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403 lines (365 loc) · 15.6 KB

File metadata and controls

403 lines (365 loc) · 15.6 KB


  • 03/14/2017
    • Fixes:
      • ServiceCode - xpath changes
      • Openload - fixed again but changes every week or two (use dev branch for latest openload patches)
    • Updates:
      • readme - added Web Client issue, changed links
      • ServicePrefs - domain names
  • 12/26/2016
    • Fixes:
      • PluginUpdateService - migrated init_run into code, and updated modified datetime
      • Openload - fixed for now
      • - fixed cover thumb file path error
      • - removed extra / in path names
      • Kissasian streams
      • fixed genres and cover file errors in bookmarks
      • fixed video fallback logic
    • Updates:
      • Added new Search All pref
      • Added more error handling
      • Added date_added to bookmarks
      • Added header exception for non-kiss URLs
      • Cleaned metadata, domain, packer, and ServiceInfo code
      • ServicePrefs - updated URL names
      • cfscrape - updated to v1.6.8
      • ServiceCode - removed old Onedrive code
  • 08/31/2016
    • Fixes:
      • kissheaders - reload header file when cookie expire
      • kissheaders - expire time for error cookies
      • initial install header initialization
      • Openload - fixed for now, will see if keeps changing
    • Updates:
      • New Bookmark Auto-Backup feature
      • New custom bookmark backup path
      • Simplified PhotoAlbum code
      • Simplified loading preferences
      • - improved error logging
      • ServiceCode - added test for token
  • 08/19/2016
    • Fixes:
      • Typo, was preventing non-kiss thumbs from displaying
      • Datetime resolution comparison at startup. Removed ms
      • Expire time comparison. Ensure comparing int()
    • Updates:
      • Removed old cache cover icon
      • Removed ValidatePrefs, no-longer needed
  • 08/18/2016
    • Fixes:
      • LegacyBookmarkUpdate() - fixed regex matching and added condition to update bookmark's domain when they change
      • Openload - fixed for site changes
      • Fixed open() method to comply with PMS v1.1.0
      • Raised bitrates
    • Updates:
      • Added Simple UI option to remove all sub list in favor of one list dictated by Sort List by... option d5adj10
      • cloudflare-scrape: updated to v1.6.6
        • Switched from PyExecJS to Js2Py
        • Removed unused libs and added new required libs
        • No longer depends on external JRE 😄
      • Moved headers.pys into kissheaders.pys, and created a new Header Class
        • Large speed boost, since no longer reading a file each time accessing a header value
      • Moved Prefix and Title into common.pys
      • Moved bookmark Hide function into channel preferences
      • Changed all strings to .format() notation
      • Changed cache location for URLs, Thumbs, and Bookmark Backups
        • Removed cover caching options from channel preferences
        • Thumbs are cached for one month
        • URLs are cached for one hour
      • changed to Hash matching, removed unused libs
      • ServiceCode - improved URL, Thumb, and Headers cache handling, as-well-as error handling
      • Changed Samsung Fix to Force Redirect
      • New Class for use within ServiceCode to dynamically access channel Preferences
      • New data.pys Class to handle thumbs within ServiceCode
      • Headers only update on install/upgrade or when accessed and are expired
      • When headers auto-check after first install, all headers are set regardless of selected domains within channel preferences
      • When headers auto-check after upgrade, headers only updated from currently selected domains within channel preferences
      • Added cached data migration/cleaning
      • Added clear bookmark OK? function, so will no longer clear bookmarks on first press, and will ask for confirmation
      • Added error logging for Service Unavailable and Human Verification. URLs do NOT Cache upon errors.
      • Added Xbox One & Apple TV v4 to DumbTools, so can support Search/Prefs input
      • Added New PluginUpdateService and removed old
        • Allows for either tracking branch commits or releases
        • New Update Channel option within Prefs: Stable = track release, Development = track commits within dev branch
        • Downloads new code within a staged path (similar to Plex's channel install service)
        • Then differences the old bundle with the new code, and removes old files/folders from current bundle
        • After unused files/folders are removed, the new code is copyied into the bundles directory (stage code is removed after copy), then restarts the channel to apply changes
  • 07/13/2016
    • Updated decryption to use Plex Framework, removed unused code
    • Updated code to better handle domain name changes
    • Changed legacy bookmark update to match against https for kissanime
      • will cause issues when/if kissanime changes back to https
      • will look into better solution for next release
  • 07/01/2016
    • cloudflare-scrape: updated to v1.6.5
    • Added default bitrate info to Videos
    • Improved Node.js uses with link decryption
      • If Server using Node.js, then execute javascript in virtual machine (vm)
  • 06/15/2016
    • Fixes:
      • DevTools: CacheAllCovers error
      • DevTools: bookmark tools, load bookmark error when loading fresh bookmarks
      • CFTest: input errors
      • Openload: fixed for site changes
    • Updates:
      • KissDecrypt.pys: KissAsian updated to v5 decryption (they are changing it every day so don't expect this to work long)
      • added new HTTP 522 exception
      • PyExecJS: added v1.1.0 as fallback
      • PlayVideo: added Openload redirect if kiss server video not present
      • headers.pys: added added javascript runtime engine test info to CFTest
      • headers.pys: updated set_header to skip off line sites (still in testing)
      • CFTest: changed test site to manga
      • DefaultPrefs.json: changed default pref for Enable Debug Logging to True. Allows errors to be caught on first run.
      • cloudflare-scrape: updated to v1.6.4
      • site resolved ssl error. Removed curl code, and updated video URL code.
  • 06/05/2016
    • Fixes:
      • KissDecrypt.pys KissCartoon updated to v3 decryption
      • Comic cover URLs, added to caching rules
      • First attempt at error handling for offline host
      • Many DevTools errors
      • Common error within headers.pys
      • Common error within CFTest function
    • Updates:
      • cloudflare-scrape v1.6.3
      • PyExecJS v1.4.0
      • six v1.10.0 (required for PyExecJS v1.4.0)
      • Added new Related links
      • Improved dynamic domain handling
      • Improved cookie expire time handling
      • New Bookmark Backup tools within DevTools
      • Improved URL caching
      • Added Reset URL cache to DevTools
      • Switched to Core when available
      • New Domain tools within DevTools
  • 05/07/2016
    • Fixed Kissasian video URL decryption v3
    • Updated Info.plist, removed unused code
  • 05/01/2016
    • Fixes:
      • Kissenc.pys spelling error, updated an equality
      • PHT and OpenPHT Bookmark message error when bookmarks cleared
      • Tuple error in GetBaseURL function
      • Logging and SaveImage errors in DevTools
      • cfscrape test, would fail to import when no Java found
    • Updates:
      • New URL caching
      • New HTTP 503 error handling for requests. Will try and pull fresh headers if HTTP 503 error occurs.
      • Cleaned old code
      • Cleaned logging
  • 04/27/2016
    • Fixes:
      • KissAsian and KissCartoon new Video URL encryption
      • Header_Dict empty file check
      • ShowSubPage message container
      • cfscrape status_code error: was being called before execution
    • Updates:
      • Optimize Openload, Domain, and GetThumb code
      • Updated requests lib to v2.9.1
      • Switched all Kiss URLs to requests library, no longer using Plex Framework
      • Added new server
        • Requires cURL to work
        • Only tested on Linux
      • Switched to requests.head in domain.pys
      • Switched to requests.head for URL Redirect
      • Up-to-date User-Agent
  • 03/21/2016
    • Fixed Service Code file path error
  • 03/17/2016
    • Fixes:
      • BackgroundAutoCache error
      • Season were binned incorrectly. Season 0 has no episode limit now. Still some minor errors but all episodes will display in some format.
      • Episode dates added back for cients that do not support show date aired
    • Updates:
      • Added 480p stream support
      • Added option to Prefer OpenLoad video links. In case the provided GoogleVideo links fail to play
      • Better Transcoding options. Now supports selecting resolution.
        • If Transcoding is selected, then Samsung Fix is disabled.
        • If server is trascoding, then it will correctly handle the URL redirect, so Samsung Fix would be irrelevant
      • Added back Artwork for Menus on mobile phones
      • Added webm and flv resolution support when Force Transcoding enabled
      • Added additional 480p format (78) incase site changes
      • Added logging to report resolution used when video played
      • Added video host support. Example usage: Star Wars Rebels S2E17
      • Added Short summary info for SeasonObjects
      • Added Default Artwork to DirectoryObject and PopupDirectoryObject
      • Updated descriptions in README
  • 03/12/2016
    • Fixed Comic upgrade
    • Removed kissanime domain change
  • 03/12/2016
    • Fixes:
      • Added Force Transcoding to prefs to fix OpenLoad video remote play
        • OpenLoad videos have a hash tied to the PMS IP. This is fine for playing videos inside the PMS network, but not for remote play.
        • Force Transcoding removes video formatting metadata, forcing PMS to transcode the now unknow video format
        • The New Redirect Follower does not work with OpenLoad links, so the Transcoder is needed for clients that cannot follow redirects
      • OpenLoad site changes. No access to getdllink anymore.
    • Updates:
      • Added ReadComicOnline as Comic Section
      • Comic and Manga sections: Reversed the list, newest chapters show first
      • New URL Redirect Follower
  • 03/07/2016
    • Fixes:
      • GoogleVideo links: some links were of a different style
    • Updates:
      • Added logging for Video host
      • Looks like Kiss Sites are going with OpenLoad for now, and Removing OneDrive links
  • 03/06/2016
  • Fixes:
    • Reduced kissanime and kissmanga cache time to 20 hrs
    • Removed ASP.Net_SessionId from cookie string. Should help with some of the cookie caching issues.
    • KissManga Chromecast support
  • Updates/New:
    • Added Onedrive and Openload video support
    • New SeasonObject and TVShowObject, now TV episodes can play back-to-back on supported clients
    • Cleaned KissVideo service code, finished integrating in new metadata.pys
  • 03/04/2016
  • Fixes:
    • Samsung Fix, Prefs were not updated correctly, fixed this.
    • OneDrive video error. Still cannot play Onedrive videos. Added popup to notify user.
    • Headers only cache for selected site in Prefs now.
      • The first time the channel ever runs it will still cache all headers.
      • After first time ever run, it will then only cache the sites selected in Prefs
    • AuthTools: fixed when user is not logged into server.
  • Updates:
    • Split Developer code into it's own code
    • Started to implement new Metadata function
    • Condenced code
    • If only one site is selected in Prefs, then That sites Menus return directly for Main Menu, Bookmarks, and Search
    • Added 5 sec timeout to URL redirect function in KissVideo code.
  • 02/20/2016
  • Fixes:
    • Samsung Fix reads Preferences file directly now (no token required)
  • Updates:
    • Added extra logging for Clients and Platform
  • 02/13/2016
  • Fixes:
    • Added Samsung Fix to Preferences
      • Adds back URL Redirect function, but disables remote play
      • If enabled, videos will only work within the host network
  • Updates:
    • Preferences and DevTools only available to Admin Plex Account
  • 02/05/16
  • Fixes:
    • KissCartoon Covers, and any other covers no longer hosted on kiss sites
    • Bookmark Covers
    • CreateHeadersDict()
    • KissAsian directory list
    • KissManga special characters in Page URL
  • Update:
    • Added ASP.Net_SessionId to cfscraper
    • Removed URL expand. Was expanding the wrong IP for remote play
    • Changed KissCartoon cookie cache time from 7 days to 5 days
  • 01/21/16
  • New:
    • Added DumbTools
    • Input and Prefs directory support for "dumb" clients
  • 12/12/15
  • Update/New:
    • New: Status list, Ongoing and Completed
    • Update: Moved Top list into own list
    • Update: Removed Latest from Not Yet Aired title
  • 12/10/15
  • Expand PlayVideo URL in KissVideo ServiceCode. Returns direct link now instead of redirect.
  • 12/02/15
  • Fixes:
    • KissCartoon Top Pages show page url
  • Update/New:
    • New: Default Artwork for Search
  • 11/30/15
  • Added KissCartoon back in. KissCartoon site fixed cookie issue
  • 11/30/15
  • Fixes:
    • Removed KissCartoon until cookie issue solved
    • Fixed int error in service code
  • Udate/New
    • Changed to different updater
    • Optimized bookmark code
  • 11/27/15
  • Update: Added check for broken or missing videos
  • 11/24/15
  • Fixes:
    • Cover image URLs, Summary, KissAnime https, KissAnime Bookmarks
  • Update/New:
    • New: Updater (same as ss-plex)
    • New: Cache All Covers in background
    • Update: Bookmarks include genres now
    • Update: Split DevTools into Header, Bookmark, and Cache
    • Update: Cleaned redundancies in code
  • Moved to new version numbering
  • 11/10/15
  • Fixes:
    • Kissmanga cookie cache
    • Bookmark image cache error
    • Dict writing too fast
  • Update/New:
    • Update: Split test.pys into common.pys and headers.pys
    • New: Update "type" Headers "type" = Anime, Cartoon, Drama, and Manga.
  • 11/06/15
  • Fixes:
    • Kissmanga
  • Update/New:
    • New: Cache Covers Option
    • New: About/Help, Dev Tools, Bookmark Tools sections
    • New: Dynamically set domain URL's

NOTE: changed to You will need to Reset your Header_Dict. Follow Operation above for usage.

  • 10/29/15
  • Fixes:
    • Cartoon cache time
  • Update/New:
    • Update: Improved Metadata & summary
    • New: 'Adult' to Prefs and Top list to Cartoon and Drama sections

NOTE: Due to a string encode/decode error you will have to Clear All Bookmarks before updating from 0.04 to 0.05.

  • 10/16/15
  • Moved to "Shared Code" for setting headers
  • Improved Header Cache times
  • 10/13/15
  • Major overhaul of headers
  • No more 5 second wait time for each directory
  • Improved Bookmarking, Search, and cookie cache time

Note Bookmarks changed from previous version. You will have to delete your old Dictionary file "Dict" from the "Plug-in Support" Path.

  • 10/09/15
  • Fixed Windows 10 not displaying channel issue
  • Added site selection in channel preferences
  • 10/03/15
  • Initial version
  • 09/21/15
  • First push of local code to GitHub