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Sites Overview

Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 1 revision

The first page you see when you open Panopticon is the Sites Overview page.

If something looks out of date, please refer to the Periodic information update page to understand how and when Panopticon retrieves the information displayed to you on this page.

This page can appear in two different layouts: table (default), or dashboard.

Table layout

This is the default layout which displays the maximum amount of information, and is the recommended layout if you manage a large number (hundreds) of sites, as it can display your sites in several pages.

The first column of the table lists the name of the site, as you have entered it in Panopticon, and the public URL of the site. Click the name of the site to open the site's overview page.

The second column shows you the CMS (Joomla! or WordPress) version information. You can see if there is an update available, if you are using a deprecated or obsolete version of the CMS, as well as the number of changed view templates which require your attention (Joomla! only). The reload button on this column forcibly reloads the CMS update information, as well as general information about your site including the PHP version.

The third column shows you information about the software you have installed on your CMS, i.e. Joomla! extensions, and WordPress plugins and themes. On Joomla! sites you can also see the number of paid extensions which are missing Download Keys, therefore cannot be updated. The reload button on this column forcibly reloads the update information for all installed software on your site. On some sites this may result in a timeout.

The fourth column displays the PHP version used on your site, whether it's deprecated or obsolete, and whether it should be updated to a newer version.

The final column displays the site ID in Panopticon. This ID is shown in log files.

Both the CMS and installed software columns will tell you if there is an automatic updated scheduled, running, or failed. Moreover, they will show an icon when loading the respective update information from your site has failed.

Dashboard layout

This layout is better if you manage a smaller number of sites. Panopticon loads 50 sites at a time, and up to 1000 sites (this limit can be changed in the System Configuration page). The downside of displaying so many sites at once is that the browser resource usage is increased. If you try to display more than a hundred sites you may find the page becoming slow and unresponsive as you scroll through it.

Each site is displayed as a card.

The card header shows the site ID and site name, as entered in Panopticon. Click the header to open the site's overview page.

The main body of the card shows the CMS type (Joomla!, or WordPress) and its version, the PHP version used by your site, the number of template overrides you need to check (Joomla! only), and the number of software installed on your site with available updates. The CMS and PHP version rows will also tell you if the version you are using is deprecated or obsolete, and whether there is an update available. The CMS and installed software rows will also indicate if an automatic update is scheduled, running, or has failed.

The footer of the card shows you the CMS type as an icon with the logo of the respective CMS, and the public URL of the site.

Notes about the Dashboard layout

The Table layout is rendered on the server side. Your Panopticon installation's server sends HTML to your browser and your browser displays it. The Dashboard layout is rendered at your browser, using JavaScript – namely, using Petite Vue. Panopticon asks your installation's server for information for up to 50 sites at a time. This information is processed by JavaScript on your browser and rendered into the cards you see.

If you had created a .htaccess file using the htaccess.txt file shipped with Panopticon versions 1.0.0 to 1.0.6 please update it. The Content Security Policy area of that file has changed to account for the way Petite Vue works. Failure to do so will result in an empty Dashboard.

Moreover, if you have disabled JavaScript on your browser, or you are using a third party browser extension which blocks JavaScript (e.g. NoScript) the Dashboard will display empty as well.

Please note that Panopticon “remembers” which layout you've chosen to use for the duration of your session. Use the toolbar buttons to switch between the Table and Dashboard layouts.

Finally, if you see an empty Table layout please switch to the Dashboard layout, then immediately back to the Table layout. This will reset the display limits stored in the session, allowing you to see all sites in the Table layout.

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