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VirtualAllocEx edited this page Aug 6, 2023 · 19 revisions


(In)direct Syscalls: A journey from high to low

DEFCON 31 | Red Team Village | RedOps

Welcome to the DEFCON-31-Syscalls-Workshop wiki!

This wiki will provide all the theory and playbooks you need to get the most out of this workshop. We will be going through different chapters, depending on the chapter you will find the theory for that chapter and/or a playbook that you can use to practice the exercises in that chapter. The POCs for the exercises can be found on the main page of the github repo in the respective exercise folder.

I hope you will enjoy the workshop and that you can use it to gain a better understanding of sycalls, direct sycalls and indirect sycalls. Have fun with it!

Happy Learning!

Daniel Feichter @VirtualAllocEx, Founder @RedOps Information Security