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Pull requests that update a dependency file
discussion: off-topic 🚫
discussion: off-topic 🚫
This comment is off topic and has been locked, please keep discussions here related to FireHub only.
platform: FireHub Core
platform: FireHub Core
Core platform label.
platform: FireHub Skeleton
platform: FireHub Skeleton
App platform label.
priority: Critical
priority: Critical
Critical priority issues or pull requests.
priority: High
priority: High
High priority issues or pull requests.
priority: Low
priority: Low
Low priority issues or pull requests.
priority: Normal
priority: Normal
Normal priority issues or pull requests.
scope: API
scope: API
Issues or pull requests for API.
scope: Components
scope: Components
Issues or pull requests for core framework components.
scope: Console
scope: Console
Issues or pull requests for Console operations.
scope: HTTP
scope: HTTP
Issues or pull requests for HTTP request and response, plus Router.
scope: Other
scope: Other
Issues or pull requests for undefined scope.
scope: Packages
scope: Packages
Issues or pull requests for all packages.
scope: Services
scope: Services
Issues or pull requests for services.
scope: Support
scope: Support
Issues or pull requests all support logic.
scope: Tests
scope: Tests
Issues or pull requests for test cases.
scope: UI
scope: UI
Issues or pull requests for user interface.
status: Abandoned
status: Abandoned
This issue or pull request is abandoned. Should be closed.
status: Accepted
status: Accepted
This issue or pull request is accepted and will be worked on as soon as possible.
status: Completed
status: Completed
This issue or pull request is accepted and will be worked on as soon as possible.
status: Draft
status: Draft
This issue or pull request in draft mode.
status: Duplicated
status: Duplicated
This issue or pull request already exists.
status: Feedback Needed
status: Feedback Needed
This issue or pull request needs more information from OP.
status: In Progress
status: In Progress
Issues or pull requests that are being currently worked on.
status: Invalid
status: Invalid
This issues or pull request is invalid. Should be closed.
status: On Hold
status: On Hold
This issue or pull request is on hold.
status: On The Roadmap
status: On The Roadmap
Long term plans and features.
status: Pending
status: Pending
This issue or pull request is pending.
status: Review Needed
status: Review Needed
This issue or pull request needs to be reviewed.