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Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 3 revisions

We release new versions of Akeeba Panopticon to address issues and to introduce new features. Like installing Panopticon, we offer several options to update Panopticon. If unsure, “Web update” is for you.

Web update

This is what 99.9% of Panopticon's users are expected to use.

Panopticon regularly checks for updates, downloading this information from GitHub, using GitHub's API. If Panopticon reports that updates are stuck, please ask your host to allow non-cached access to for your site.

Integrated update

You should see a message that a new version of Panopticon is available on Panopticon's main page, upon logging in as a superuser (that's the default user type created when installing Panopticon).

Click on that button to see the new version information. Then click on the button on that page to download and install the new version.

That's it. Really.

Manual update

If for any reason Panopticon is unable to find, download, or install the update you can install it manually.

⚠️ WARNING! Do NOT downgrade (install an earlier version of) Akeeba Panopticon unless we explicitly ask you to. As a general rule, we neither test, nor support downgrades. Things may break spectacularly if you do that.

The Panopticon installation package is also its update package. Download the latest installation package from the Releases page. The latest version is listed towards the top of the page. Please note that items marked as “pre-release” are testing versions; you may not want to use them on a production environment.

Delete the folders media, tmp/compiled_templates, and vendor from your Panopticon installation.

Extract the installation package on top of your existing Panopticon installation.

Finally, log into your Panopticon installation as a superuser.

That's it!

Update via CLI

Run the Panopticon CLI command selfupdate:run. For example:

/path/to/php /var/www/panopticon/cli/panopticon.php selfupdate:run

This checks if there is any newer version of Panopticon available and installs it. Then, it runs all the post-installation code necessary.

If that fails, download the latest installation package of Panopticon from the Releases page. Delete the folders media, and vendor. Extract the update package on top of your existing installation. Then run the Panopticon CLI command selfupdate:cleanup. For example:

/path/to/php /var/www/panopticon/cli/panopticon.php selfupdate:cleanup

Updates via Git

If you installed Panopticon by cloning its Git repository, you can either git pull (if you're on the main branch), or switch to a different tag with Git (e.g. git checkout -b tags/1.0.1 to check out version 1.0.1).

❗️IMPORTANT Unlike the manual CLI update described above, you MUST NOT delete the media, and vendor folders. The former is automatically cleaned up by Git itself. The latter is automatically cleaned up in the next step.

Afterward, run composer install to complete the update. We use Composer event hooks to automate all the necessary post-upgrade actions.

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