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How Movie Picked works

Alan Quintero edited this page Dec 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

How Movie Picked works?

Movie Picked provided three different level of users:

  1. Unregistered User: you can search Movies and read Reviews.

  2. Registered User: as a user, you can rate a Movie, Add/Update a Review, edit your Profile, change your Password, find other Users.

  3. Administrator: as an administrator, you can Delete a User, Add/Update/Delete Movies and you can do all that user does.

Information about...

  • All information is validated in the front and back-end
  • All the information is saved in a Data Base
  • Username and email are unique
  • Password are encrypted
  • URL values are encrypted
  • Restrictions between administrator and user (Spring Security)
  • Images and Trailers of Movies are obtained by URLs
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