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Releases: VR-25/acc


16 Oct 19:46
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**v2023.10.16 (202310160)**

- "edit g" shall work with non-root apps (acc -h g, acc -l g, acc -la g)
- -f supports additional options (e.g., acc -f -sc 500)
- -h|--help [[editor] [editor_opts] | g for GUI] prints the help text, plus the config
- -sd shall not print user scripts
- accd auto-updates mcc and mcv arrays (missing ctrl files or array[1] "-" marker)
- Added dev tag to update checker
- Additional charging switches
- Additional current control files
- allowIdleAbovePcap=true, if set to false, accd will avoid idle mode (if possible) when capacity > pause_capacity
- Auto-move failing switches to the end of the list
- Default acc -w refresh rate set to 1 second
- Default capacity_sync set to false
- Dropped obsolete code & information
- Ensure charging switch is set before a pause condition is hit
- Fixed html hyperlinks and duplicate temp in acc -i (OnePlus 7)
- Implement "rt ct mt" restricted charging hysteresis
- Improved current control files parsing & automatic switch logic
- KaiOS support
- Log export function invokes Android's share dialog
- Optimized loop delays (loopDelay=(3 9): 3 seconds while charging/idle, 9 seconds while discharging)
- prioritizeBattIdleMode=no has the opposite effect (prioritize non-idle mode)
- Refactored battery health calculator and cooldown logic
- resume_temp and cooldown_temp optionally override resume_capacity (if resume_temp has a trailing "r", as in resume_temp=35r)
- Selection lists count from 0 instead of 1
- Show /dev/ prefix tip only if acc is not in $PATH
- Suspend regular daemon functions until discharge_polarity is set, either automatically or manually
- Updated documentation
- Validate current control files only while charging
- Wizard is more user-friendly


19 Aug 07:50
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  • 1936210 Fix print_quit error
  • 28d68bd Fix -f and temp_level
  • 08e2c3f Fix --upgrade
  • 6f69b45 Add constant_charge_current* control files
  • 312a429 Update resume_temp information
  • 2744859 Fix module info updater
  • 6dac4a7 resume_temp with trailing r always overrides resume_capacity


12 Aug 16:51
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v2023.8.12 (202308120)

  • -H|--health : Print estimated battery health
  • -r|--readme now sends intent to open README.html
  • Additional charging switches
  • Fix set_temp_level()
  • Fixed one-line scripts identifier
  • Fixed random accd crash
  • Implemented resume_temp; deprecated max_temp_pause
  • Refactored edit handler; use "g" (instead of "app") for GUI editor
  • Set default temp_level to null to accommodate battery/siop_level
  • Set list number width to 2 columns

Detailed Changelog: v2023.7.17...v2023.8.12


17 Jul 18:43
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**v2023.7.17 (202307170)**

- Do not disengage "charge once to %" until unplugged (requires "plug state" API)
- Fixed capacity_mask miscalculations (@kaljade)
- KernelSu support (#197)
- Support Samsung's battery/siop_level by default
- XDA S-trace's vFloat kernel patch support (voltage control for SDM660 devices)


26 Jun 06:45
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  • A bunch of new features and bug fixes
  • Updated logic
  • Full changelog link


30 Jul 21:08
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v2022.7.30-dev Pre-release
  • e4159d5 Improve ctrl file write logic
  • f440010 Use usleep for float seconds
  • 305db14 Add configurable idleThreshold, and update idle mode information
  • 31c96ff Update Idle mode support for Sony Xperia devices


29 Jul 22:08
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v2022.7.29-dev Pre-release
  • 30aacc2 Add new switch group for Sony Xperia devices
  • 3575483 Merge pull request #161 from MrCarb0n/scrap (17fd1c4 prep for external editor app support)
  • f93098e --test shall skip missing ctrl files
  • 04bf46f Fix ctrl file write function
  • 3b96bae Rewrite ctrl file write logic
  • b7583e5 Fix & optimize capacity_sync
  • d55cd89 Optimize --force
  • 142d160 Miscellaneous fixes
  • f740feb Fix --parse issues
  • 171ec2f Use 3600mV to stop charging with voltage regulators, and don't mask status as "Idle"
  • 294297c Print "Hang on..." to make "Terminated" messages less obscure
  • a035559 Update documentation
  • d08ad09 Update default config layout and comments
  • 622dd59 [Wizard] change "exit" option from "g" to "z"
  • a8378b0 Additional charging switches
  • 7d5f899 Add adb push helper
  • 1228f3d Undo "disable mi_thermald"
  • 54a8f53 Misc charging control fixes
  • bcfc477 Fix "acc -t file"
  • d2711ef Fix battery info issues
  • d601bce Current and voltage control fixes
  • 18485bf Fix AccSettings
  • 6cf01cd Fix & optimize cooldown


19 Jul 14:20
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v2022.7.19-dev Pre-release
  • 66fc662 Bump version
  • 423fadb Misc charging control fixes and optimizations
  • d74a647 Systemlessly disable mi_thermald
  • deb4736 Add support for cooldown_charge=0 (to be used with cooldown_current)
  • 6286223 Update documentation
  • ded8b86 Rewrite script scheduler
  • 950709b Update BATT_HEATH calculator
  • e778686 Goodbye loopCmd (replaced by one-line scripts)
  • e5110f4 Improve force_off


10 Jul 13:25
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v2022.7.10-dev Pre-release
  • 4240644 Add voltage support to -e and -d options
  • 5a63ada Fix offMid
  • fee795b Each ctrl file gets written to 2x
  • 6c6badb Optimize force_off
  • 4a26458 Bump charging status check timeout


04 Jul 18:36
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v2022.7.4-dev Pre-release
  • 24dcfd7 Update translation info
  • 3b882c1 Merge pull request #156 from Babilinx/dev (French translations)
  • d0b8b42 Merge pull request #160 from cutiness/dev (Turkish translations)
  • 744911d Report status "Idle" as "Not charging" to "fix" AccA
  • 36266da Update readme
  • 873128e Implement current limiting hack (temp_level)
  • 3a72767 Optimize charging control loop
  • bc46b40 Optimize forceOff
  • 8bada33 Half batt status poll rate
  • 426e749 Check config (reset if broken/missing) before loading it
  • 50e19b6 Disable seqDrop timeout
  • f270ad7 Update config reference
  • 21f68d1 Implement forceOff: for keeping stubborn switches off
  • e2edbf7 Add new wireless charging switch
  • 45cd831 Make less invasive ctrl file permission changes
  • fb5cc27 Make each ctrl file read-only after writing to it
  • 9f4a5c5 Improve "unplugged" detection
  • 19fb9e0 Rename BATT_HEALTH -> HEALTH
  • eb0014e Fix: chargingSwitch[@], parameter not set

Happy 4th of July, BTW!