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Learning project with Django, Redis, Celery, RabbitMQ, Sessions

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A learning project with Django + Redis + RabbitMQ with regular and recurrent tasks.

Manual to start services:

Celery on Windows

To run on Windows, run celery with the command below:

celery -A django_redis_celery worker -l info -P threads


celery -A django_redis_celery beat -l info -pool==solo

Celery and Beat on Windows

To run on Windows, run celery and beat in two separate command windows with the commands below:

celery -A django_redis_celery worker -l info -P threads- celery

celery -A django_redis_celery beat --scheduler django -l info - beat

Celery on Linux, Mac

celery -A django_redis_celery worker -l info

Celery and Beat on Linux, Mac

celery -A django_redis_celery worker --beat --scheduler django -l info