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Style Guide

This document describes the coding style used in this project. As we have so many languages, we have to define a common style for all of them. "Yes, but why?" you may ask; the idea is to make it easier to read and understand the code, and to make it easier to maintain.



We use spaces for indentation, and we use 4 spaces for each indentation level.

Line length

We try to keep the line length under 80 characters, but we don't have a hard limit.


Try not to use comments, comments can lie, but code won't. If you have to use comments, use them to explain why you did something, not what you did. Example:

def function(args: list[int]) -> str | int:
    if len(args) == 0:
        return ""

    return args[0]

data: int = function([1, 2, 3])  # type: ignore  # We know that the function returns a string, but we are testing the type checker

There is no need to comment the return args[0] line, as it is obvious what it does, but on annotation of data: int we need to # type: ignore because we are testing the type checker. Since we are # type: ignore we need to explain why we are doing it.


Language Type Naming Convention Example
Python Variables snake_case my_variable
Functions snake_case my_function
Classes PascalCase MyClass
Modules snake_case my_module
C++ Variables snake_case my_variable
Functions snake_case my_function
Classes PascalCase MyClass
Namespaces snake_case my_namespace
Exceptions PascalCase MyException
C Variables snake_case my_variable
Functions snake_case my_function
JavaScript Variables camelCase myVariable
Functions camelCase myFunction
Classes PascalCase MyClass
Modules snake_case my_module
Java Variables camelCase myVariable
Functions camelCase myFunction
Classes PascalCase MyClass
Packages snake_case my_package


We use absolute imports, and we try to import only the needed functions/classes.




Please consider all the warnings as errors, and try to fix them. Use -Wall -Wextra -Werror for GCC and Clang, and /W4 /WX for MSVC.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    return 0;
gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror main.c -o main
# Clang
clang -Wall -Wextra -Werror main.c -o main
cl /W4 /WX main.c

Style Guide for C/C++

We have .clang-format file and .clang-tidy file for C/C++.

Explanation for .clang-format

  • BasedOnStyle: LLVM: A style that is close to LLVM's style (LLVM Coding Standards).

  • IndentWidth: 4: We use 4 spaces for indentation.

  • UseTab: Never: We use spaces for indentation.

  • BreakBeforeBraces: Allman: We use Allman style braces, i.e. we put the opening brace on a new line.

// Allman style
if (1 == 1)
    printf("Hello, World!\n");

struct node
    int data;
    struct node *next;
  • AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align: We align the arguments after the opening bracket.
  • AlignOperands: true: We align the operands, (horizontal align operands of binary and ternary expressions).
int aaa = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb +
  • AlignTrailingComments: true: We align the trailing comments.
int a;  // comment
int ab; // comment

int abc;  // comment
int abcd; // comment
  • AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false: We don't allow short functions on a single line.

  • AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true: We allow short if statements on a single line.

  • AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true: We allow short loops on a single line.

  • BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: false: We don't break before binary operators.

int a = 1 + 2;
  • AccessModifierOffset: -4: We use -4 as the offset for access modifiers.
class MyClass
    int a;
    int b;
  • SortIncludes: false: We don't sort the includes.

  • NamespaceIndentation: All: We indent all the namespaces.

namespace my_namespace
    int a;
    int b;
  • ColumnLimit: 120: We try to keep the line length under 120 characters.

Explanation for .clang-tidy
  • Checks:
    • clang-diagnostic-*: All the warnings from Clang.
    • clang-analyzer-*: All the warnings from Clang Analyzer.
    • bugprone-*: All the warnings from bugprone.
    • modernize-*: All the warnings from modernize.
    • performance-*: All the warnings from performance.
    • readability-*: All the warnings from readability.
    • -readability-identifier-length: We ignore the warning from readability-identifier-length.
    • -modernize-use-trailing-return-type: We ignore the warning from modernize-use-trailing-return-type.
    • -readability-magic-numbers: We ignore the warning from readability-magic-numbers.

Read Docs at clang-tidy


Type Hints

Use annotations wherever required. Avoid using Any as much as possible. It would be better if you use Python 3.10 or above, as it has better type checking.

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T", bound=int | float)

def function(numbers: tuple[T, ...]) -> T:
    return numbers[0]

data: int = function((1, 2, 3))
# Python 3.10


Please Look at for Java.

There is no tight bound to use annotations, type hints, or any other feature. You can use them as you like, but try to use them as much as possible. The objective of this project is to learn, and maintain the readability.

Consider these codes as legacy codes, and try to improve them as much as possible.

All PRs are welcome, all issues are welcome, all suggestions are welcome. Please feel free to open an issue or a PR. No one is going to judge you.