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Meaniie edited this page Oct 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

Some general rules before listing all APL defines.

  • If datatype is an integer only numbers without a fractional component can be used, e.g. 1 or 6
  • If datatype is an double both numbers with or without fractional component can be used, e.g. 3 or 4.5
  • If datatype is an bool it has a true or false value, e.g. for true value or false !value


Weapon names

  • Blade
  • Blood
  • Chaos
  • Elemental
  • Fist
  • Hammer
  • Pistol
  • Rifle
  • Shotgun

Weapon resources

Weapon resources is defined with WeaponName.ResourceName e.g. Hammer.Energy

  • WeaponName.GimmickResource, double
  • WeaponName.Energy, integer

Weapon resources names

Weapon resources names can be defined with e.g. Rage instad of Hammer.GimmickResource

For all purposes same as using explicit WeaponName.GimmickResource defined above

  • Chi, double
  • Corruption, double
  • Fury, double
  • Heat, double
  • Paradox, double
  • Rage, double
  • Shells, double
  • Grenade, bool


Spell properties

A spell is defined with WeaponName.SpellName (no spaces) e.g. Hammer.Demolish or Blood.EldritchScourge A spell has the following properties that can be used e.g. Fist.Savagery.Cooldown > 5

  • Cooldown, double
  • CastTime, double
  • DotDuration, double

Buff properties

A buff is defined with Buff.BuffName (no spaces) e.g. Buff.OpeningShot or Buff.UnstoppableForce A buff has the following properties that can be used e.g. Buff.UnstoppableForce.Cooldown > 5

  • Duration, double
  • Cooldown, double
  • Active, bool, e.g. active is Buff.OpeningShot.Active and not active is !Buff.OpeningShot.Active

Weapon specific buffs


  • Enraged, bool
  • FastAndFurious, bool


  • RedChambers, bool
  • BlueChambers, bool
  • WhiteChambers, bool