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Xilinx Board Store Home

Premduth Vidyanandan edited this page Jan 24, 2023 · 7 revisions


Welcome to the Xilinx Board Store GitHub Repository!

The Board Store is an open source repository of Board data files designed primarily for use with the Xilinx Vivado Design Suite. An xitem corresponds to a group or collection of one or more Board data files that is published and maintained by an owner. The xitem owner acts as a gatekeeper for that code and we only accept contributions for an app from the owner. In addition, the entire repository is managed by a Xilinx gatekeeper that controls pushes to the private and public repos.

To contribute, either by adding a new board as a xitem, or by modifying an existing xitem, please send an email to: [email protected]

User Access to the Xilinx Board Store

How to use the Xilinx Board Store

How to Contribute a New board data files to the Repository

Initial Setup Flow for the Contributor

Adding a new xitem to the repository

Modify an existing xitem in the repository

Workflow between the Contributor, the Gate Keeper and the XItem Owner

Workflow for submitting an update to the Xilinx Board Store

For the XItem Owner

How to test the pull request before requesting the merge?

Vivado Releases that are Accepting Contributions

Which Vivado releases and Git branches are opened for contributions?

For the Gate Keeper

Once a new pull request has been submitted by a contributor, it's the role of the Gate Keeper to notify the App Owner(s) of the pull request.

Most of the pull request will most likely cover a single xitem but it could be that a single pull request covers multiple xitems at once. In this case, each of the App Owners must test and validate their own board.

Once the App Owner(s) gave the blessing for the merge, the Gate Keeper can complete the pull request and merge it inside Xilinx repository:

How to merge a pull request after blessing from the App Owner?

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to access the FAQ page