for a suggest configuration in HomeAssistant.

Other Changes

  • Documentation improvements.
  • Added advanced setting for min_hops. See min_hops