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This package contains two tools for backing up PostgreSQL database dumps.

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We're asking the community kindly for help to review pull requests for |next-milestone|_ . If you have a moment to spare, please take a look at one of them and shoot us a comment! We have a community support channel on GitHub Discussions. Welcome to ask for help and advice!


To install in a virtualenv or globally as a superuser:

pip install pgtricks

To install only for the current user:

pip install --user pgtricks


pg_dump_splitsort is a handy script for pre-processing PostgreSQL's pg_dump output to make it more suitable for diffing and storing in version control.


pg_dump_splitsort <filename>.sql

The script splits the dump into the following files:

0000_prologue.sql: everything up to the first COPY
NNNN_<schema>.<table>.sql: COPY data for each table sorted by the first field
9999_epilogue.sql: everything after the last COPY

The files for table data are numbered so a simple sorted concatenation of all files can be used to re-create the database:

$ cat *.sql | psql <database>

I've found that a good way to take a quick look at differences between dumps is to use the meld tool on the whole directory:

$ meld old-dump/ new-dump/

Storing the dump in version control also gives a decent view on the differences. Here's how to configure git to use color in diffs:

# ~/.gitconfig
        diff = true
[color "diff"]
        frag = white blue bold
        meta = white green bold
        commit = white red bold

Note: If you have created/dropped/renamed tables, remember to delete all .sql files before post-processing the new dump.


The pg_incremental_backup script

  • makes a database dump using pg_dump
  • splits the dump into per-table files using pg_dump_splitsort
  • creates or commits changes into a local Git repository containing the dump
  • pushes the changes to the remote repository


pg_incremental_backup [-h] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] database [remote]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Albert Cai

Antti Kaihola

Connor Sherson


Jose Luis

Phil Ayres

Seweryn Niemiec




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

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