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Boxnote Converter


This is a boxnote converter to HTML and Docx.

This is suitable for the new format of BoxNotes after August 2022 (see this issue).

Setup and Use

Use in CLI

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Setup the repo using poetry:
python3 -m pip install poetry
poetry install
  1. Put the new boxnotes folder into your desired work directory
  2. If you want the converter to download image automatically with only a .boxnote file, you need to pass a valid box_access_token to the tool. If your box_access_token is from Box Business, you also need a user_id for representing
  3. Run poetry run python boxnote-converter/ <example.boxnote> -d <work_dir> [-t] [box_access_token] [-u] [user_id] [-o] [output_file_name] to convert to html
  4. Or, run poetry run python boxnote-converter/ <example.boxnote> -d <work_dir> [-t] [box_access_token] [-u] [user_id] [-o] [output_file_name] to convert to docx (this will automatically create a html conversion in middle)
  5. Check result in work_dir

Use in coding

  1. Use similar method as in CLI to setup
  2. Use docx_parser.parse_docx or html_parser.parse to do the conversion.

Debug and Customize

  1. Please check the current example files in example/ directory - the new boxnote have a folder contains all their images called Box Notes Images/ which have <BoxNote Title> Images/ directory in it.
  2. There is a predefined css in boxnote-converter/, feel free to edit it as you wish.

Supported Conversion

  • Text
  • Table
  • Headings
  • Ordered Lists
  • Unordered Lists
  • Checklists (by manual checkbox)
  • Formatting
    • Bold
    • Italic
    • Underline
    • Strikethrough
    • fort-size
    • font-color
    • highlight
    • alignment
  • Image
  • Hyperlink
  • Block Quote
  • Divider Line (Horizontal Rule)
  • Code Block
  • Callout

No support

  • File preview
  • Table of Contents
  • Annotation

Special Thanks


No description, website, or topics provided.







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