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**** Vincent ****

Sparring with the little song was always a pleasure, she stopped and had noticed the other two were making out like teenagers, he grinned and smacked her hard with one of the sticks. She repayed him later for it, doing the same thing.

Vin was surprised when she took a fall, it had been on purpose, but not for what most girls might have done, she had wanted to make it look real, someone was around, and there was one thing he was starting to learn, was that she was good at knowing when people were around, her ability and all that.

He untangled himself from her, he might have thought about getting a feel in but the hunt was on and Vin stalked off in the other direction. He wished he had more than two sticks as weapons but it would do.

He walked cautiously through the forest, it was so good to be hunting again. He saw a figure in the shadows and made towards it. He stopped when he saw it was a woman waving her hands about like a mad woman, and he heard a crash of water behind him. A goddess, Vin attempted to sneak up on it but she threw a water ball at him, which disappated before it got to him. Nox was standing only a few short feet away from him, he thought he saw him wave his hand like he was throwing something. But clearly he had been mistaken.

A steaming ball of water came flying at him, Nox intercepted, he thought the boy was going to be screaming in pain, but he made a gesture like he was building a wall up, pulling it up from the earth, except there was nothing there. The motion was so quick Vin thought he had mistaken what had gone on, the boiling water crashed into an invisible wall and Vin could only stare as a ball of fire appeared above Nox's hand and with a quick motion he threw it at the woman in the dead of the night she burst into a thousand flames that Vin could feel at that distance. It was so hot she burnt to a crisp and as the fire died down there was literally nothing left.

Nox turned to him the gun was lowered and no visible signs he was special Vin blinked. "Sparkler?"

Nox grinned and a small ball of pure white light appeard in his hand. Vin readied the sticks in his hand, but Nox dropped his hand and the light disappaited in a shower of sparks. Vin laughed. "So that's why litle song laughed at the nick name."

Nox nodded, "Now?"

Vin sighed and stood straight, he hadn't realized he'd been ready to attack him. "I..." Vin really didn't know what to say. "How long?"

Nox took a step closer his hands at his sides, he wasn't threatening, he whispered softly into the night, "A little more than 2 years."

"Little song knows? D?" Vin wanted to know everything now, he'd known something was off about the kid.

"Aria knows, I'll tell D soon. Provided you don't kill me first." Nox grinned playfully, taking the sting out of the words.

Vin laughed, "You are safe with me. You saved my life with your little tricks. I imagine it's why the little song keeps you around. You save her too?"

Nox laughed, "No. She saved my bacon. She keeps me around to kill her if she goes bad." He was still grinning but Vin knew that he wasn't joking. He could see the fear in his eyes. One day this kid knew he was going to have to kill his best friend, and their entire relationship made sense.

Vin looked up and saw Dorian and Aria coming their way he nodded towards them, "We've company."

Nox nodded, "Yeah I heard them. I'll tell you about sometime."

**** Dorian ****

The entire evening was pretty great. Nox was something, he wasn't sure what was really going to happen, but he was more than happy to wait and see where it went. And he played the game well once Dorian had picked up on it anyway. He was disappointed their kissing had stopped, it had been a very long time since Dorian had been like that with anyone.

And then he got to fight, it wasn't much his gun was somewhere in a pile of leaves he'd have to find it later, it wasn't even his. But he was sure Nox would understand, though he didn't exactly want to leave a gun lying about without the safety and completely loaded for just anyone to find, that was one hell of a way to get in trouble.

Aria looked lost in thought but she lead the way to where Vin and Nox stood. They were smiling and chatting but the smell of smoke and burnt flesh drifted his way, Dorian raised an eyebrow and Vin laughed, "She caught herself on fire, stupid bitch!"

Dorian nodded, "Everyone alright?"

Vin nodded, "Right as rain boss. I think my adventures are over for the night. Sleep tight the lot of you." And that was it for Vin, he slunk off into the vicinity of fire and Dorian watched as he curled up into the sleeping bag with a visible sigh.

Aria followed after she'd had a few hushed words with Nox. He hadn't caught it but he was sure it had to do with everyone being okay. Those two were very close, she walked off towards the river not to bed, Dorian raised an eyebrow at Nox questioning his friend. Nox smiled at him, "Glad you are okay."

Dorian held his hands up, "Your gun's on the forest floor somewhere by one of the dead bodies, we'll have to look for it in the morning."

Nox nodded and came and stood directly in front of Dorian. The height difference was nearly negligible as he kissed Dorian softly, he smelled of new smoke and he wondered how close he'd been to the woman before she'd gone up in flames.

Dorian put his arm around Nox and pulled him closer, Nox grinned at him before Dorian turned it into a passionate kiss. They broke the kiss and Dorian whispered, "As much as I'd like to do more we probably should get some shut eye."

Nox laughed. "What no after fighting sex?"

Dorian pulled away from him in astonishment and Nox winked, "Sparkler!"

Nox grinned playfully and pulled Dorian into him and put his forehead to his, "My friend insists life or death situations should be succeeded with sex. He even has a go to girl for it. I'm more than happy going to sleep, the fight is always worth it in the end." Nox kissed Dorian sweetly, "Good night D. I'll see you in the morning."

Nox started walking away from him and he turned around and walked backwards and grinned, "Dream about me."

Dorian's mouth fell open and he stared after Nox as he turned around and went to his own bag. Dorian had to go for a walk, a run, something. He had to shake his head to get the thoughts out of his head. The kid was truly going to make him pay for everything. But it did have the desired affect he was sure. Dorian was definately thinking about him.

Dorian walked away in the same general direction as Aria had gone. It was near the river and probably the safer of places to actually try to do anything remotely physical.

Dorian found Aria with two sticks moving through forms like water. He stood and watched her for a while before she smiled at him, "We've never sparred before."

Dorian laughed, "No we've not. I didn't mean to interrupt."

"You didn't. I slept too much on the way here, I won't be sleeping at all. I'll have to reset if I have to go to that god forsaken ball."

Dorian laughed, "Oh you'll be fine. I'm sure your Lucas will be sad to miss you all dolled up."

Aria tossed him a stick and took up a fencing staff. Dorian laughed, "Fencing eh?"

Aria smiled, "No but get over here and let's spar. You need to work out some issues."

Dorian frowned, "That obvious."

"No I know Nox. He has a way about him that send people into a love hate relationshp with him." Aria laughed, "He and Lucas don't get along too well."

Dorian circled Aria and they took tenative slashed and thrusts at each other feeling one another out. "I can imagine that could be a problem. Though he does mean well most of the time doesn't he?"

Aria grinned as she spun and took a swing at Dorian's head, "It's a matter of what Nox finds humorous verses what other's do. Nox takes getting used to."

Dorian nodded, "I suppose I'll have to have a chat with him before the grand ball. I don't need him ruining things."

Aria smiled and they had a few bouts of pretty intense swings before they locked blades and started circling again, "Just tell him straight, Dorian. He won't hurt you on purpose. He does like you. He can be the perfect gentleman if he's given the option to do it on his own terms. So don't tell him to be good, just ask. Telling tends to make him do the exact opposite."

Dorian laughed, "He sounds exactly like me."

For the next ten minutes they sparred in silence, Aria had given him some insight into Nox, but he was getting tired, he stopped and smiled at her, "Thanks for this. For Everything actually. I appreciate the back stab back there."

Aria laughed, "Anytime. Good night."

Dorian slipped away into the darkness, both Vin and Nox were sound asleep, Dorian curled up into his own bag and sighed, it was going to be a long night. He turned on his side and just watched Nox's chest rise and fall before he drifted off to sleep himself.

**** Aria ****

Sparring Dorian for the first time had been interesting, though neither of them were really into the whole thing, Dorian was too preoccupied with Nox to be much of a sparring partner, but that was okay it was late, and the sun would be up soon. Such was the way of life of the hunter.

As soon as the sun was up Dorian was awake, and scouting around where she'd found him grappling with the now dead man. Aria found the other body and she took a snap shot before she started burning the body. Far easier to cover up. Dorian's little stash of burning liquid came in handy. So did Nox's power, but they couldn't exactly pull that out now. Vin may not have made a big deal of it, but Dorian might, he was very good friends with Borovsky and who knew what else he thought like the man.

Dorian exclaimed "Yes!" as he picked up the gun, Aria grinned as he held it up, it was actually Nox's gun, she recognized it. He must have taken it before they went out hunting, Nox did have a gun when she'd seen him. She hadn't paid it much mind.

Vin sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Keep it down!"

Nox grumbled and pulled the sleeping bag over his head. Vin laughed, "He not a morning person?"

Aria smiled, "He's not much of a sleeper so actually being woke up when he was sleeping leaves him in a bad mood."

Dorian laughed and sat down next to Nox and pulled the bag from over his head, "You are up now. Let's get going."

Nox grabbed his wallet that was next to him on the ground and flipped it on to see what time it was, "Just an hour more." And he pulled the blankets back over his head.

Aria watched as Dorian poked Nox through the sleeping bag, "Up and at 'em."

Aria threw a rock near Vin and nodded for him to leave them alone. Vin was only too happy to get his gear together and start heading for the sUV. He grinned at her, "Good idea." He looked at her things that were already neatly stored in the back, "You didn't sleep did you?"

Aria shook her head, "I slept on the way here, I'll catch a nap before we get to Dorian's, but then be up till night to reset."

Vin laughed, "Kids."

Aria pushed his shoulder, "You are like a year older."

He hung his head, "I know. But you don't act like your age, with the Atharim up bringing you had and the lack of people who cared." He turned to lean on the SUV, "I imagine having Sparkler around is good for you. And whats his name... Lucas. They make you human little song."

Aria smiled. "Cold food for breakfast, Dorian looks like he wants to get moving."

Vin sighed, "Coffee is required when we get somewhere."

Aria nodded, "We could take the time to make some now, it'll help Dorian get Nox up. They'll be at it for hours if Nox gets his way."

Vin grinned, "He does this often?"

Aria shook her head, "No, but he is rarely woken up by things other than nightmares. He'll do this until it's eight, or there is coffee. But we don't start until 8 most days because he's like a clock."

Vin laughed. "Well then let's get some coffee going."

**** Nox ****

Dorian continued to poke at him and it became more of a game than trying to sleep, he was pretty sure Dorian was doing it on purpose, payback for what he'd done last night. The words still played out in his head, the obvious flirting, and it wasn't like Nox would have stopped Dorian if he'd tired, but it was something he was still wrapping his head around. A kiss, a touch was one thing, more than that, and Nox wasn't exactly sure he was comfortable. He was far more nervous at this first than he had been when he was with his first girl.

But the smell of coffee brought the games to a stop, Aria and Vin were polietly ignoring them and Nox had to smile at that as he grabbed Dorian's t-shirt and pulled him down to kiss him. Dorian broke their kiss and hovered above him, Nox grinned, "I'm up now, okay? Happy?"

Dorian smiled and kissed him, "Very." He sat up and Nox followed, Aria handed Nox a cup and Vin handed Dorian one. It would have to do, it tasted horrible.

Dorian plopped Nox's gun on the top of the sleeping bag. "Found it."

Nox laughed, "Good thing, that's my favorite." He grinned at Dorian. He really didn't care about the gun, Dorian could have kept it for all he cared, he didn't usually have a gun on him, but in the woods it was far easier to carry one when his power wasn't at it's most handy.

Dorian started packing his things up and Nox sipped at his coffee watching him. Dorian spoke softly, "My father expects certain things of me."

Nox nodded, "I know."

Dorian sat down, "Do really though?"

Nox pulled himself out of the warmth of his sleeping bag and shivered slightly and sat down next to Dorian, "Yeah I do. I've been paying attention, ya know? The perfect son, happily married with the bouncing baby boy." He grinned, "I'll behave myself. I won't flirt, I'll attempt not to stare." Nox shoved Dorian with his shoulder, "But that last part might be difficult. I'll dance with the women, I'll be myself just not with you."

Dorian smiled and leaned over and kissed Nox softly, "I'm sorry."

Nox laughed, "You're sorry? About what? Your father is a prick or that he can't accept you for the man you are? Dude, your father is half the man you are." Nox only hoped that when Dorian found out the full truth that he'd remember those words. Nox was not looking forward to that. Hell he hadn't expected Vin to understand much less cover for him. That had been something else, he was going to have to thank Vin for that.

Dorian shook his head, "I... Well thank you, but my father is still running things, so until he's dead and gone I do as I'm told."

Nox kissed Dorian. "Don't wish that too much." Nox regretted losing his father, there was still so much more that he could have taught him. But in the long run it was probably for the best, Nox could very well be the one dead and gone instead of him once his powers had manifested.

Nox sighed and got his things together. "I think they are waiting on us." He grinned, "We could make them wait longer?"

Dorian laughed, "You are a very evil man, Nox Durante." To which Nox could only grin.

**** Vincent ****

Dorian and Nox played silly games, it was actually pretty cute for a couple of guys. Vin was still getting used to Nox being a god. That woman and burnt faster than anything he had every seen. It was not a surprise really, there were secrets all around, and it explained why he was partnered with the little song, she was after all a monster, why not partner with a monster. And if what Nox said was true, he had the ability to kill her. Vin was kinda impressed.

The little song made coffee, and considering it was over a campfire it was pretty horrible. But he probably couldn't do any better for their conditions. They were ready to get going as soon as Nox and Dorian had their gear packed into the SUV.

Nox took the first drag of the drive. It was only a few hour drive to Madrid and then they had to do the whole dress up thing. To dance and drink with the wealthy bastards that were friends to Mr. Vega - VP and CEO of Jivara. Vin was looking forward to that.

Vin didn't actually get a chance to drive as he fell asleep and Nox never really stopped to wake him up. When the SUV stopped Vin woke up. He looked around and saw the three story Spanish mansion. It was no different than the last time he was here except the trees were a bit taller and the boy outside was no longer riding a tricycle, there was a motorcycle sitting in the same spot he'd remembered the kids toy.

Cruz was pulling the helmet off his head when he turned he had a bright smile on his face. "Dad. I didn't know you were coming home."

Dorian smiled, "Your mother was going to tell you."

Cruz frowned, "She was avoiding me, I just over one of the damned flu again." Cruz's jaw dropped and Vin laughed. The little song in her blood covered shirt had gotten out of the SUV with a sword in her hand. Vin wasn't sure if Cruz stared at her or the blood, the sword or all of the above.

Dorian smiled, "Cruz, this is Aria, Nox and you've meet Vincent. Aria Nox, this is my son Cruz."

Nox offered his hand, "A pleasure to meet Dorian's son."

Cruz looked at his father like he was seeing something foreign. "You have poliet friends?"

Sparkler laughed, "Seriously? I'm the polietest person you've brought home to the family. D, that is so fucking scary."

Dorian laughed and put his arm around Nox, Nox turne turned in surprise. Dorian smiled, "He's know since he was about 10. Just don't tell his mother."

Nox smiled, "Anything else I need to be know before I go inside?"

Cruz smiled and took Nox by the arm, "I'll show you around. Dad never brings home his friends." Vin heard the variation in his voice when he said friend. It was obvious he was excited.

As Cruz dragged Nox inside Vin heard Nox say, "I'm sure it's not intention I'm brought home. We are working together and it just happens we are in the neighborhood."

But that was the end of conversation that Vin heard. A man came out of the house and Vin recognized the butler, but he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He smiled at Dorian and they clasped hands, "Dorian, apologize for the attire, Ana has me setting up tables and chairs and everything else for the grand ball tonight. Can I get some one to help with the luggage?"

Dorian laughed, "After Aria and Vin get their things you can get someone to take things in Christian. The blue bag is the young man's who went in with Cruz, everything else you can take to my rooms."

Vin snuck up to Dorian and asked, "D, no Master Dorian from the man boninng your wife?"

Dorian turned and glared at him and Vin smiled. Dorian shook his head but it was Christian that answered, "I've been with Dorian for over 20 years, I work for him and not his father. And Dorian prefers to be called by Dorian, not Mr. Vega, not sir and he only settles for Master Dorian by the others because it's the best he can get them to do. I am not worried about Mr. Vega's threats of my dismissal because Dorian would just rehire me at a hire rate to piss his father off."

Vin laughed, "You are one lucky man. I would get myself fired once a year."

Chistian smiled, "Every 3 years I push the limits of Mr. Vega for a raise. Though Dorian is very kind and it's not necessary as often anymore."

Dorian laughed, "Come on Vin, let me show you around, a bit has changed since you were last here."