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Quadratic Voting dApp using MongoDB, Next.js 13, Node.js & Web3 concepts. Users must login with a MetaMask account to submit a ballot containing their votes to the database. A dummy token VTKN was deployed on Sepolia Testnet to act as vote credits in the quadratic voting system.

frontend notifications

Build Process/Requirements

  • Must be familiar with deploying smart contracts (I used hardhat with toolbox), Next.js 13, and MongoDB+Mongoose 7.
  • Run npm install, npx hardhat init, and npx create-next-app appname to produce all the missing directories from .gitignore.
  • Runs locally via localhost:3000 using npm run dev. Must deploy VoteToken.sol on Sepolia so you have VTKN to actually test the dApp. You can distribute the token to multiple MetaMask addresses if you want to simulate voting. Also be sure to change the address to your deployed token inside page.js, and verify the ABI is correct. REMEMBER to be on the SEPOLIA network!

What is a Quadratic Ranking System?

The core concept of a Quadratic Ranking System is that an nth (incremental) return costs n units of time/energy/cost. In a Quadratic voting system, the nth vote should cost n vote credits. For example, the 3rd vote will cost 3 credits, but the total cost for tallying up 3 votes also includes the cost for each previous vote needed to get to the 3rd vote.

  • 1 vote costs 1 vote credit total.
  • 2 votes costs 3 vote credits total. (2 credit cost for 2nd vote, 1 credit cost for 1st vote).
  • 3 votes costs 6 vote credits total. (3 credit cost for 3rd vote, 2 credit cost for 2nd vote, 1 credit cost for 1st vote).

This sequence (1, 3, 6, 10, 15...) is called the triangular number sequence. The nth number in the sequence corresponds to the total cost within our quadratic voting system. You can calculate the nth triangle number in the sequence with n*(n+1)/2, simplifying to a quadratic expression: (n^2+n)/2. If n is the number of votes someone wants to cast for a candidate, then the total cost in vote credits will be (n^2+n)/2.

Vitalik's blog on Quadratic Payments approximates the cost of the nth vote to be n^2/2 which is mostly correct. The cost of the last vote n also needs to be added which is why we arrive at (n^2+n/2).

vote graph

Note 1: Because quadratic voting mechanism makes the vote credit price non-linear to cast different amounts of votes, if two people have the same number of vote credits this does not guarentee the same number of total votes cast, since they can vary the amount of votes for each subject. One could choose to spread out votes more evenly, yielding more total votes, or choose to stack votes heavily on one candidate, which will consume more vote credits more quickly.

Note 2: Most articles and references believe the total cost should be exactly n^2. However, this yields the nth vote costing 2n-1 credits. To me it makes more sense to have the nth vote cost n credits. Both incremental cost increases are linear, and at the end of the day it is a fairly arbitrary argument reasoning about the "shoulds" for the steepness of the slope of two different lines. One noticable detail is that if there are 0 votes, the latter method costs -1 vote credit, which causes a fairly significant issue since mutli-candidate ballots will often get 0 votes on some candidates, with the technical cost of that supposing to be -1.

  • (Total Cost) ==> (Incremental cost for casting the last/most recent vote)
  • (1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28) ==> (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) ==> nth vote costs n credits ==> total cost is (n^2+n)/2
  • (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49) ==> (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13) ==> nth vote costs 2n-1 credits ==> total cost is n^2

Food For Thought:

  • Which Quadratic Voting Model makes more sense? Why or why not?
  • Is a Quadratic Voting System better at extracting more useful or detailed information from voters?
  • Is quadratic voting better than a rank choice voting system? Why or why not?
  • What are the unseen side effects or unexpected results by allowing the voters to fine-tune their level of support for each topic?
  • Humans have lots of traits that effect their voting styles/habits, such as biases towards certain numbers, laziness, convention, and so on.
  • What is the purpose of voting? What is "fair"? Does voting need to be this fine-tuned?
  • What entities would want/improve from quadratic voting? Which entities would hate the idea?

Core File Explanations (Mostly for Me)

  • database.js
    • Contains dbConnect function using mongoose to track and handle connection state of database. The database is named voterdatabase.
  • route.ts
    • DB Schema is two objects, the voter's account address, and a voteArray containing all the votes from a users ballot. The DB Model is VotingData named after the votingData collection.
    • GET function fetches all documents from the votingData collection.
    • POST function writes a users ballot, which is the votingData, which contains voteArray and account to the database.
  • page.js
    • There are no components, I like the simplicity of this single file. The code is annotated well and contains four sections: State Variables & Hooks, Web2 Functions, Web3 Functions, and the jsx return.

Next.js 12 vs 13 Changes (Mostly for Me)

  • pages directory is now app. API routes are now API route handlers. The routes must be in app, recommended inside app/api.
  • Name routes with the folder they are housed in: app/api/myroutename. The route within myroutename should always be called route.ts.
  • route.ts names functions based directly on the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.).
  • To make a GET request from page.js, we would name a function GET inside route.ts.
  • The new App Router supports shared layouts, nested routing, loading states, error handling, etc.
  • The components inside app default to React Server Components, but can also use/declare them as Client Components.

Notes (Mostly for Me)

  • Run npm init -y to install basic package.json.
  • Run npx create-next-app appname to create most of the starter folders for a Next.js project (app folder, .next folder)
  • Run npm run dev which starts a local development server at http://localhost:3000.
  • Run npx hardhat init with baseline javascript project.
  • Run npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia to deploy VoteToken.sol. VTKN: 0xcb76a79aE432a579c80be9674ce1Ab4a5A5E6f0D.
  • Run npm install ws bufferutil utf-8-validate --save-optional to fix warnings in terminal for Next.js 13 with ethers.
  • Run npm install toastify-js for frontend popup notifications.
  • Run npm install mongodb and npm install mongoose to install MongoDB and Mongoose. MongoDB sets up local server on my machine that can accept connections and store data. Mongoose makes CRUD easier with Object Data Modeling (ODM) so I can interact with MongoDB using JSON instead of raw queries. MongoDB housed locally at C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\7.0\. MongoDB Compass is the GUI. Database name is voterdatabase, connection string mongodb://
  • My API route handlers and database connection logic is housed inside app/api. The route name is the folder name. Inside voterouting contains route.ts and database.js. The route file must be named route.ts. Route handlers substitute the traditional Express backend server.


  • Implement a DAO contract which would handle the on chain execution of the actual result of the voting.
  • Break up page.js into components (not really an improvement imo for this project).
  • Faster load time, bundle state updates
  • deploy on vercel and use MongoDB Atlast instead of local MongoDB.
