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Style guide

Angelo edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 21 revisions


  • We aim to support the current stable versions of the following browsers:
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Google Chrome
    • Apple Safari
  • Never use inline JavaScript in HTML. It's harder to maintain and reduces CSP effectiveness.
  • For the same reason, also avoid writing scripts and styles directly in HTML.
  • Readability and efficiency go hand in hand. Carefully consider which is more important in your case.




Use it, it will help you greatly.


  • Tabs for indentation.
  • Double quotes for strings. "Can't handle the foo"
  • Use template strings `string ${value}` instead of concatenating such as "string " + value.
  • Add spaces around operators. let newvalue = 1 + 1 * value / arr[0] + (7 * 455);
  • When using multiple brackets, add spaces and consider using newlines. Math.sin( ( Math.PI / 180 ) * rad )
  • Use let and const, avoid using var.
  • For enums, consider defining a .json containing const variables.
  • When initializing a variable without setting it immediately, set it to null. This allows to differentiate between initialized (null) variables and non-initialized variables (undefined).
  • Files end with a trailing newline.

Naming conventions

Use short yet readable names. If there is a common abbreviation that you want to use, you are allowed to use it. Don't use abbreviations which need a context to be understood properly.

  • For variables and function names, use camelCase.
  • For constructors, use TitleCase.
  • Variables and functions that are considered private start with an _underscore.
  • For variable constants, use CAPITAL_LETTERS.
  • For files and folders, use lowercase-and-hyphens.


  • Use object literals (let object = {}) over new Object().
  • When using a constructor, define the methods on the prototype.
  • With the exception of prototype, prevent defining new properties outside of the literal/constructor whenever possible. This allows for an easy overview of an object's properties.
  • When using object literal notation, define variables at the top and functions at the bottom.
  • Consider using the following module pattern, which prevents access to private members from outside the module:
let myModule = function() {
    let _privateVar = 0;

    let _privateMethod = function( foo ) {
        console.log( foo );

    return {
        publicVar: 42,

        publicMethod: function() {
            _privateMethod(`private var = ${_privateVar}`);

Code blocks

  • Code block curly brackets are preceded by a space.
function myFunction() {
    if (foo) {
  • The last closing bracket before other code is followed by an empty newline.
function myFunction() {

foo = bar;
  • For a comparative assignment, ternary operators are preferred let foo = bool ? 'Yes' : 'No';.
  • Multi-line ternary operators are also allowed.
let foo = bool
    ? 'Yes'
    : 'No';
  • For single line ifs, keep them in a single line if(bool) myFunction();.
  • For if else constructions, keep else on the same line as the closing bracket of the corresponding if.
if (foo) {
} else if (bar) {
} else {
  • Consecutive function execution is encouraged to have a single function per line.
myPromise = myFunction.then(...)

Asynchronous code

  • Prefer the use of Promise over callbacks.
  • If a Promise can reject, ensure that rejection is handled appropriately.
  • Avoid blocking the server's main thread as much as possible, in order to keep the server responsive.


  • Handling events should always be done through .addEventListener( ... ) to avoid overwriting formerly set event handlers.
  • When an event becomes obsolete, remove it with .removeEventListener( ... ) so no memory is leaked.


  • Don't you dare to ever use !imporant.
  • Add a space after the property key. color: white;
  • For single property selectors, single line is allowed but do add spaces around the brackets. a:visited { color: purple; }
  • For multiple properties, add them on a new line per property, and add an empty newline at the end of the block.
.vaporwave {
    color: pink;
    background-color: lightblue;
    font-family: "Times New Roman";

#marble {
  • Shorthand properties are allowed.
  • Indenting related CSS is encouraged.
.vaporwave {

    .vaporwave:hover {

    .vaporwave i {

        .vaporwave i:hover {

#marble {
  • Multiple selectors should be on multiple lines (1 each)
.vaporwave h1,
.vaporwave h2,
#marble:active {