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Install from Git

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos edited this page Jul 4, 2023 · 1 revision

If you are an advanced user you can download Panopticon directly from Git. On top of the minimum requirements you will also need:

  • Command-line access to your server, e.g. over SSH.
  • The PHP CLI executable in your path.
  • Composer installed, and in your path. We recommend using the latest Composer version.
  • NPM installed, and in your path. We recommend using Node.js version 16 or later.

Clone the repository. We recommend cloning either the main branch, or a specific version. For example:

git clone -b main --depth 1 my_folder 

for the main branch, or

git clone -b tags/1.0.0 --depth 1 my_folder 

for version 1.0.0. Please note that my_folder is the path where the repository will be cloned, i.e. the web root of the (sub)domain where you want to install Panopticon.

After the clone is complete you need to go into that folder and run composer install. For example:

cd my_folder
composer install

This will automatically retrieve all dependencies, run npm install, and prepare the static resources (CSS, JavaScript, web fonts, images, etc).

You can now run the web installer or use the CLI setup method.

Clone this wiki locally