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**** Nox ****

Nox was so very happy to be out from behind the wheel, he stretched his arms and legs as he got out. A kid was just getting off a motorcycle and he looked very much like his father, Nox knew that had to be Cruz long before Dorian introduced them all. Nox was surprised when Dorian put his arm around him. He almost pulled away, but he explained that Cruz already knew. And that was all Cruz needed to drag him into the house.

Cruz dropped Nox's arm once he was walking beside him without hesitation. "You aren't much older than me are you?"

Nox laughed, "Couple years, that a problem?"

Cruz shook his head. "No. Was just curious." Cruz opened the front door and there was a rustle of people in front of them. Servants everywhere. Cruz waved at the congregation of people cleaning, moving things, setting other things up, "For the ball, usually not so many people here. Christian needed help. You are staying for the ball?"

Nox looked around in awe, "Yeah, I think so. Your mother doesn't want us wandering around underdressed so I assume that means we are supposed to attend."

Cruz smiled, "I doubt you'd fit in any of Dad's. You can look through older ones of mine."

Nox nodded, "I think that was your mother's plan."

A woman in a tiny red dress walked around a courner, the bright red lipstick standing out against her smooth skin and her dark hair framing her face. Nox couldn't help but stare, her voice was highly Spanish accented, "His mother's plan for what?"

Nox grinned at her, "For dressing D's friends for the ball."

"My plan. Ah..." The woman looked Nox up and down.

Before she could say anything more he was offering his hand, "Nox Durante. You must be Anastasia Vega."

She offered her hand in return, Nox took it and kissed her middle knuckle, "A pleasure." He grinned back at her.

Cruz looked at him with a curious frown, Nox laughed. "What? I'm not doing anything wrong."

Dorian was chuckling behind him and he put his arm around Nox. "Ana, this is Nox."

She smiled, "So he told me. Your beau? You bring one home for the first time in what 19 years?"

Nox grinned, "It wasn't intentional. Before three days ago." Nox waved at him and Dorian, "We didn't exist like this. I didn't exist like this."

Dorian laughed, "Well that's one way to put it."

Cruz still looked confused and Nox sighed. "I don't like guys."

Dorian interrupted, "He's a ladies man, Cruz. You will not be going anywhere with Nox Durante as your wing man. Ever."

Nox leaned his shoulder into Dorian and bumped him, "Hey, I'm not that bad."

Dorian smiled, "Just don't teach my son to pick up girls the wrong way. Please?"

Nox grinned, "Since you asked so nicely." He leaned in and kissed Dorian quickly. "Okay Cruz, let's go find something suitable to wear before you get me in more trouble."

Cruz grinned, "Or we can ..." Dorian glared at his son and Nox laughed and put his arm around Cruz and whispered nothing really important into Cruz's ear and looked back at Dorian with a look that said that will teach you.

Nox heard Aria giggle, really giggle behind him. Nox winked at her and turned back to push the act even farther with Dorian.

When they walked around a corner Nox dropped the act and smiled. Cruz chuckled softly, "I like you."

Nox grinned and turned around and walked backwards. "Likewise." He bumped into a table and Nox could feel the contents on it shift and teater. Nox caught his breath, "Fuck!"

Before Nox could react he felt a meanacing presence in front of him and Nox saw a weave of air extend from Cruz's outreached hands and catch whatever was about to fall on the floor. Nox turned around and snatched the floral vase out of the air and set it back on the table. Fuck me! Dorian's going to shit a brick. Nox sighed and turned back to Cruz. "We need to talk."

**** Aria ****

Aria had never seen a house like this. The only thing as grand had been the Baccaratt mansion, but she'd never actually been in the mansion proper like. This was huge, and elegant. As was the owner. Anastasia Vega came striding towards them in a red dress that hugged every part of her body. Dorian would have been a lucky man if he'd liked women. She was every bit the fashionista her mother was. Aria smiled, Nox was however not Dorian and he could barely take his eyes off of her which confused Cruz to no end, and even after Nox claimed his disinterest in men Cruz was still confused, but they walked off together in whispers.

Dorian introduced Aria, "Ana, this is Aria Piccolo. Nox's partner. Aria, this is my wife Anastasia."

Aria nodded but didn't offer her hand. The other woman frowned and Aria smiled, "I will refrain from shaking hands. I could lie and say I was a germaphobe, but since you know what Dorian does. Let's just say you and I will be more comfortable if I can't read you that well."

Vin stepped in and smiled at Anastasia, "She's an empath, physical contact makes the connection stronger. Tonight she'll need gloves. Right little song?"

Aria nodded, "Yes, I have a pair that will work provided the outfit chosen matches."

Anastasia smiled, "Surely you don't hunt with these men, you are so tiny."

Dorian laughed, "Oh she does my dear. She does hunt with us. She saved me last night I must admit."

Anastasia smiled, "Well I find it hard to beleive, but come with me dear, I'll find something for you to wear." She wrapped an arm around Aria as she lead her way from Dorian and Vin. She heard Vin laughed, "She's no idea what she's getting into." Aria wasn't exactly which her she was referring to as she couldn't hear what Dorian said in response.

Aria walked beside Anastasia up the stairs, the second floor was only slightly less elegant than the main floor. There was not a single stitch of carpet over the highly glossed floors, Aria was sure you could eat off of them.

The woman beside Aria to her side, "You aren't much of a talker I see."

Aria laughed, "Not usually, most people tend to ignore me."

Anstasia shook her head, "That's such a loss. Come, we will fix that at least for one night." She opened a door into a very elegant room, the floors were all the same high polished wood as the rest of the house, but it was accented in reds and golds, Everything was in red and gold. And it was just a sitting room, kinda like the suite they'd stayed in before. Anastasia beckoned Aria to follow her into another room, and then through another set of doors. Aria stopped dead in her tracks at the door way. Inside was filled with clothes, lots and lots of fancy dresses, all hanging neatly, the perfect amount of space so the dresses could breathe, the far wall was a rotating showcase of shoes, and other accessories.

The other woman looked at Aria with a sad smile, "Oh my poor dear, come on in. I won't bite I promise."

Aria laughed, she could hear Nox's words clearly in her head, "Nox would tell you he wouldn't mind if you bit him." Aria opted out of her telling her that she'd agree with his assessment.

"You and he are close?" She asked as she was sorting through the dresses closest to her.

"As Dorian said, we are partners, and housemates and he's my best friend, despite the disfunction between him and my ... boyfriend." That was the first time Aria had actually used the word herself. Lucas was her boyfriend, good and truly, he knew everything now. She smiled.

"Oh, fabulous. Too bad your man could not be here to see you then. We will have to get some good shots of you to show him. We will make Nox see what he's missing."

Aria sighed, "He's not missing anything Ms. Vega. It's a mutual decision. And if anything were ever to happen between us, there would be no partnership left. Nox isn't wired that way. He can consider more with Dorian because Dorian is not female. If it doesn't work with Dorian, Nox might not get to be happy before our job takes our lives."

Anastasia handed Aria stockings and other under garments, "Here, go take a shower, I'll have a dress ready when you get out." Aria turned to find the bathroom off to the side of what she know beleived to be the dressing room. "Oh and Aria." Anastasia waited until she turned back around, "Please call me Ana." She touched a hand to Aria's shoulder, "I'm sorry for implying Nox wanted more. I just worry Dorian is in over his head with that one."

Aria laughed, "Ana, he is, but so is Nox. Dorian can hold his own against Nox. And they'll both be better people if it can make it through."

"You beleive that?"

Aria nodded, "Yes. Nox is more than the obnoxious jerk you see on the outside. He is the hero he pretends he's not. Yes he's a jerk too, don't get me wrong. But it's part of the way he was raised, like me, he was born into this. Our social conventions aren't exactly normal."

Ana nodded, "You didn't choose to do this?" Aria shook her head. She asked more, "Nox either. Why would your parents subject you to this life?"

Aria frowned, "My mother was killed because she went awol. My father didn't know I existed until recently. And I'm sure Nox's parents really didn't have a choice. The American Atharim function much different than they do around the rest of the world. They don't have a home, no head quarters, no place to return to. It's life on the road. At least I could call the Vatican home. Nox and his sister didn't have that option."

"Such a sad life. Shower, and we can discuss more things. I will have things ready soon, don't be long." Ana smiled and Aria turned and shut the door behind her, she wasn't sure she was going to like this at all but she'd give it a whirl. Living life and all that.

**** Vincent ****

Vin was amused by everything. Cruz's attention to Sparkler. Nox's admission that he didn't like girls. Aria was checking out Ana too. So many surprises. He was getting so much information, so much fun information he could use later.

But soon he and Dorian were left alone. Dorian gave him a tour of the place, he was right, things had definately changed. This was not the same place that he'd been to last, she the walls were all in the same place, but everything was far more elegant than he remembered. Dorian and Ana definately had far different taste than his father. Maybe it was part of Dorian's rebellion, but Vin was pretty sure it had to do with the fashionista he was married to than Dorian himself, or even his father.

Dorian eventually brought Vin to a suite that was blue and silver in decorative features. He only noticed because it was about the only color's in the room. The room had another off to the side which Dorian took him the bedroom sported the same decor as the sitting room. Dorian opened a set of double doors and there hung clothes beyond imagine. Dorian held out his hand, "Find something that fits. Shower is around the corner."

Vin laughed, "Anything that fits? Even if it's red with golden sparkels and has a pair of 3 inch heels?"

Dorian laughed, "I'm not a drag queen. It's all acceptable wear for the ball. I have to go find out when my father is to arrive." And Dorian left him alone with a room full of tuxedos and various other things. Dorian didn't expect this was Dorian's bedroom, more to the point that it was a guest chamber.

Vin looked around, he'd have been in awe if he were that type of guy, a guy more like D himself. The only thing Vin could do was look through things and find something. They all pretty much looked the same anyway. Black and white, though upon closer inspection some of the shirts were colored. He might be able to find something that wasn't quite so stuffy.

**** Dorian ****

Everything was happening so quickly, he hadn't intened to introduce Nox as anyone other than a friend, but something had told him he had to, insisted upon it. Cruz had welcomed him with far more open arms than he had anticipated, dragging Nox off into the house. And then he found them with Ana and poor Cruz with that look of utter confusion.

Dorian wasn't sure he liked the idea of his son hanging out with Nox, but they were nearly the same age, they'd have alot more in common. Dorian sighed inwardly. Ana hadn't even seemed to mind, had commented on his not bringing anyone home since she'd known him. But she gave him that knowing smile that said she understood love. Love, that wasn't a word he thought he'd use anytime soon. Nox was every confusing him.

Dorian showed Vin around, and gave him free reign of the closet. He'd find something, he didn't need Dorian sitting on top of him. He was a grown man capable of dressing himself. Dorian had to find Christian and determine when his act had to go on, and how much he would have to discuss with Nox and Cruz about their behavior. Of all the people he was worried about he was more worried Cruz would spill things with his exhuberance to finally meet one of his father's boyfriends.

Dorian found Christian directing a few workers in setting up tables in the large ball room. The golden wood on the floor was nealy waxed and Christian scoffing at them for scuffing it.

Dorian smiled, "Not to your standards, my friend?"

Christian looked at him, "Not to your father's no."

Dorian nodded, "When's he due to arrive?"

Christan took a moment to yell at them again before he turned his attention back to Dorian, "Earlier than usual. I mistakenly told him you were going to be in town with friends. He said he had to speak to you. I beleive he said mid-day."

Dorian looked at his watch and sighed, "That has passed. So anytime now."

Christan nodded, "Yes. More than likely. Do I need to run interferance?"

Dorian nodded, "Yes, please. I need an hour to have a discussion with my team, and my son. I hope you can persuade Ana to keeping Nox a secret."

Christian laughed, "I have no need to presuade her. She will not even look at me when your father is around for fear of giving something away. I'm sure she won't be able to look at him either."

Dorian smiled, "Well that will ruin my plans. When the entertainment comes in I need to speak with them."

Christian shook his head with a knowing smile plastered across it. "As you say. I will derail your father with the customary burbon in the study and have someone fetch you when the entertainment arrives." He gave a Dorian a nodded and headed in the direction of a pair of workers who were in Dorian's eyes doing nothing wrong, but Christian thought otherwise.

Dorian headed up stairs to Cruz's room, he hoped to find his son and Nox getting ready.

**** Nox ****

Cruz was ashen and Nox whispered, "It's okay I can explain, someplace quiet though."

Cruz nodded, the color slowly returning and he took him into a room that looked more like more like a house than a kid's bedroom. A black couch sat in front of the fireplace, every peice of furniture was black and the walls were completely white. Nox saw no dust.

Cruz sat down on the couch with a large sigh, "That wasn't the first time weird things happen around me."

Nox locked the bedroom door before he knelt in front of Cruz. Nox grabbed the power and wove a ball of light in front of him hovering over the palm of his hand. Cruz stared in complete wonder. Nox smiled. "I get it."

Nox sat down next to Cruz, "How many times have you been sick?"

Cruz shrugged, "Two maybe three times, so sick I can't move. It's worse each time."

Nox nodded, "Well then I'm glad I knocked the vase over. Cruz, you can die from this if you don't get it under control." Nox sighed, "You can still die from this afterwards. But first things first."

"You have the sickness, but the sickness is not to be feared if you can control your gift. You won't get sick again. But you have to control it. Know you are doing it. It's an addictive power. I can help you if you let me."

Cruz nodded, "I don't want to die, I'll do anything."

Nox smiled, "Close your eyes. There is a light off to the edge of your view, you have to look to see it. But it's always there. That is where the power comes from. You need to grab it, take control, force it to do as you say. It won't be easy."

Nox watched Cruz struggle, he looked up at Nox and frowned, "I can't do it."

Nox nodded, "Yes you can. And you will. Try again."

They were at it for a while before Nox felt Cruz take the power and open his eyes in awe. Nox smiled, "There ya go. Now watch."

Nox wove the ball of light again carefully and slowly, he was sure to place everything perfectly, it was harder slowly but it was necessary. The ball popped into form and glowed at them both. "You try."

Cruz fumbled through it and the light fizzled out when he let go. Nox grinned, "Keep trying. Where are the monkey suits?"

Cruz nodded in the direction of a closet but he was hardly paying attention to Nox, Nox chuckled to himself.

Nox expected a normal closet but that wasn't what he found. It was nearly as large as his room at the warehouse, it was full of clothes, one side was fancy monkey suits, the other was full of normal clothes. There was a knock on the door, Nox stepped out of the closet in time to see the door knob jiggle. Nox walked over to Cruz and whispered, "Later, let go of the power. Don't tell your father. Let me talk to him first."

Nox unlocked the door and found Dorian shaking his head. With a grin, "Sorry, no adults allowed."

Dorian laughed and kissed Nox and Nox couldn't help the shiver that went through his body. "Okay, maybe you can come in."

Nox stepped aside and Dorian came in, Nox shut the door and locked it again.

Dorian smiled, "We need to talk, all of us."

**** Dorian ****

The bedroom door was locked, he was about ready to get the keys, if he had them, he'd have to go run someone down, but the door opened and Nox grinned at him. Ever the joker.

They needed to talk. "Cruz, Nox. You both know my father doesn't understand, doesn't know about.."

Cruz interrupted, "Dad, I won't say anything about Nox. But I don't think Nox will wilt under Grandfather's gaze like the rest of us do."

Dorian looked at Nox and nodded, "I agree. But we all need to be careful, he'll be here anytime and he insists upon seeing me before then. So there is no telling how long the charade will need to go on."

Cruz nodded, "It will go fine. Nox was just getting ready to pick something out. Why don't you help him? He looked a little overwhelmed."

Nox laughed, "That's an understatement."

Dorian nodded and followed Nox into the closet. Cruz's choices were a little more Nox's style. Nox watched him, he could feel his eyes on the back of his neck as Dorian moved the tux's to examine them, looking for something that would not only fit Nox, but look good on the man.

Nox wrapped his arms around his waist and Dorian could feel his breath on his neck. Dorian turned to look at him, Nox smiled, "We need to talk before this goes any farther."

That took Dorian by surprise. This talk already. Was it that serious.

Dorian turned around in Nox's arms and smiled, "Talk away."

Dorian could see fear in Nox's eyes. This is serious.

Nox turned and shut the closet doors and pulled Dorian to him and pushed him against the only bare wall in the closet. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "What's wrong, Nox?"

"Nothing's wrong, not yet anyway." He swallowed, "I like you. Really like you, and trust goes along way in everything. I saw what Aria went through with keeping things from Lucas. I won't do that. Not about this."

Nox stepped back and a ball of light appeared in his hand. Dorian instictinvely reached for his gun which was not there. Nox frowned and the ball of light disappaited into nothingness, leaving only the seared in afterimage.

Nox looked like he was going to cry, the fear and saddness in his eyes. His voice was nearly a whisper, "I can't keep it from you. And I understand what it means. But I didn't want you to find out any other way. I would surely die then. Secrets are toxic."

Dorian was beyond furious, he looked at the boy who he'd crushed on, on everything that had happened since the day they'd met. How the fuck could this happen? a god in their ranks? Dorian walked away from him, he opened the closet door and found Cruz sitting where he left him, holding a ball of light in the palm of his hand. "Fuck!"

As Dorian cursed Nox was between him and Cruz. "He had the sickness. He would have died. I showed him so he wouldn't die. You will not kill him." Nox fell to his knees and offerend himself up like a scarfice. "You can kill me, but I will not let you kill him. You will hate yourself."

**** Vincent ****

Monkey suit after monkey suit Vin tried on until he was finally wearing one a black one, with no tails, and a while bowtie, which he couldn't for the life of him figure out how to tie. Cruz's room was down the hall, Vin heard Dorian yell and Vin was at the door before he could think it. The door was not unlocked, "Open the door, damn it!"

And then he heard Nox sacraficing himself. But as he did he heard the door unlock and Vin cautiously opened the door. He found Nox on his knees between Dorian and Cruz. A ball of light wisped away as he opened the door. Vin smiled, everything fell into place.

Dorian stood staring at the other two and then he looked at Vin as he casually walked up to Dorian and put himself between him and Nox.

Dorian glared, "You knew?"

Vin laughed, "He saved my life last night. Water girl was going to have herself a pot of steamed Vincent for dinner and he stepped between me and the oncoming boiling water. So before you go and kill him, think about it."

Vin turned and looked at Nox who hadn't even bothered to look up, he stared at the floor, trembling. It hurt to see the strong kid so much weaker than he preteneded to be. Vin turned back to Dorian. "Think Dorian. He was raised by us, to be one of us. He's done nothing in his life but fight monsters. He is one of us. So, who now he's got this ability, like little song, we can use it. He is more an asset than he is a hinderance. And I will stand in your way. D. I love you, man, but this kid. He is willing to sacrafice himself so your son lives. Cruz is not a man who would go around killing people. I get this is our job. But we have to draw a line somewhere. Because if you think about D. Anyone else finds out about Cruz, you and Ana, your dad, and mom, and anyone remotely gentically connected to you are dead too."

Cruz got up and Nox was immedially on his feet, his body between Dorian and Cruz, he never looked at Dorian, he watched Cruz, "Nox, it's okay. Dad, what's going on?"

Nox didn't move but Cruz pushed past him, "Dad?"

Vin looked at Dorian and he was seething and fighting inside himself. Vin knew this was something he hadn't had a problem with. He was not a good man, he had already accepted monsters were useful, it was how he made his way in life on a daily basis. He was a monster, he knew it. He was useful.

Vin left Dorian with his son, he turned to Nox who was standing where Cruz had pushed past him. Vin put a hand on his arm, "Sparkler, ya alright?"

The kid didn't speak. He didn't move, Vin would have thought he was dead on his feet if he didn't see the way his chest moved raggedly up and down. When he did speak it was so quiet and ragged, "Please go find Aria and tell her everythings okay. She'll come in guns blazing the way things feel around here."

Vin laughed, "You sure you want me to leave."

Nox looked up at at Vin, "If I'm to die, then that's okay. Just make sure he doesn't hurt Cruz. He won't live with himself if he does that."

Vin nodded, "Alright. You are a stupid kid you know that right."

Nox grinned at him, "I am at that."

And Vin went off to find the little song and make sure that she didn't interferr with whatever was about to go down.

**** Nox ****

The worst thing possible in the world would be for Dorian to find out Nox was a god by accident, he knew he had to tell him. Knew now he really needed to tell him. With Cruz being like him, he had to for Cruz's sake. He had to be the sacrafice so his son would live.

It was the only way to make Dorian see, he couldn't kill his son. No one could. He hoped. But things went to shit the moment Dorian opened the door and found Cruz mastering the same ball of light Nox had just used.

Vin pounded on the door and Nox quietly unlocked the door as he waited for Doria's judgement. And it never came. Cruz moved and Nox intercepted him. But Cruz pushed past him and Nox stood in stunned silence. Aria had to be feeling this even in a house this big. He asked Vin to stop her from coming in and making things worse.

Vin closed the door behind him and Nox walked over to lock it again and turned and leaned against the door, but what he saw was not what he had expected, Dorian was hugging his son, like his life depended on it. It made him smile.

Dorian gave his son a pat on the back and whispered in his ear, and Cruz headed for the closet. Dorian looked at him, he smiled weakly.

Nox couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Dorian walked over to him and put a hand against the door above Nox's shoulder and he leaned, "That wasn't easy was it?"

Nox shook his head he didn't trust his voice. Dorian smiled, "I'm sorry I reacted the way I did."

Nox laughed, "I didn't expect anything other than that reaction Dorian. I had to tell you. I couldn't see surviving you in the heat of a battle like with Vin. Even if I saved your life. You are Borovsky's friend, he trained you. You worked closely with him. You beleive as he does. You are his right hand. I expected to die today, to save your son the same fate."

Dorian shook his head, "Why would you do that?"

Nox grinned, "It's my job. I save those I can Dorian. I do what is in my power so that the Atharim don't kill us all."

Dorian frowned and put a finger to Nox's lips, "I don't want to know. I don't ever want to know about that. Not because I don't think you are right or wrong, but because the less I know, the less I have to hide from Martin."

Nox grinned, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

Dorian laughed, "Now was perfect. How long did Cruz have?"

Nox shook his head, "I don't know. But the sickness was getting worse each time. It could have been two or three more incidents, or one really big one. I don't know. My sister was sick more than I was."

Dorian sighed, "Wow. Does Aria know?" Dorian paused, "Of course Aria knows. It's a shared secret, the reason she trusts you to kill her in the end."

Nox nodded. Before either one could say anything more Cruz cleared his throat, "Dad, this should fit him, everythings in the bag." Dorian smiled and took the bag from Cruz.

"Cruz get ready, your grandfather will be here soon. Not a word of any of this to anyone. Do not talk about it with Vin not anyone, no one."

Cruz nodded and Dorian turned to Nox, "Come with me please?"

Nox smiled, "Lead the way."

**** Dorian ****

Cruz. It was all he could think about. Nox was willing to die for his son, was willing to stand in the way so that Cruz would live. He had saved his son without thought to what Dorian, his father, would do to him. But if Cruz had died and he found out later Nox could have saved him would he be as angry? Would it have been mercy? It was a shit game they were playing now.

Vin was right, if Martin found out Dorian had fathered a god, Dorian would find himself with a bullet in his head as well. And Ana, and his father and mother and every other Vega still living just on the possiblity that they might spawn another reborn god.

But he could just give Martin Nox. Vin's words rang in his head. Dorian was all for saving Aria with her unique talents, why not Nox? He made a decision. Martin wasn't going to like it but this was his family.

Cruz was standing in front of him pleading for answers and Dorian really didn't have any for him. He grabbed his son and wrapped him in a tight hug and whispered, "Nothing is wrong, and no one will ever hurt you as long as I take breath." Cruz relaxed in to him and Dorian remembered every good memory started and ended with Cruz. He may not have been the model father, but this was his son and nothing in the world was going to change that fact.

Dorian held his son and Cruz actually let him which was surprising. When Vin left on Nox's request Dorian whispered again to Cruz, "Go get the one with the crimson shirt for Nox, and what needs to go with it and bring it here. I need to talk to him a minute, so take your time."

Cruz left and Dorian moved tenatively towards Nox, he hadn't moved, he stood and watched Dorian as he put his hand against the door. It was agreesive and Dorian knew it, but Nox never flinched. Dorian knew it wasn't easy for Nox to tell him. He'd gone on about trust and how secrets were toxic, and he was absolutely right, that secret would have ended everything had it gone any other way. The timing was absoultely perfect.

Cruz brought out the tux and Dorian took it from him with his instructions. Cruz nodded and returned to the closet for his own things. Nox followed Dorian.

Dorian took Nox to his rooms on the third floor, they weren't with the rest of the family mostly because Dorian was technically living in the same space as his wife. Which was not the case, but it was an appearance thing. Dorian hadn't stepped foot in the master suite since they redecorated the house. And that was only because Anastasia was showing everything off.

His rooms were probably the plainest in the house, Ana hadn't decorated for him, only made sure he didn't look horrible. She had liked his taste of decor, simple and functional. The sitting room was not a sitting room, but a large empty room with a padded floor and various pratice lathes and weapons on the far wall, Dorian thought that Nox would appreciate it more than most, it was very similar to his own dojo at his home.

Dorian shut the door behind him and walked the edge of the padded floor to his room. Nox followed, he didn't need to be told what most did, shoes were unacceptable on the floor.

The bedroom was accented with blues and creams, the only thing Anastasia had added, said it was calming and with his nightmares he appreciated any effort for calm. She even had Lillian, the maid, put calming scents in the room. Nox noticed, "Lavender help any?"

Dorian shrugged, "I still have nightmares at times. But they are always less when I'm at home."

Nox smiled, "Nice digs."

"Simple enough by my standards." Dorian confided. He smiled at Nox and hung the garment bag over the bathroom door. "You are the first and the only person other than my wife to step past that threshold." He nodded towards the bedroom door, "Trust right?"

Nox smiled and Dorian walked to him and stood before him, "I won't tell Martin. I won't speak of it unless you want to. I can play ignorant if it's best."

Nox laughed, "D, use your discretion. My sister, Aria, Lucas, Vin and maybe a few other poeple know what I can do. If they are Atharim then yeah don't tell them, and I do try not to show off too often." He grinned at Dorian and Dorian had to smile, that had to be hard for him.

He continued, "The hardest part is not hunting with my ability. With Aria it comes naturally, she watches my back while I keep them at a distance. We work well together. I've been good on this one, I have. But I couldn't think of anyway to stop the ball of water at Vin, I've not practiced the weave slicing as much as I need to, I can't do it as easily, it was easier and faster to erect a wall of air and let it crash into it."

Dorian shook his head, "You like fire?"

Nox grinned and raised his hands to shoulder height and two flames burned brightly. Dorian could feel their heat but Nox held the fire like it was nothing. When they were gone, Dorian could smell the after effects, and why Nox smelled like a continual camp fire. Dorian smiled and backed Nox up against the wall and pressed himself against him. "Now I understand." He kissed Nox's neck and Nox made room for Dorian with a soft noise escaping his lips.

There was a knock at the door and his father's spoke in his loud tenor voice through the door, "Dorian, it is very important we speak. Now." Dorian growled softly, his father had wonderful timing.

Dorian reluctantly kissed Nox softly, "You shower, get dressed while I deal with my father." Nox nodded and as Dorian stepped away from him Nox grabbed his arm and pulled him close then kissed him deeply. When Dorian pulled away he was breathless.

"Since I won't be able to do that for a while." Nox grinned as he walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

**** Aria ****

The shower was wonderful. It wasn't that she hadn't showered two days ago, but after a fight and long car drives it was always nice to get the grime off, and the bathroom was luxuriously large for even a guest suite. Aria saw nothing personal in the room it was all generic, nothing was out of place and it looked little used. Aria wondered how many such suites were in the house.

Aria pulled on all clean underthings, including the stockings and slip Ana had given her and walked back out into the closet where she was nearly smacked with fear and sadness eminating from Nox. Everyone in his vicinity was nearly at the same pace. Aria looked to the door and then at Ana who was looking at her expectantly. There was no shouting, Aria sighed, they can handle whatever it was.

It wasn't long before Vin was knocking on the door. "Aria?"

Ana yelled, "She's not dressed!"

Aria laughed, "If you know what's going on come in."

Ana gave Aria a glare but she handed Aria an emerald green dress, "Put this on." And Ana stalked into the other room closing the door behind her, Aria could hear Ana yelling at Vin. "She's not dressed and I will not have you oggling her while she is getting dressed. It can wait."

Vin laughed, and Aria assumed he tried to push past her which earned him a stinging cheek and a chuckle, "Well I suppose if she's not in there chomping at the bit to come out she'll wait to hear what I was told to tell her."

Ana was soon back into the closet helping Aria pull the tighter than normal bodace over her hips and her chest. She wasn't overly well endowned but it was a bit snug. Anastasia adjusted everything and Aria stood in front of the full length mirror. The dress brushed the floor in a very soft fabric of emeral green. The bodace was snug and decorated with little black flowers at the waist, chest, back and shoulders in a flowery pattern. It was exquisite. Aria smiled.

Ana nodded, "This will do." She handed Aria a pair of two inch pumps, "Can you walk in these?"

Aria smiled, "More than likely. While not my particular flavor of footware I can pull off heels." Aria slipped them on and while it was slightly uncomfortable she could walk.

Ana left and opened the closet doors again with an invitation for Vin to come in. Aria felt his reaction before he was able to voice it, "Damn, you clean up well little song."

Aria laughed.

Ana questioned, "You handle your own hair and make up? Or am I going to have to do everything."

Aria turned to Ana with a sily grin, "I am capable of being a girl."

Ana smiled, "Well then, I will leave you to it."

Vin watched Ana leave and turned back to Aria as she sat down at the vanity in the room. "You can do all that?"

Aria smiled, "I am a girl, I have figured out a few things. What's happening?"

Vin leaned against the wall and watched her in the mirror, "I'm guessing at part of this. Sparkler told D well, that he was actually more a kin to his nickname than I had original posulated."

Aria turned around and looked at Vin, "Nox told Dorian he's a godling?"

Vin nodded, "That's what I guess, When Dorian was storming out he saw his son holding a ball of light. He was still holding it when I walked in."

Aria took a deep breathe and smiled and turned back towards the mirror and looked at Vin through it, "That explains the rapid recovery. Poor Dorian, not only does he find out the guy he's into is a god, but his son is one too."

Vin nodded, "I think that's the only thing that saved Sparkler."

Aria nodded, "That's probably a great deal to do with it. But Dorian hadn't killed Nox straight out of the gate either."

Vin smiled, "Sparkler told me to come find you and make sure you weren't guns ablazing."

Aria finished working the small amount of makeup she intended to put on. She nodded to Vin, "Can you get the two silver chopsticks from the front zipper of my bag right htere."

Vin nodded and Aria watched him as she deftly put her hair up in the bun. Vin handed her the sticks and she stuck them in securing her hair up in a bun. There was a choice of jewelry and Aria chose some silver and emerald dangling earrings and a matching necklace. They looked finer than anything she'd have ever thought to own. But it completed the look.

Vin grinned, "And now for the sword."

Aria shoook her head. "No I'm good." Aria reached up and gave each of the stick a small twist and pulled out two very thin and very sharp daggers.

Vin laughed, "How Aria of you."

Vin offered her an arm, "Shall we find the others?"

**** Dorian ****

Dorian left shaking his head at Nox with a grin plastered on his face as he opened the door the hallway and stepped outside closing the door behind him. "The study downstairs is probably best."

Dorian's father looked at him and Dorian was sure he saw right through him. "I'm surprised you allowed him in your rooms."

Dorian turned pale and his jaw dropped. His father patted him on the back, "I've known for years, my son. But I said nothing because you never brought it home." His father removed his arm, "And now you do because of work, not on purpose, as Cruz tells me. A mere coincidence. I would like to meet him, Dorian."

Dorian was surprised by the reaction and continued walking, "What else did Cruz have to say Father?"

Emilio laughed, "Son, he couldn't stop talking about your new friend. I'd have almost thought he had been the one infatuated with the lad. Perhaps it's because of the closeness in age." Dorian turned to his father with a frown, "None of it matters, Dorian, his age or the fact that he's a he. I've dealt with the the implications, and your facade is concrete if anything showed a crack it was only because I came early before everyone was cemented into their own perfectly crafted stories."

Dorian sighed as he opened the door to study. "When he's dressed I'll have him come down. But Father, Nox is not like any of my other past dalliances. Please don't presume he is." It was time to get back to business, "What is it that is so important to bring you early to the estate?"

Dorian's father sighed, "It is because you come for work that I am here. There are strange happenings in one of our facilities. Excessive power drains, weird occurances no one can explain. It's concerning, and your expertise is probably far better at understanding this than the local authorities. They are that bizzare."

Dorian nodded. "There is a man we are tracking." Just as he said that he saw Aria and Vin walking past. "One moment, Father."

Dorian stepped into the hallway, "Aria, you have your wallet? You two are ready, come in here."

Aria handed him her wallet and smiled and they followed him into the study, "Father, this is Aria Piccolo and Vincent Auclair. Two of my co-workers on this case. Aria, Vin, this is my father Emilio Vega."

Vin offered his hand, "A pleasure Mr. Vega."

Dorian flipped to the picture of Matias. "Father this is the man we are tracking." He handed Aria's wallet to his father and he inspected the image.

"He is my senior night-time manage of the plant in question." Emilio frowned. "What has the man done?"

Dorian shrugged, "Short of killing a colleague, we don't know the extent of his abilities."

Emilio nodded, "Then I leave it in your very capable hands."

Dorian nodded, "Father will you remain here and I'll send Nox down when he's ready?"

His father nodded, "I'm sure your friends here will be able to entertain me to some extent."

Vin was scanning the room, "D, drinks?"

Dorian smiled and walked over to the hidden bar and pulled it up and out. "My father likes Scotch on the Rocks. Enjoy." Dorian turned to Aria, "You will insure Nox behaves himself?" He grinned at her.

"Sure, to the best of my ability." Aria smiled back at him. Which Dorian took to mean she had very little control over Nox's behavior, which was fine with him. His father had asked to meet him. And that was going to be interesting enough, he only wished he could see his father's reaction.

Before Dorian went upstairs he found the entertainment walking in the front door. He had a little chat with them. It was customary and his father would expect something, not that Dorian wouldn't do it anyway even if he hadn't. It was all part of the facade, one of the few eccentricities he displayed of his rebellious nature.

**** Nox ****

Nox enjoyed getting ready for fancy parties. He'd done it like once in his life, when a girl asked him to Prom, it was one of those few things he and his sister had done that was normal. His parents had even stayed in town long enough for both of them to go, though they left immediately there after. Which hurt Aurora, Nox really didn't care.

The monkey suit fit him rather well, but then again he didn't expect Cruz or Dorian to let him wear anything that didn't. Thankfully it fit well, was a little snug around the shoulders, but that seemed to be a trend for him as of late.

By the time he was done shaving, or what went for shaving anyway, and fully dressed, Dorian was openeing the bathroom door. He had a grin on his face and Nox grinned back and turned a circle. "Well?"

Dorian smiled, "I'm going to regret putting you in that I think." He walked over to Nox shutting the door behind him and grabbed Nox by the hand and pulled him against him and the door, Dorian kissed Nox and Nox was happy to receive the warth and wetness of Dorian's mouth. When they finally parted, Dorian shoved Nox playfully away, "You better go or we'll never get ready." He grinned at Nox then a frown creased his face. "My father knows. And he'd like to meet you. Vin and Aria are with him downstairs in the study."

Nox laughed, "You want me to meet your father, as what?"

Dorian took a deep breathe, "My boyfriend, whatever this is we have. He knows you were in here, he said he's known about my preferences for years. I'd love to see his reaction to you but I have to get ready."

Nox smiled, "You trust me to meet your father? You know I've a tendancy to be obnoxious and loud and so many unsavory things."

Dorian laughed, "Yes Nox. I know. I'm counting on part of it, but you can behave, you said you could." Dorian took a step and kissed Nox softly, "And I want you to be yourself. No games. If he wants to meet you, let him meet you, Please?"

Nox grinned and kissed Dorian again, "Anything for you. Obnoxious and loud on my best behavior." He grinned, "I'll be me, no problem, promise." Dorian started taking off his shirt and Nox's breath caught, "I better go. Or we won't be ready at all. And I'll have to start this," Nox waived his hands over his self, "all over again."

Dorian laughed and opened the door behind him then stole a kiss as he pushed Nox out the door with a playful shove. Nox grinned as the door closed on him and he turned to head out of the room.

Nox hadn't exactly paid attention to how he got where he was going when he came up here. But thankfully Nox ran into a woman walking into Dorian's room. He grinned at her, "Sorry."

She bobbed a small cursty, "Master Nox."

Nox bursted out in laughter, "Really now? Master, that's new. Can you tell me how to get to the study?"

She nodded, "Right this way Master Nox."

Nox chuckled again, "I don't supppose you'll just call me Nox?"

She blushed and shook her head as they decended down the stairs, "Okay then, what's your name?"

She paused only a moment as if he'd caught her off guard, "My name is Lillian, I keep the house. I was going to make sure Master Dorian's poppouri dishes were adequately filled per Miss Anastasia's instructions. But I'll deliever you to the study, Master Nox."

Nox shook his head, "What all is in the mixture?"

This time she did stop, "I'm not sure, Master Nox, it's from a bag that Miss Anastasia buys."

Nox grinned, "Can you get me the name, brand whatever it comes in?"

She looked at him, "Sir, why would you want that?"

Nox laughed, "Please, Lillian. I'd like to know, if you could just leave the empty bag in my things. No one will know I asked."

She frowned, "As you wish Master Nox." She held her hand out and waved Nox inside, "This is the study. I will do as you wish."

Nox grinned, "Thanks Lillian I do appreciate it." She dropped a curtsy as she walked away and Nox laughed. He took a deep breath and turned around and walked into the study. Vin and an older gentleman were chatting away while Aria browsed the book shelves, scanning the titles brushing the interesting ones with the tips of her fingers. Nox whistled, "Damn! Girl! Lucas is missing a fine sight!"

Aria blushed and Nox laughed. "Where's your wallet?"

Aria pointed to the desk. And Nox picked it up and opened the camera app. "Now do give him a smile." Aria obliged and smiled brightly for him. Nox could see Lucas melting at her, hell he was. Nox sent the picture to Lucas' contact, "Check your girl out! Fancy ball at Dorian's estate. Sorry you missed this, maybe next time - Nox".

Nox hit send and handed it to Aria and she grinned, "You know that will make him mad."

Nox nodded, "Yeah more than likely. I could have taken the picture with you. That would have pissed him off more."

Aria smiled, "Thank you for not. Nox, this is Emilio Vega, Dorian's father. Mr. Vega. This is Nox Durante."

Nox held out his hand and Mr. Vega took it and shook it firmly, Nox gave him a firm handshake in return. "My grandson tells me you work with Dorian."

Nox nodded, "This is our second mission together. But if it were not for her, I'd not be here. Aria is my partner, we usually hunt together."

"So you haven't known my son for long?"

Nox grinned, "3 days, maybe 4. I've lost track of days."

Mr. Vega nearly chocked on his drink, "And he brings you home after only days?"

Nox laughed, "Sir, we didn't intend to be more than colleagues. And it is only coincidence that this mission brings us to Dorian's home. I'd have preferred this stay much quieter much longer considering. But it is what it is?"

"Considering what?"

Nox sighed and looked Mr. Vega in the eyes, he was not embarassed by the admission, "Up until three days ago..."

Aria put her hand on his arm and shook her head, what he was about to say was going to make things worse. Nox nodded, "We didn't know each other." It wasn't a lie, but for some reason Aria hadn't wanted him to tell Dorian's father he hadn't liked men before Dorian. Nox wasn't exactly sure he'd like men after Dorian, if there was an after... an interesting thought.

Mr. Vega stood up and Nox was still taller but not by much, but his presence made him feel taller, but Nox didn't shrink, Aria fell back behind Nox and moved towards Vin, she could feel the powerful presence eminating from the man, if Nox could feel it had to be worse for Aria. He grinned at the man and he frowned, "Mr. Durante, you are not what I expected of my son's suitor. American." He nearly spat the word out and Nox's grin widened. "And a low born man with little more pedigree than a cocker spaniel."

Nox laughed. "No offense intended sir, but I don't give a fuck what you expected of me. I am who I am and I will be nothing more than I am for anyone, and that includes you. I will behave myself because Dorian asked me too, but you, sir, have no right to judge me. You are a pompous ass who has been looking down on your son because he likes men. Get over it!"

Behind Mr. Vega, Nox saw Dorian standing with an open mouth, stunned into silence, but Mr. Vega smiled and Nox caught it out of the corner of his eye and turned to look at the older man. He spoke in a voice that hinted at humor, "Cruz said you would not wilt under my gaze."

Dorian let out a loud breath of air he had been apparently holding. Mr. Vega turned and saw Dorian standing there, "Son. He will do. But for tonight, pretenses? We've a lot of older clients here who will be appalled at the thought the heir to my throne has a man in his bed."

Nox smiled, "Sir. We had no intenstions of displaying our affection openly tonight."

Dorian walked over to Nox and put an arm around his waist and smiled, "Father I see you have met Nox in all his glory. One to which I'm thankful no one was armed to witness the encounter." He pointedly looked at Vin and Aria.

Vin laughed, "Oh little song isn't unarmed D."

Dorian looked over Aria, "You could have fooled me."

Nox walked over behind Aria and twisted one of the chopsticks in her hair and pulled out the long sharp dagger that was nearly as thin as a knitting needle and brought it over to Dorian, "You honestly think she'd walk around anywhere without a weapon."

Dorian shook his head and laughed, "Little Song, whatever will we do with you?" Nox returned the dagger to it's home and Aria punched him in the arm. Nox stuck his tongue out at her.

Anastasia walked into the doorway fully done up with her son on her arm. "It is time to get started, the guests should be arriving momentarily."