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Core Updates

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos edited this page Jul 4, 2024 · 1 revision

You can get to this page by clicking Overview, Core Updates in the main menu.

This page allows you to see all core Joomla! and WordPress updates available across all of your sites.

You can select the checkboxes next to one or more sites and click on Update Selected to schedule the Joomla! or WordPress core update. Likewise, selecting the checkboxes next to one or more sites and clicking on Cancel Selected will remove the updates of these sites from the queue as long as they have not already started in the meantime.

Why does this feature exist?

While Joomla! and WordPress try to make their updates as smooth as possible, there are some cases where updates may cause problems. When you manage hundreds of sites you might want to delay updates until you are sure there are no show-stopper issues in a new release. Moreover, you may want to wait until a specific day where traffic is historically lower to apply the updates (something you cannot automatically schedule in Panopticon).

If you have dozens or hundreds of sites it does not make sense spending days clicking on individual sites' update buttons, reloading the page, rinse and repeat until you have enqueued all the sites you wanted for an update. It makes more sense to just do it in large batches, which is what this page does.

Moreover, it may make sense for you to know just how many sites have pending updates, especially if there are sites which need manual intervention before you can update them. Being able to see all pending updates will help you schedule your work.

Obviously, if you are auto-updating all sites, or simply don't have all that many sites, this feature may not be of any use to you. That's okay. You can just not use this feature. Remember, Akeeba Panopticon is mass-distributed software; it's meant to cater for a multitude of use cases, not just a specific user's use case.

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