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vsm-pubdictionaries-bioportal is an implementation of the 'VsmDictionary' parent-class/interface (from the package vsm-dictionary), that communicates with the PubDictionaries REST API and translates the provided terms+ids into a VSM-specific format.

The implementation was done during an intense hacking week at Elixir BioHackathon 2020, see project reference.


The work done in the Europe BioHackathon 2020 was published in Please cite as follows:

Zobolas, J., Kim, J., Kuiper, M., & Vercruysse, S. (2020, December 25). Linking PubDictionaries with UniBioDicts to support Community Curation.


Run: npm install

Example use


Create a directory test-dir and inside run npm install vsm-pubdictionaries. Then, create a test.js file and include this code for example:

const PubDict = require('vsm-pubdictionaries');
const dict = new PubDict({log: true, suggest: 'substring'});

  { filter: { dictID : [
    sort: { dictID : [''] },
    z: true,
    page: 1,
    perPage: 7
  }, (err, res) => {
    if (err)
      console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
    else {
      console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 4));

Then, run node test.js


<script src="^1.0.0/dist/vsm-pubdictionaries.min.js"></script>

after which it is accessible as the global variable VsmPubDictionaries.


Run npm test, which runs the source code tests with Mocha. If you want to live test the PubDictionaries API and the main functions provided by vsm-pubdictionaries, go to the test directory and run:

node getAllDictInfos.test.js
node getDictInfos.test.js
node getEntries.test.js
node getEntryMatchesForString.test.js

We also include a test HTML file that illustrates a basic curation/annotation example with the autocomplete feature, using vsm-box and some demo PubDictionaries (see next section).

'Build' configuration & demo

To use a VsmDictionary in Node.js, one can simply run npm install and then use require(). But it is also convenient to have a version of the code that can just be loaded via a <script>-tag in the browser.

Therefore, we included webpack.config.js, a Webpack configuration file for generating such a browser-ready package.

By running npm build, the built file will appear in a dist subdirectory. A demo-use of this file can then be seen by opening the HTML file with the vsm-box example.


Like all VsmDictionary subclass implementations, this package follows the parent class specification or simply spec. Every PubDictionary is a list of labels/terms + ids. In the next sections we will explain the mapping between the objects returned by the PubDictionaries server (most of the REST URL endpoints return label + id tuples as specified in the API documentation) and the corresponding VSM objects.

Note that we mostly implement strict error handling in the sense that whenever we launch multiple parallel queries to PubDictionaries REST API (see the functions specifications below), if one of them returns an error (either a string or an error JSON object response), then the result will be an error object (no matter if all the rest of the calls returned proper results).

The error responses are formulated as JSON objects in the following format:

    status: <number>,
    error: <response>

where the response from the server is usually JSON stringified. In the next subsections we will explicitly state some of the errors returned by PubDictionaries or ones that we make ourselves in case some of the specified parent-class features are not implemented yet on the server side.

Map PubDictionaries to DictInfo VSM object

This specification is related to the function getDictInfos(options, cb).

If the is properly defined and none of the ids used for filtering are PubDictionaries-related (meaning that they do not have the as a substring), then getDictInfos returns an empty object result.

When no options.filter is given, the specification indicates to return all dictInfo objects but this is not supported by the PubDictionaries API. Instead, we return the error object:

{ status: 404, error: 'Not supported' }

Otherwise, an example of a URL that is send when requesting for the dictionary information of a PubDictionary, e.g. human-UniProt, is:

Note that when the dictionary acronym (here human-UniProt) is not an existent dictionary, we get back an error from the server but we ignore it (according to the spec). The and options.perPage are used to trim the number of the results. If these options are not properly defined, then the default values from the PubDictionaries API are used (1 and 15 respectively).

After sending a query to ask for information about a specific PubDictionary, the returned JSON result is mapped to a VSM dictInfo object. The mapping is fully detailed in the table below:

VSM dictInfo object property PubDictionaries dictionary property Notes
id name the unique URI of the dictionary as + name
name name the unique dictionary acronym/name

Map PubDictionaries to Entry VSM object

This specification is related to the function getEntries(options, cb).

If the options.filter.dictID is properly defined and none of the dictIDs used for filtering are PubDictionaries-related (meaning that they do not have the as a substring), then getEntries returns an empty object result.

If no options.filter is given, the specification indicates to return all entry objects from all sub-dictionaries, but this is not supported by the PubDictionaries API. Instead, we return the error object:

{ status: 404, error: 'Not supported' }

If only the options.filter.dictID is properly specified and so we request for all the entries (paginated) from a specific sub-dictionary, we send the following URL to the PubDictionaries server, using the entries.json endpoint:

In case of multiple specified dictID's, multiple parallel queries like the above are sent, only changing the dictionary name. The and options.perPage options correspond to the page and per_page parameters in the REST URL.

When only the is properly defined (requesting specific ids in all PubDictionaries) or both and filter.dictID are properly defined (requesting specific ids in specific PubDictionaries), we send the following URL to the PubDictionaries server, using the find_terms.json endpoint:,ncbi_taxon&ids=2|5|

No pagination is supported, so and options.perPage are discarded. If no filter.dictID is given, the URL above is written as ...?dictionaries=&ids=....

Because of common ids between different PubDictionaries, we always re-arrange the returned entries in order to have the first uniquely-matched ids atop in the returned list of VSM entries. For example, if using the above URL, we had found id1 in dictionaries A and B and id2 and id3 in the C dictionary, the VSM entry objects would then be received in (id,dictID) form as { (id1,A), (id1,B), (id2,C), (id3,C) } from the server. We re-arrange them as { (id1,A), (id2,C), (id3,C), (id1,B) }, in order to have the first unique-id result entries atop the rest.

Note that no sorting whatsoever is done on the client side, but on the server side the entries.json endpoint sorts entries by label, while the find_terms.json endpoint sorts entries first by id, then by dictID.

A possible trimming of entry results might take place after the re-arranging is done, only if the options.getAllResults is false. Then, if the is properly defined (asking for specific ids on all or some PubDictionaries), we trim using both the and options.perPage options. Otherwise, when asking for entries for specific PubDictionaries (proper options.filter.dictID only), we trim using the options.perPage (since the page and perPage parameters have already been used in the URL string for the entries.json endpoint and we might want to trim results from multiple dictionaries).

The mapping between the returned JSON objects from the PubDictionaries API and the corresponding VSM entry objects is fully detailed in the tables below for the different endpoints:

  • entries.json endpoint:

The returned result is an array of labels and ids.

VSM entry object property PubDictionaries entry's property Notes
id id the concept-ID
dictID - the URI dictID is the concatenation of the string and the dictionary name given in the entries.json URL
descr id we trim any leading http(s):// or www. substrings from the id
terms[0].str label the concept's synonymous term (1 only)
  • find_terms.json endpoint:

The returned result is an object with properties the requested ids and corresponding values arrays, the elements of which are pairs of terms/labels and dictionary names.

VSM entry object property PubDictionaries entry's property Notes
id id the concept-ID (*)
dictID - the URI dictID is the concatenation of the string and the dictionary value returned
descr id we trim any leading http(s):// or www. substrings from the id
terms[i].str label the concept's synonymous terms (*) - can be many

(*) Note that since synonyms are represented with different labels but same ids in a PubDictionary, we merge all these entries to a single VSM entry object, which has the common id and possibly many synonymous labels in the terms array.

Map PubDictionaries to Match VSM object

This specification is related to the function getEntryMatchesForString(str, options, cb).

If the options.filter.dictID is properly defined and none of the dictIDs used for filtering are PubDictionaries-related (meaning that they do not have the as a substring), then getEntryMatchesForString returns an empty object result.

If no dictionaries are given for filtering (empty/absent options.filter.dictID option) - which corresponds to asking for terms in all PubDictionaries - then we return an error object as follows:

{ status: 404, error: 'Not supported' }

Same error object we return when the request is for specific dictionaries with the options.sort.dictID option and > 1 (all according to the spec).

An example of a URL string that is built and sent to the PubDictionaries server is:

When multiple dictionaries have been specified in the options.filter.dictID and options.sort.dictID options, we create 2 groups of dictionaries, corresponding to preferred and filtered/rest dictionaries. Multiple parallel URL queries can thus be sent, each corresponding to a specific PubDictionary (like in the example above). The returned results from each respective group of dictionaries are merged and then sorted according to the spec: first by type (first prefix, then infix matches), then by label (str) and lastly by dictionary name (dictID). Then the sorted results from the 2 groups are merged and trimmed based on the options.perPage value.

The PubDictionaries API currently supports 3 endpoints that can be used for searching terms in the corresponding dictionaries. By default, the substring_completion endpoint is used. The (developer) user can specify which one of the 3 endpoints he wants to use with the global option suggest. For example, to use the prefix_completion endpoint we initialize the vsm-pubdictionaries instance as:

const PubDict = require('vsm-pubdictionaries');
const dict = new PubDict({ suggest: 'prefix' }); // 'substring' or 'mixed' also allowed

We use the URL example above to demonstrate and explain the differences between the 3 endpoints:

  • prefix_completion: returns only entries whose label starts with TP53
  • substring_completion: returns entries which have the TP53 string somewhere in their label, not necessarily having the prefix matches first.
  • mixed_completion: a combination of the above two endpoints, putting the prefix matches first and the infix matches later (common possible entries are pruned).

Each of the *_completion endpoints return an array of labels and ids. The mapping between the returned JSON object from the PubDictionaries API and the corresponding VSM match object is fully detailed in the table below:

VSM match object property PubDictionaries entry's property Notes
id id the concept-ID
dictID - the URI dictID is the concatenation of the string and the dictionary name given in the *_completion URL
str label the string representation of the term
descr id we trim any leading http(s):// or www. substrings from the id
terms[0].str label the concept's synonymous term (only 1)


This project is licensed under the AGPL license - see