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Appowner Testing Pull Request

saikrishnamaddali edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 6 revisions

Test your Xitem in Vivado

Now before sending your changes in a pull request, optionally you can validate the local changes. Below steps ensures that your newly created board xitem gets loaded and detected by the Vivado.

A) Setup download location


B) Launch Vivado Tcl Console and invoke following commands

#Contact Xilinx to get the parameters to enable this feature, Write an email to : '[email protected]'
#set it here
set_param ...

#Download one copy of store metadata file
set_property LOCAL_ROOT_DIR "<WORKING_DIR>/MY_STORE_ROOT_DIR" [xhub::get_xstores xilinx_board_store]
xhub::refresh_catalog [xhub::get_xstores xilinx_board_store]

C) Patch newly created board to downloaded store

#Invoke commands in bash shell
mkdir <WORKING_DIR>/MY_STORE_ROOT_DIR/XilinxBoardStore/Vivado/<version>/boards/<MY_COMPANY>/<MY_NEW_BOARD_SHORT_NAME>

D) Update store catalog file

The store catalog file refers to a meta data file which defines and filters supported xitems for each xilinx products and release, its driven from xstore.json file for the store

To add a entry in store catalog file, use the following python script:


Typical Command Usage :

#Invoke commands in bash shell
#Type 'python ./utility/ --help' for more details.

python <WORKING_DIR>/MY_GIT_REPO1/XilinxBoardStore/utility/ --store_dir <WORKING_DIR>/MY_STORE_ROOT_DIR/XilinxBoardStore/ --xitem_file <WORKING_DIR>/MY_STORE_ROOT_DIR/XilinxBoardStore/boards/<MY_COMPANY>/<MY_NEW_BOARD_SHORT_NAME>/xitem.json  --description "Adding <MY_NEW_BOARD_SHORT_NAME> <BOARD_REVISION> to the XilinxBoardStore" --product Vivado --version "<VIVADO-RELEASE_VERSION e.g 2018.1>" 

E) Trigger refresh from Vivado Tcl Console

set_property LOCAL_ROOT_DIR “” [xhub::get_xstores xilinx_board_store]
set_property LOCAL_ROOT_DIR "<WORKING_DIR>/MY_STORE_ROOT_DIR" [xhub::get_xstores xilinx_board_store]

#Check if newly added board appears in the command list
join [xhub::get_xitems -of_objects [xhub::get_xstores xilinx_board_store]] \n