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Automatically cycle through a list of scenes

WarmUpTill edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 5 revisions

Single macro

To automatically cycle through a list of scenes you can set up a macro similar to this one:


  1. The condition "Advanced scene switcher is running" is used as it is always true as long as the plugin is running and thus will make sure our automated scene switches always take place.
  2. The first action to be added to our macro is the first scene in the sequence we want to switch to. In the above example this is the scene "Scene 1". If you want to wait before continuing with the next actions until the scene transition is complete make sure to check "Wait until transition to target scene is complete".
  3. Next we add a delay before switching to the next scene in the sequence by inserting a "Wait" action. In this example a duration of 5 seconds is used.
  4. Now another action to switch scenes - this time to scene "Scene 2" - can be added. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each scene and delay you wish to add to your sequence.
  5. Make sure to end your action list with a "Wait" action as otherwise the sequence will immediately start switching back to the first scene in your sequence once the last scene is reached.
  6. If you have other macros which you do not want to block with your continuously running scene sequence make sure to check "Run macro in parallel to other macros".
  7. Make sure to uncheck "perform action only on condition change" as you want to run this sequence continuously.
  8. If you should want to stop your automated scene switch from running you can pause the macro by unchecking the box next to the macros name. This can also be done via hotkey if the corresponding option is enabled for a given macro - a key bind can be configured in the OBS settings.

Multiple macros (Scene condition)

An alternative approach to set up multiple macros each containing a single "Scene" condition in combination with a duration modifier and a "Scene" action switching to the next scene in the sequence once the condition is met.


This approach has the upside of making it easier to interrupt the sequence by simply switching to a scene that is not part of the sequence manually.
However, the downside is that you cannot transition from one scene multiple different scenes easily. (So something like A->B->A->C might be tricky to set up)

Multiple macros (Sequence action)

Yet another alternative is to define multiple macros only containing actions - one switching to the scene and optionally another waiting for the duration for which the scene shall be visible - and one macro controlling when the actions are being executed using the "Sequence" action type.


It has the upside of making it rather easy to remove individual sequence elements at "runtime" by simply pausing the corresponding macro.


If your sequence as very complex logic, it might be worth having a look into Variables, which can be used in the "Switch scene" action instead of an individual scene.

Example guides


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