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Wincpy 1.3.5


This is a tool students use to start exercises and check how they are doing on them.

Note: wincpy check runs the code under inspection. If you're every running it on students' code yourself, inspect the file for malicious effects.


Using pip

python3 -m pip install --extra-index-url wincpy --user

Using git

python3 -m pip install git+ --user --upgrade


  • wincpy start winc_id

    Creates a new folder in the current working directory with the human name of the exercise (e.g. 'print', 'functions' or 'classes') that contains the files required to do the exercise. This mechanic allows us to provide data files or boilerplate that the student can work with during the exercise.

    Here winc_id should be replaced by an identifier that corresponds to a specific exercise. For students, the Winc ID can be found at the top of the exercise instruction page.

  • wincpy check [path]

    Checks an exercise for correctness and provides feedback on whether various components of the exercise are implemented correctly.

    Here [path] is an optional path (relative or absolute) to the directory containing the implementation to be checked. If it is omitted, the current working directory is used.

  • wincpy solve [path]

    Checks an exercise for correctness and creates a new folder containing Winc's own solution for the exercise for a student to review and learn from. This command does not provide feedback to the student about their implementation; correctness is only a requirement for obtaining the reference solution.

    Here [path] is an optional path (relative or absolute) to the directory containing the implementation to be checked and solved. If it is omitted, the current working directory is used.

  • wincpy update

    Updates Wincpy to the version on the release-branch of this repository on GitHub. Requires a working installation of pip in $PATH.

  • wincpy version

    Show which version of Wincpy is installed.

See also wincpy --help.


Important: students install from the release branch, and Wincpy updates itself from this branch as well. Students may update their version of Wincpy at any time. Test your changes before you commit to the release branch. Also: don't forget to bump the version when you merge into the release branch, otherwise pip will not update the local installation.

Adding exercises

  1. Write your exercise text.
  2. Generate a new Winc ID with wincid. Save the generated id in your clipboard and push the updated json to GitHub.
  3. Write your solution in this repository, in a new directory: wincpy/solutions/<winc_id>/.
    • In, there must be two properties:
      • __winc_id__: a string containing the Winc ID that this solution belongs to.
      • __human_name__: a string containing the human name for this exercise.
  4. Write your checks in this repository, in a new file: wincpy/checks/<winc_id>.py
    • Within <winc_id>.py, write test functions with names that start with check_ (e.g.: check_add_numbers), similar to Pytest's test_. These functions will be called with a student module as their first argument.
    • Write assertions with helpful tips as their error message.
    • Everything else (running checks, catching errors, printing stuff, etc.) is handled by Wincpy.
    • There are a number of utility functions available in wincpy/checks/
    • Look at the other test files for examples on how to write checks.
  5. Optional: write a start. If you would like to provide a starting point for students so that they don't have to write boilerplate code, do so in a new directory: wincpy/starts/<winc_id>.
    • Make sure your contains the properties __winc_id__ and __human_name__, just like the solution.
  6. Test your solution, test and (optional) start.
    1. Run pip install -e . in the top-level directory of this repository. (the -e flag installs a symlink to the wincpy module instead of a copy so you only need to install once if you're iterating)
    2. Go to your solution dir and run wincpy check. Ensure the solution passes.
    3. (optional) Go to your start dir and run wincpy check. Ensure your checks fail with useful tips.
  7. If everything works as expected, commit and push the added files to the master branch for this repository on GitHub. If you're feeling daring today, bump the version and merge into the release branch.

Exit Codes

Code Meaning
0 OK and solution passed
1 OK but solution didn't pass
2 Unknown Winc ID provided in start command
3 Couldn't create directory (FileExistsError)
4 No check for the found Winc ID
5 No solution for the found Winc ID
6 Couldn't load Winc ID database
50 Executing student code failed
51 Importing student module failed
52 Imported (supposed) student module has no __winc_id__ property


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