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861 lines (724 loc) · 25.8 KB


Nintendo Switch API Blueprint

Account Login [/v1/Account/Login]

It is currently not possible to generate the f parameter for this endpoint without using the Nintendo Switch app. For more details, see f details below.

If you wish to use this API, extract the needed response from your phone using something like Telerik Fiddler or mitmproxy.

Or, if you wish to use exclusively the Splatoon 2 API, extract your iksm_session from a response while on the game specific integration.

Login to Account [POST]

naIdToken is id_token from the response of GET /connect/1.0.0/api/token. naBirthday should be the birthday on the account used to login in the specified format. timestamp is the current unix (epoch) timestamp. requestId is a generated UUID version 4. f is a parameter which is generated by the switch app. It used to be able to be generated by the splatnet2statink API, but the parameter has recently changed so this is not currently possible. For now, the only way to retrieve f is by using mitmproxy or similar with a device running the Nintendo switch app. For more info on f see splatnet2statink API and this issue.

  • Request

    • Body { "parameter": { "language": "en-US", "naBirthday": "yyyy-mm-dd", "naCountry": "US", "naIdToken": "[tokengoeshere]", "requestId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000", "timestamp": 1537249847, "f": "[fparameterhere]" } }
  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

      { "result": { "user": { "imageUri": "[userimagehere]", "supportId": "[supportidhere]", "name": "[namehere]", "id": [useridhere] }, "firebaseCredential": { "accessToken": "firebasetokenhere", "expiresIn": 3600 }, "webApiServerCredential": { "accessToken": "webapitokenhere", "expiresIn": 7200 } }, "status": 0, "correlationId": "61becf03-0ae45082" }

Game List [/v1/Game/ListWebServices]

Get game list [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

  • Request

    • Headers

      Host: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 0 Connection: keep-alive X-ProductVersion: 1.0.4 Accept: application/json User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.0.4 (iOS/10.3.3) Accept-Language: en-us X-Platform: iOS Authorization: Bearer [Web API Access Token Goes here]

  • Response 200 (application/json)

Game Web Service Token [/v1/Game/GetWebServiceToken]

Get Game Web Service Token [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

  • Request (application/json)

    • Headers
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      X-ProductVersion: 1.0.4
      Authorization: Bearer [Web API Access Token Goes here]
      Accept-Language: en-us
      Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
      Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.0.4 (iOS/10.3.3)
      Connection: keep-alive
      X-Platform: iOS
    • Body
        "parameter": {
          "id": [gameIDgoeshere]
  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

      { "result": { "accessToken": "accesstokenwillbehere", "expiresIn": 7200 }, "status": 0, "correlationId": "d91de63c-f186fb6f" }

Active Event ID [/v1/Event/GetActiveEventId]

Get Active Event ID [GET]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

I think this is used for the current lobby events.

  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

      { "status": 0, "result": { "eventId": 0 }, "correlationId": "6c63576e-3e41f536" }

Event List [/v1/Event/List]

Get all events [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

Obtains all joinable lobbies.

  • Request

    • Headers

      X-ProductVersion: 1.1.0
      X-Platform: Android
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.1.0 (Android/7.0)
      Accept: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer [Web API access token]
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      Content-Length: 0
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

        "correlationId": "499ab925-56d67923",
        "status": 0,
        "result": [
            "allowJoinGameWithoutCoral": false,
            "members": [
                "isPlaying": false,
                "isInvited": true,
                "imageUri": "",
                "id": 6403160302157824,
                "name": "Virepri"
                "isPlaying": true,
                "isInvited": true,
                "imageUri": "",
                "id": 5409588421591040,
                "name": "TPoS-Shin"
            "gameStatus": {
              "isClosed": false
            "id": 5714341576835072,
            "passCode": "",
            "shareUri": "",
            "ownerUserId": 5409588421591040,
            "game": {
              "instructionPageUri": "",
              "minMember": 1,
              "imageUri": "",
              "maxMember": 1,
              "selectedGameMode": {
                "instructionPageUri": "",
                "minMember": 1,
                "imageUri": "",
                "maxMember": 1,
                "id": 5,
                "name": "Salmon Run",
                "ogpTitle": "Join {room_name} now!"
              "id": 5741031244955648,
              "voiceChatBackgroundImageUri": "",
              "name": "Splatoon 2",
              "officialSiteUri": ""
            "description": "",
            "name": "TPoS-Shin's Room"

Show Event [/v1/Event/Show]


Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

  • Request (application/json)

    • Headers

      X-ProductVersion: 1.1.0
      X-Platform: Android
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.1.0 (Android/7.0)
      Accept: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer [Web API Access Token]
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      Content-Length: 37
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
    • Body

  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

        "result": {
          "passCode": "",
          "id": 5714341576835072,
          "description": "",
          "ownerUserId": 5409588421591040,
          "shareUri": "",
          "members": [
              "id": 6403160302157824,
              "name": "Virepri",
              "isPlaying": false,
              "isInvited": true,
              "imageUri": ""
              "id": 5409588421591040,
              "name": "TPoS-Shin",
              "isPlaying": true,
              "isInvited": true,
              "imageUri": ""
          "allowJoinGameWithoutCoral": false,
          "name": "TPoS-Shin's Room",
          "game": {
            "officialSiteUri": "",
            "id": 5741031244955648,
            "minMember": 1,
            "imageUri": "",
            "voiceChatBackgroundImageUri": "",
            "instructionPageUri": "",
            "maxMember": 1,
            "selectedGameMode": {
              "id": 5,
              "minMember": 1,
              "imageUri": "",
              "name": "Salmon Run",
              "ogpTitle": "Join {room_name} now!",
              "maxMember": 1,
              "instructionPageUri": ""
            "name": "Splatoon 2"
          "gameStatus": {
            "isClosed": false
        "correlationId": "4b0d88f2-e642524a",
        "status": 0

Invite to Event [/v1/Event/Invite]

Invite to Event [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

  • Request

    • Headers

      X-ProductVersion: 1.1.0
      X-Platform: Android
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.1.0 (Android/7.0)
      Accept: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer [Web API Access Token]
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      Content-Length: 71
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
    • Body

        "parameter": {
          "id": 5123588421058560,
          "users": [
              "id": 5409588421591040
  • Response

    • Body

        "result": {},
        "status": 0,
        "correlationId": "ae0f0cf7-f03bfb4e"

Register Device [/v1/Notification/RegisterDevice]

Register device for notifications [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

Device ID is generated in-app. Extract it from this call on your device.

I don't know why you'd use this, either, unless you're the phone.

  • Request (application/json)

    • Headers

      X-ProductVersion: 1.1.0
      X-Platform: Android
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.1.0 (Android/7.0)
      Accept: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer [Web API access token]
      Content-Type: application/json
      Content-Length: 190
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
    • Body

        "parameter": {
          "registrationToken":"[Device ID]"
  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

        "result": {},

Join VOIP [/v1/Voip/Join]

Join VoIP. [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

Device ID is generated in-app. Extract it from POST /v1/Notification/RegisterDevice on your device.

  • Request (application/json)

    • Headers

      X-ProductVersion: 1.1.0
      X-Platform: Android
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.1.0 (Android/7.0)
      Accept: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer [Web API Access Token]
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      Content-Length: 230
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
    • Body

        "parameter": {
          "id": 6088424361558016,
          "deviceIdentifier": "[Device ID]",
          "muteUserIds": null
  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

        "result": {
          "remoteKeyHex": "a61216832df4c22914c2a976730d399b75cd0f0f247f38f45781945c7cc8",
          "remoteSsrc": 1151231983,
          "localKeyHex": "922509928cb51eb163a4b4feff7339ef1f1b23f23556d4eae161128a6e61",
          "channelId": 0,
          "remotePort": 2001,
          "localSsrc": 685664239,
          "remoteHost": ""
        "status": 0,
        "correlationId": "bc3021dd-528df2ad"

Get VOIP configuration [/v1/Voip/GetConfig]

Get VoIP configuration [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

  • Request (application/json)

    • Headers

      X-ProductVersion: 1.1.0
      X-Platform: Android
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.1.0 (Android/7.0)
      Accept: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJmNDE3ZTF0aWJqcWQ5MWNoOTl1NDlpd3o1c245Y2h5MyIsInN1YiI6NjQwMzE2MDMwMjE1NzgyNCwiaXNzIjoiYXBpLWxwMS56bmMuc3J2Lm5pbnRlbmRvLm5ldCIsImlhdCI6MTUwNzQyNDU4MywidHlwIjoiaWRfdG9rZW4iLCJleHAiOjE1MDc0MzE3ODN9.MHZxeCuV_cWm-9IyXXtmMDiLaS316tPjUg1v6B9aBtg
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      Content-Length: 230
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
    • Body

        "parameter": {
          "platform": "Android",
          "model": "SM-G935U",
          "product": "hero2qlteue",
          "device": "hero2qlteue",
          "manufacturer": "samsung",
          "versionRelease": "7.0",
          "versionSdkInt": 24
  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

        "status": 0,
        "correlationId": "d806c612-3f51520f",
        "result": {
          "androidAudioMode": 3,
          "smaec": 1,
          "androidRecordingPreset": 4,
          "smaecEc": true,
          "androidStreamType": 0

Leave VOIP [/v1/Voip/Leave]

Leave VoIP [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

Device ID is generated in-app. Extract it from POST /v1/Notification/RegisterDevice on your device.

ID should be the group ID, obtained via POST /v1/Event/List

  • Request (application/json)

    • Headers

      X-ProductVersion: 1.1.0
      X-Platform: Android
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.1.0 (Android/7.0)
      Accept: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer [Web API Access Token]
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      Content-Length: 230
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
    • Body

        "parameter": {
          "id": 5123588421058560,
          "deviceIdentifier": "[Device ID]"
  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

        "result": {},
        "status": 0,
        "correlationId": "85906060-9e307e23"

Obtain friends list [/v1/User/List]

Obtain Friends List [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

  • Request

    • Headers

      X-ProductVersion: 1.1.0
      X-Platform: Android
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.1.0 (Android/7.0)
      Accept: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer [Web API Access Token]
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      Content-Length: 230
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

        "status": 0,
        "correlationId": "fffa6813-70e8fde9",
        "result": [
            "name": "Virepri",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "supportId": "0664-9173-0838-4959-9123-9",
            "isFriend": false,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 6403160302157824,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "Centzilius",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 6330250325655552,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "TPoS-Shin",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 5409588421591040,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "AJ",
            "isServiceUser": false,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 0,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "Some1CP",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 6612396567166976,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "Atomic",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 4877687744102400,
            "isFavoriteFriend": true
            "name": "Shags",
            "isServiceUser": false,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 0,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "acid treez",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 5830558567366656,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "Arsanus",
            "isServiceUser": false,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 0,
            "isFavoriteFriend": true
            "name": "Vertsix",
            "isServiceUser": false,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 0,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "гεd☆sкγε",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 5164065190051840,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "King Udyr",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 6223255610327040,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "UncleBones",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 5333171474268160,
            "isFavoriteFriend": true
            "name": "FishPhd",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 6208096925908992,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "SillyChip",
            "isServiceUser": false,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 0,
            "isFavoriteFriend": true
            "name": "ramtower",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 5876604337127424,
            "isFavoriteFriend": true
            "name": "Kev | HDK",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 5928458282598400,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "Weeee",
            "isServiceUser": false,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 0,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 0,
            "isFavoriteFriend": false
            "name": "Sora",
            "isServiceUser": true,
            "isFriend": true,
            "lastSeenAt": 1506986817,
            "imageUri": "",
            "id": 6525512310587392,
            "isFavoriteFriend": true

Show User Fast [/v1/User/ShowFast]

Show User Fast (for VoIP) [POST]

Web API Access Token should be webApiServerCredential["accesstoken"] from POST /v1/Account/Login.

ID should be a user ID

  • Request

    • Headers

      X-ProductVersion: 1.1.0
      X-Platform: Android
      User-Agent: com.nintendo.znca/1.1.0 (Android/7.0)
      Accept: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer [Web API Access Token]
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      Content-Length: 230
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Accept-Encoding: gzip
    • Body

  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body

        "result": {
          "id": 5409588421591040,
          "name": "TPoS-Shin",
          "imageUri": ""
        "correlationId": "b9917772-b68d5bff",
        "status": 0