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WarmUpTill edited this page Apr 2, 2022 · 8 revisions

What are macros?

Macros allow you to perform an arbitrary amount of actions if a set of conditions is met.
Macros will only be checked and executed if the plugin is running.
See here how to start and stop the plugin.

Currently supported condition types are:

  • Audio
  • Cursor position
  • Date and time
  • File
  • Filter
  • Hotkey
  • Idle detection
  • Macro
  • Media
  • OBS statistics
  • OpenVR
  • Plugin state
  • Process
  • Recording
  • Replay buffer
  • Scene
  • Scene item order
  • Scene item transform
  • Scene item visibility
  • Source
  • Streaming
  • Studio mode
  • Timer
  • Video
  • Virtual camera
  • Window title

Currently supported action types are:

  • Audio
  • File
  • Filter
  • Hotkey
  • Macro
  • Media
  • Plugin state
  • Profile
  • Random
  • Recording
  • Replay buffer
  • Scene collection
  • Scene item order
  • Scene item transform
  • Scene item visibility
  • Screenshot
  • Sequence
  • Source
  • Streaming
  • Swap scene in Studio mode
  • Switch preview scene in Studio mode
  • Switch scene
  • System tray notification
  • Timer
  • Transition
  • Virtual camera
  • Wait

Macro tab overview

By default the "Macro" tab is the second tab of the settings window.

The macro tab is mainly divided into three sections:

  1. The list of available macros.
    Each macro can be paused by unticking the checkbox next to its name.
  2. The conditions of the currently selected macro.
  3. The actions of the currently selected macro.

Creating a new macro

In the following example we will create a macro to automatically switch to a scene "test1" if the output of a video source has not changed for a specified amount of time.

First we switch to the Macro tab if you have not done so already. (1) Here we add a new macro by clicking the plus symbol on the lower left (2) and enter a name for our new macro.

Now we have to add the condition we want to trigger the automated scene switch by clicking the corresponding plus symbol (1) and selecting the type of the condition we want to use (2). As we want use video based scene switching we select the type "Video".

The next step is to configure the settings of this condition. We select the video source we want to monitor (1) and the type of monitoring we want to take place (2). For this particular use case we choose "hos not changed". Finally we add the time constraint by pressing the small clock icon (3) and configure it to our liking.
For more information regarding time constraints see here.

As a last step we have to specify the action that has to be performed if the condition we specified above is true.
To do this we have to add a new action to our macro by pressing the plus button in the lower middle of the macro tab.

The default action that is chose is already our desired one - "Switch scene" - so we do not have to adjust the type of the action. However we have to select the scene we want to switch to (1) the transition type we want to use (2) and the duration of the transition (3). (The duration can be left at "0" to use whatever is configured as the current transition duration)

The macro is now set up and will be active if the plugin is running.

Example guides


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