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ITSM Incident data from a Service now instance is used predict the time taken for incident to close or resolve it, so that the requester will be informed about ETA ( expected time of accomplishment) Also the prediction for time to close incident helps to analyze if the incident wil miss SLA

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Incident Management Process - Event Log

Incident management is the process used by DevOps and IT Operations teams to respond to an unplanned event or service interruption and restore the service Incidents that cannot be resolved quickly by the help desk will be assigned to specialist technical support groups. A resolution or work-around should be established as quickly as possible in order to restore the service.

The dats is taken from Servicenow instance of ITSM ( IT Service Management) . It provides details of the incident and it's characteristics and informs when the issue is resolved or closed by the specilist . In this project , I am trying to predict the time taken for incident to close or resolve it, so that the requester will be informed about ETA ( expected time of accomplishment) Also the prediction for time to close incident helps to analyze if the incident wil miss SLA ( service level agreement ) in such cases , there will be a scope to take preventive action by mobilizing the suitable resources.


Overview The incident management log data is retrieved from UCI Machine learnig data set. [Incident Data) The data is sourced from a Servicenow platform for IT service management.

This provides details of various incidents recorded over period of time. I have taken up this project to predict ETA(expected time of accomplishment) to understand time to resolve each incident. This helps IT department to provide ETA for customers based on time taken to resolve similar issues historically. This will also help IT department to understand if any instance will go beyond expected SLA.

Dataset details

  • Number of instances : 141712
  • No of Characteristics : 36
  • Dataset Type : Characteristics
  • Dependent Variable : Time to close


This event log is extracted from an instance of Servicenow Some of the important attributes are

  • Incident Number : An identifier of incident
  • Incident State : The status of incident in its life cycle like : created, open , assigned , resolved , closed etc..
  • Category, Sub category : Helps to identify or classify the type of incident
  • Impact : Provides if it has high , medium or low impact
  • Urgency , Priority : provides Urgency and priority of the incident to resolve
  • Created on , opened on: The timestamp of created date / opened date of incident
  • resolved on, closed on : Provides the timestamp details of the progress to resolve or close the task.

Target Variable

Time to close : The calculated variable to get time needed to close the task in hours This is calculated as difference between time to close and time to create a task .

** Access The data is accessed from url : The CSV file is extracted from Zip file obtained form the URL. The incidents that have the status as 'closed' are considered for model to predict time to close an incident. The sample data set used is : imag


Automated ML

Auto ML is used to train the model and view the results of the metrics obtained.

The following tasks are done :

  • Connect your workspace and create an experiment
  • Load data and train scikit-learn models
  • View training results in thestudio
  • Retrieve the best model

Connect workspace and create experiment

A computetarget is cretaed to specify the computer source to run your training script or host your service

Compute is creatd and configuration details is obtained imag

AUTO ML configuration is created

experiment_timeout_minutes 20 Maximum amount of time in minutes
primary_metric R2 Score R2 Score
featurization auto To handle the input data (handling missing data, converting text to numeric, etc.)
verbosity logging.INFO Controls the level of logging.
n_cross_validations 3 Number of cross-validation splits


Auto ML experiment is submitted and it has resulted in folowing runs

Create and submit the experiment




Various runs of AutoML are:


The metric details og Auto ML Runs:


The model is trained in various algorithms


The best AutoML Run is choosen and saved.

Votinng Ensemble is chosen as better algorithm and has given R2 Score as 0.503

Best Run AutoML saved model :


Model Summary


Best run of AUTO ML details are:


Hyper Drive Run

The main tasks are :

  • Define the parameter search space
  • Specify a primary metric to optimize
  • Specify early termination criteria for poorly performing runs
  • Allocate resources for hyperparameter tuning
  • Launch an experiment with the above configuration
  • Visualize the training runs
  • Select the best performing configuration for your model

Hyperdrive is configured

Hyperparameters are adjustable parameters you choose to train a model that govern the training process itself. Azure Machine Learning allows you to automate hyperparameter exploration in an efficient manner, saving you significant time and resources. You specify the range of hyperparameter values and a maximum number of training runs. The system then automatically launches multiple simultaneous runs with different parameter configurations

Sampling Hyper parameter space: Parameter sampling method to use over the hyperparameter space definition. Azure Machine Learning service supports random sampling, grid sampling, and Bayesian sampling methods

Ramdom Sampling :

In random sampling, hyperparameter values for learning rate and max depth are randomly selected from the defined search space It supports discrete and continuous hyperparameters and the values are selected randomly from a search space.

primary metric you want the hyperparameter tuning experiment to optimize.

BanditPolicy :

Bandit is a termination policy based on slack factor/slack amount and evaluation interval. The policy early terminates any runs where the primary metric is not within the specified slack factor / slack amount with respect to the best performing training run.

  • slack_factor = 0.1 ( The slack allowed with respect to the best performing training run)
  • evaluation_interval=1 (evaluation_interval : the frequency for applying the policy ).
  • delay_evaluation=5 (delays the first policy evaluation for a specified number of intervals)

Estimator :

  - source_directory = './source',
  - entry_script = '',
  - compute_target = cpu_cluster,
  - user_managed = True


Generated best parameters by Hyperdrive are:


The experiment is created and submitted. Hyperdrive resulted into the following runs


Hyperdrive Run details



All child runs are shown as below


Hyper Drive Metrics


Hyper drive best run metrcis:


AUTOML has resulted in provided best R2 score as shown below.

Auto ML Runs best run details


Best RUn Details

Auto ML model with VotingEnsemble is considered the best model, based on the R2 score metric. This has provided better score compared HD model So Auto Ml model is consisdered for model deployment.


Model Deployment

The automated machinelearning interface allows to deploy the best model as a web servicein. Deployment helps to integrate the model so it can predict on new data and identify potential areas of opportunity.

To build the environment for ACI, the following is provided:

  • A scoring script ( is created to show how to use the model The scoring script must have two required functions:

    • init() - that loads your model and
    • run() it runs the obtained model on your input data.
    • Then provide the environment files to inference config along with the script file and deploy the service.
  • A configuration fileto build the ACI

  • The model trained.


The end point for Auto ML model

An endpoint is an instantiation of the model into a web servicethat can be hosted in the cloud


The endpoint of the published model:



Test the endpoint model

  1. Send the data as a JSON array to the web service hosted in ACI.
  2. Use the SDK's run API to invoke the service.


Clean up resources

  • delete only the Container Instances deployment by using this API call


Standout Suggestions

  • We can select various other features like assigned_to, repen_count, reassignment_count, sys_mod_count to check if thes features will influence the model and improve accuracy.
  • Different feature reduction techniques could be used like PCA, RFE
  • We can work on class imbalance problem particulary on priority or importance of the incidence
  • We can check train and test set split methods like stratefied split and holdout based validation to check if that results in better accuracy
  • We can consider prportionate split from each category for test and train to check if that would result in better accuracy .
  • We can check SGD methods to see if this could help improve accuracy.
  • We can fine tune all hyper parameters and check if it can enhance performance of the model.

Screen recording

  • Model is trained in Auto ML and Hyperdrive.
  • Best model is choosen.
  • Model is saved and deployed.
  • Webservice endpoint is created.
  • Endpoint is tested with test data .

Please find recording:


ITSM Incident data from a Service now instance is used predict the time taken for incident to close or resolve it, so that the requester will be informed about ETA ( expected time of accomplishment) Also the prediction for time to close incident helps to analyze if the incident wil miss SLA






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