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Amadej Glasenčnik edited this page Dec 23, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to EmmetVS Documentation

EmmetVS is a web developer's toolkit designed to enhance your HTML and CSS workflow. This toolkit is inspired by Emmet, a powerful tool that can greatly improve your coding efficiency.

What is Emmet?

Emmet is a web developer's toolkit that takes the concept of code snippets to a whole new level. While traditional code snippets are predefined and can't be extended at runtime, Emmet allows you to use CSS-like expressions that are dynamically parsed to produce output based on your input. It is developed and optimized for web developers whose workflow revolves around HTML/XML and CSS but can also be used with other programming languages.

Getting Started

To start using EmmetVS effectively, you can learn the abbreviation syntax and explore the available actions. This documentation will guide you through the features and customization options that EmmetVS offers.

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