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Web server for gluing different webhooks

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Web server for gluing different webhooks together.

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is by running a Docker image:

$ docker run --rm -e "PIVOTAL_TRACKER_API_TOKEN=<TOKEN>" -p 8888:8888 -it verdigristech/gluon:latest
╭──────┬──┐  ┌──┐┌──┬──────┬──────╮
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│  ╰╯  │  └──┤  ╰╯  │  ╰╯  │  ││  │

Version 1.2.8
Booting gluon master (PID: 8991)...
8 core(s) detected
Listening at
Booting gluon worker 0 (PID: 8992)
Booting gluon worker 1 (PID: 8993)
Booting gluon worker 2 (PID: 8994)
Booting gluon worker 3 (PID: 8995)
Booting gluon worker 4 (PID: 8996)
Booting gluon worker 5 (PID: 8997)
Booting gluon worker 6 (PID: 8998)
Booting gluon worker 7 (PID: 8999)

To obtain your Pivotal Tracker API token, refer to Pivotal Tracker documentation.


The endpoints you can query are:

  • /projects

    Retrieves all projects you have access to.

  • /projects/:projectId

    Retrieves given project by ID.

  • /projects/:projectId/iterations

    Retrieves all iterations for the given project.

  • /projects/:projectId/iterations/:iterationId

    Retrieves an iteration by iteration number. You can also specify current in place of the iteration number to retrieve details about current iteration.

  • /projects/:projectId/iterations/:iterationId/analytics

    Returns analytics summary of median cycle time, bugs, and rejection rate for the given iteration.

  • /projects/:projectId/iterations/:iterationId/cycle_time_percentiles

    Returns all stories that have the cycle times above given percentiles. The cycle time percentiles default to 95th percentile. To change this, specify the percentile query string and change it to any value between 0.00 and 1.00.

Deploying for your team

You can run gluon anywhere that supports running a Docker container.


First, you will need Heroku CLI installed on your machine. Then create an app on Heroku. The example below assumes you've created an app named my-heroku-app-name. You will also need to obtain a Heroku API key.

$ docker pull verdigristech/gluon:latest
latest: Pulling from verdigristech/gluon
30ab12daea20: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:6f1b1e3cdf0d2788a1ec8248f168bb69d6d7b3c501e1ac69d8b1a0e175cbb5d9
Status: Downloaded newer image for verdigristech/gluon:latest
$ docker tag verdigristech/gluon:latest
$ docker login --username=_ --password=$HEROKU_API_KEY
$ docker push
The push refers to repository []
30ab12daea20: Pushed
183130269443: Layer already exists
2c1c606742bc: Layer already exists
8dfad2055603: Layer already exists
$ heroku container:release --app my-heroku-app-name

After deploying gluon for the first time on Heroku, be sure to update your app’s config vars:

Key Value
PIVOTAL_TRACKER_API_TOKEN Obtain from Account Profile

© 2018 Verdigris Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.


Web server for gluing different webhooks






No releases published
