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Configuration parameters

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos edited this page Nov 6, 2023 · 5 revisions

The configuration parameters are documented in the .env.dist file supplied with Panopticon 1.0.3 and later.

Each option is documented in a block like this:

# Session Timeout
# How long is a login session valid for [minutes].

Lines beginning with # signs are comments. They give you the name of the option and its short description.

The part of the other line to the left of the equals sign, in our example PANOPTICON_SESSION_TIMEOUT, is the actual configuration parameter.

When definining the configuration parameters in .env files you need to use the full name of the parameter in all uppercase, e.g. PANOPTICON_SESSION_TIMEOUT.

When defining the configuration parameters in the config.php file – and when using it in the command line – remove the PANOPTICON_ prefix and use it in all lowercase. For example, PANOPTICON_SESSION_TIMEOUT becomes session_timeout.

The part of the line to the right of the equals sign is the default value of the configuration parameter. In this example, the default value is 1440.

If any value is missing from the configuration file you are using in Panopticon, be it the regular config.php file or a .env file, it will be replaced by the default value. The default values can also be found in the \Akeeba\Panopticon\Application\DefaultConfigurationTrait trait which lives in the file src/Application/DefaultConfigurationTrait.php under your installation root folder.

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