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Totti786's dotfiles

You are expected to have a basic understanding of the unix system. If you are new to linux, please visit here or look for similar resources online. Do NOT proceed


My configuration is personalized to utilize keyboard shortcuts as well as mouse actions to keep my workflow meaningful and flexible under varying conditions.

Before proceeding
  • This readme is still a work in progress. Please open an issue for queries beyond its scope
  • All the visual config parameters have been written for a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels
  • Non GUI apps will need to be configured manually to be correctly displayed in lower/higher resolutions
  • Please read the man-page for an app before asking specific questions not addressed here


Feature Package
Floating Window Manager openbox
Tiling Window Manager bspwm
Compositor FT-labs's/picom
Terminal alacritty
Shell zsh
Terminal Editor neovim
GUI Editor geany
File Manager thunar
Panel polybar
System Tray stalonetray
Dock plank
Widgets eww
Notification Manager dunst
Application Launcher rofi
Application Menu jgmenu


Font List Use
Noto Sans GTK and QT Font
JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Primary Font


Scripted Install

In Progress...

Manual Install


These configs are tested on Arch Linux, with 1920x1080 resolution.


⚠️ The following instructions have only been written for arch-based distros Install an AUR helper of your choice You are required to have the Chaotic-AUR repo added on your system

  • Using pacman with the Chaotic-AUR enabled
sudo pacman -Syu --needed \
acpi alacritty autotiling bc bluez bluez-utils brightnessctl \
bspwm conky copyq dmenu dunst fd feh firefox flameshot geany \
gpick grep htop i3lock-color i3-wm imagemagick jgmenu jq \
light maim man moreutils mpv mpv-mpris mugshot ncdu \
network-manager-applet networkmanager-openvpn noto-fonts \
noto-fonts-emoji obconf openbox pamixer pastel pavucontrol \
perl plank playerctl polybar qt5ct qt5-styleplugins ranger \
redshift rofi-lbonn-wayland-git stalonetray sxhkd sxiv thunar \
tumbler viewnior wget wmctrl xarchiver xcape xclip xdg-autostart \
xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdotool xfce4-power-manager \
xfce4-settings xorg-xdpyinfo xorg-xkill xorg-xrandr xorg-xrdb \
xorg-xsetroot xorg-xwininfo zathura zathura-cb zathura-pdf-mupdf \
zenity zsh


  • beyond9thousand for his Readme and the system tray
  • adi1090x for his awesome rofi themes and some other scripts from Archcraft