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Loris Sauter edited this page Sep 17, 2019 · 4 revisions

VREP Wiki - Virtual Reality Exhibition Presenter Wiki

An example of a virtual exhibition room with images at walls and a 3d object

This wiki contains guides and a data model documentation.


See the Manual for a Getting Started guide for users and to learn how to setup an exhibition.


We use the term virtual exhibition or virtual world to describe the computer generated world you see. Your body will stay in the physical world or real world.

In the virtual exhibition, you are basically free to move around (you actually move in the physical world). However, note the cyan-ish grid which appears sometimes. This is an indication that you reached the borders of the physical world. To still move onwards, use your thumb on the controller pad. Press your thumb down to see the teleport target marker in the virtual world. Move the marker around by moving the controller. Once you release pad with your thumb, you will be teleported to that location within the virtual world. To best use the teleport feature, always re-position yourself in the physical world center, so you have the maximal free space to explore.

To get to the next room, walk to a Teleport-Button and press the trigger (most probably your index finger), once the button is highlighted. You will the be teleported to the teleporter's destination.

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