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a simple and scalable agent for training adaptive policies with sequence-based RL


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A simple and scalable agent for sequence-based Reinforcement Learning

AMAGO is a POMDP solver with an emphasis on long sequences, sparse rewards, and large networks. It is:

  • Broadly Applicable. Environments are converted to a universal sequence format for memory-enabled policies. Classic benchmarks, goal-conditioning, long-term memory, meta-learning, and generalization are all special cases of its POMDP format. Supports discrete and continuous actions.
  • Scalable. AMAGO is powered by an efficient learning update that looks more like supervised sequence modeling than RL. It is specifically designed for training large policies (like Transformers) on long sequences (500+ timesteps). Large replay buffers are stored on disk.
  • Sample Efficient. AMAGO is off-policy and can continuously reuse (and hindsight relabel) large datasets of past trajectories.
  • Easy to Use. Technical details can be easily customized but are designed to require little hyperparamter tuning.


AMAGO treats multi-task RL, meta-RL, RL generalization, and long-term memory as variations of the same POMDP problem that can be solved with sequence learning. This core framework goes by many different names including implicit partial observability, context-based meta-learning, or contextual MDPs.

AMAGO learns from off-policy or offline data, which improves sample efficiency and enables hindsight experience replay for goal-conditioned environments. We find a stable and high-performance way to train off-policy actor-critic agents on top of the representations from a shared sequence model, and all of the low-level details have been redesigned from scratch to be scalable enough to train long-context Transformers. Please refer to our paper for a detailed explanation.


# download source
git clone [email protected]:UT-Austin-RPL/amago.git
cd amago
# make a fresh conda environment with python 3.10
conda create -n amago python==3.10
conda activate amago
# install core agent
pip install -e .
# AMAGO includes built-in support for a number of benchmark environments that can be installed with:
pip install -e .[envs]

The default Transformer policy (nets.traj_encoders.TformerTrajEncoder) has an option for FlashAttention 2.0. FlashAttention leads to significant speedups on long sequences if your GPU is compatible. We try to install this for you with: pip install -e .[flash], but please refer to the official installation instructions if you run into issues.

Getting Started

Applying AMAGO to any new environment requires 5 basic choices. The examples/ folder includes helpful starting points for common cases.


  1. How do timesteps become vectors? AMAGO standardizes its training process by creating a TstepEncoder to map timesteps to a fixed size representation. Timesteps (hindsight.Timestep) consist of observations, meta-RL data (rewards, dones, actions, reset signals), and optional goal descriptions. We include customizable defaults for the two most common cases of images and state arrays.

  2. How do sequences of timestep vectors become sequences of POMDP state vectors? The TrajEncoder is a seq2seq model that enables long-term memory and in-context learning by processing TstepEncoder outputs. AMAGO is designed for large-scale sequence models like Transformers.

  3. What defines the end of a rollout? Are we optimizing a single trial that ends when the environment terminates, or is this a meta-RL setting where we should auto reset to the same environment until a fixed time limit is reached? In any case we need to define an upper bound on the rollout length (horizon).

  4. What is the memory limit of our policy? True meta-RL and long-term memory tasks would require a max_seq_len >= the horizon. If the horizon is unrealisticlly long or unncessary for the complexity of the problem, we can approximate by shortening the context.

  5. How often do we save sequences as training samples, even if the rollout hasn't ended? Parallel actors automatically save .traj files for rollouts up to this length, which should >= max_seq_len. As a general rule, traj_save_len > horizon unless rollouts are >> max_seq_len and we need to speedup reads from disk during training.


A Tour of AMAGO in 9 Examples

To follow most of the examples you'll need to install the benchmark environments with pip install amago[envs]. AMAGO logs to wandb. You can configure the project and account with environment variables:

export AMAGO_WANDB_PROJECT="wandb project name"
export AMAGO_WANDB_ENTITY="wandb username"

1. Regular MDPs (Classic Gym)

Many popular benchmarks are MDPs and can be treated as a simple special case of the full agent. Toggling off memory, goal-conditioning/relabeling, and multi-episodic resets reduces AMAGO to a regular off-policy actor-critic like you've seen before. This is mainly meant to be an ablation to test the impact of memory. However, AMAGO is a stable variant of REDQ/CRR with improvements like "multi-gamma" training that are especially useful in sparse reward environments. See examples/ for an example.

Example Training Commands

Train a memory-free policy on built-in gymnasium benchmarks:

python --env LunarLander-v2 --horizon 500 --traj_encoder ff --max_seq_len 32 --memory_layers 2 --no_async --gpu <int> --run_name <str> --buffer_dir <path>

This examples uses a TrajEncoder that is just a feedforward network. Training still depends on sequences of --max_seq_len timesteps, which is effectively increasing the training batch size.

2. POMDPs and Long-Term Memory (POPGym)

Using a memory-equipped TrajEncoder, but toggling off goals and multi-episodic resets creates an effective POMDP solver. AMAGO is efficient enough to use entire trajectories as context, and the TformerTrajEncoder is a strong default Transformer tuned specifically for stability in RL. See examples/ where the same hyperparameters can lead to state-of-the-art performance across the POPGym suite.

Example Training Commands
python --env AutoencodeMedium --parallel_actors 24 --trials 3 --epochs 650 --dset_max_size 80_000 --memory_layers 3 --memory_size 256 --gpu <int> --run_name <str> --buffer_dir <path>

3. Fixed-Horizon Meta-RL (Dark-Key-To-Door)

Meta-RL problems are just POMDPs that automatically reset the task up until a fixed time limit. TrajEncoder sequence models let us remember and improve upon past attempts. examples/ walks through a toy example from the Algorithm Distillation paper.

Example Training Commands
python --memory_layers 3 --memory_size 256 --epochs 650 --room_size 9 --episode_length 50 --meta_horizon 500 --gpu <int> --run_name <str> --buffer_dir <path>

4. Zero-Shot Adaptation to Goal-Conditioned Environments (Mazerunner)

examples/ uses the hindsight instruction relabeling technique from the AMAGO paper on our MazeRunner navigation domain. The ability to relabel rewards in hindsight is a key advantage of off-policy adaptive agents.

5. and 6. K-Shot Meta-RL (Metaworld and Alchemy)

examples/ uses Metaworld to show how we can setup a meta-RL problem that ends after a certain number of episodes, rather than a fixed horizon H. We can let the environment automatically reset itself k - 1 times while AMAGO pretends it's a zero-shot problem (as long as the resets are added to the observation space). examples/ shows another example on the symbolic version of DeepMind Alchemy.

Example Training Commands

Train a transformer policy with a context length of 128 timesteps on 2-shot (--k 2) Reach-v2:

python --k 2 --benchmark reach-v2 --max_seq_len 128 --epochs 700 --timesteps_per_epoch 1500 --grads_per_epoch 700 --gpu <int> --run_name <str> --buffer_dir <path>

7. Goal-Conditioned Open-Worlds (Crafter)

AMAGO can adapt to procedurally generated environments while completing multi-step instructions. examples/ shows how we turn Crafter into an instruction-conditioned environment, and then use AMAGO's hindsight relabeling to explore sparse rewards.

Example Training Commands

Memory-conservative settings with pixel-based observations:

python --max_seq_len 512 --obs_kind crop --start_learning_at_epoch 5 --memory_size 256 --memory_layers 3 --relabel some --epochs 5000 --timesteps_per_epoch 2000 --gpu <int> --run_name <str> --buffer_dir <path>

The command above is a close replication of the pixel-based version (Appendix C5 Table 2). You can watch gameplay of a pretrained checkpoint on user-specified tasks with the examples/crafter_pixels_demo.ipynb notebook.

After training you can run the same command with an added --eval_mode argument to evaluate the full random task distribution in addition to a hardcoded list of specified tasks (including individual goals). The "best" checkpoint is loaded by default (highest average return on train distribution) but you can specify an epoch checkpoint number with --ckpt.

8. Multi-Task Learning from Pixels (Retro Games)

Meta-learning and multi-task learning without task labels are essentially the same problem. We can use short sequences to train an agent on multiple levels of the same video game (or multiple games). examples/ provides an example on levels from Super Mario using stable-retro. Note that this script requires some extra installation beyond pip install amago[envs].

9. Super Long-Term Memory (Passive T-Maze)

AMAGO provides a stable way to train long-sequence Transformers with RL, which can turn traditionally hard memory-based environments into simple problems. examples/ adds a few exploration changes to the TMaze environment from Ni et al., 2023, which lets us recall information for thousands of timesteps.

Example Training Commands

Example on a horizon of 400 timesteps:

python --no_async --memory_size 128 --memory_layers 2 --parallel_actors 36 --horizon 400 --timesteps_per_epoch 800  --grads_per_epoch 600 --dset_max_size 5000 --gpu <int> --run_name <str> --buffer_dir <path>

This command with --horizon 10000 --timesteps_per_epoch 10000 will also train the extreme 10k sequence length mentioned in the paper, although this takes several days to converge due to the inference cost of generating each trajectory.

Advanced Configuration

AMAGO is built around gin-config, which makes it easy to customize experiments. gin makes hyperparameters a default value for an object's kwargs, and lets you set their value without editing the source code. You can read more about gin here. The examples/ avoid any .gin config files and let you switch between the most important settings without worrying about any of this.

Reference and Acknowledgements

If you use AMAGO in your research, please consider citing our paper:

  title={AMAGO: Scalable In-Context Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Agents},
  author={Jake Grigsby and Linxi Fan and Yuke Zhu},


a simple and scalable agent for training adaptive policies with sequence-based RL







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