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File metadata and controls

194 lines (151 loc) · 6.44 KB


Threads and Thread Safety

Creating a new thread with spawn

use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

let join_handle = thread::spawn(|| {
    for i in 1..10 {
        println!("hi number {} from the spawned thread!", i);

// optional, block waiting for thread to finish
match join_handle.join() {
    Ok(ret) => println!("thread returned {}", ret),
    Err(e) => println!("thread panicked: {:?}", e),

Sending data between threads

// the closure for a thread can also capture values
let exclusive = "this_text".to_string();

let handle_a = thread::spawn(move || {
    println!("took ownership of {}", exclusive);

//println!("{}", exclusive); // errors, since `exclusive` was moved

Threads can pass messages using channels:

use std::sync::mpsc;

let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();

let handle_a = thread::spawn(move || { // this captures the tx end
    for i in 1..10 {
        println!("sending {}", i);
let handle_b = thread::spawn(move || { // this captures the rx end
    for val in rx {
        println!("received {}", val);


Sharing data between threads

We cannot share unsynchronized data (see Sync explanation below)

use std::thread;

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3];

let handle_a = thread::spawn(|| {
let handle_b = thread::spawn(|| {

But if we create a thread-safe object (like a mutex), we can share it:

use std::sync::{Mutex, Arc};
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let counter = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)); // creates an integer, wrapped in a mutex, wrapped in a reference-counted shared pointer
    let mut handles = vec![];

    for _ in 0..10 {
        let counter = Arc::clone(&counter); // gets a new handle to the shared mutex
        let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut guard = counter.lock().unwrap(); // locks the mutex

            // update data inside the mutex
            // this can only be done after lock, so it is always safe
            *guard += 1;

            // mutex guard goes out of scope, and the mutex is unlocked

    for handle in handles {

    println!("Result: {}", *counter.lock().unwrap());

The Send and Sync marker traits

Send basic idea:

  • when an object is created in a function, it only exists on one thread
    • we can say that thread "owns" the object
  • if the type is safe to move to another thread, the compiler marks it with Send
    • e.g. let x = 5; or let stuff = vec![1, 2, 3]; are both safe to Send
  • what is not Send:
    • objects with a reference inside (e.g. Option<&String> is not send, since the other thread may outlive the reference)
    • e.g. &mut Vec<T>, a mutable ref to Vec cannot be Send, because 2 threads would be able to mutate it at the same time

Sync basic idea:

  • a Vec is not threadsafe:
    • i.e. it is not safe to push or pop from 2 threads
    • but it is ok to have many shared references, readonly iteration is safe
  • the compiler infers that Vec is not Sync (i.e. Vec<T>: !Sync)
    • the compiler does not allow mutable access from more than one thread
  • Some basic types are Sync and therefore safe
    • a std::sync::Mutex<T> is Sync
    • a std::sync::Arc<T> is Sync
    • a std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool is Sync
      • but plain bool is not

Exercise: multithreaded server using serde_json

Note: this is intended to be simple and short, not optimal
Note: the structure of this program is up to you. Feel free to use functions, traits, Results, or anything else

Part 1

The first goal is to write a network server, that:

  • accepts TCP connections
  • receives a single-line json representing 2 (x,y) points
  • computes the midpoint (average)
  • responds with the midpoint, encoded as json
  • make it so that no thread crashes, on any error (i.e. no uses of unwrap or expect)


  1. create a new project, with serde_derive and serde_json as dependencies
  2. define (de)serializable structures (e.g. for Point)
    1. check that they work as expected
  3. create a thread (or use the main one) that opens a listening TCP socket on localhost, and accepts new connections
  4. for each accepted connection, spawn a new (worker) thread
  5. on each worker thread, loop
    1. read a line of input from the socket
    2. deserialize the json request data
    3. compute the midpoint
    4. serialize the data
    5. send it back over the socket


  • you can test this manually with telnet (sudo apt install telnet)
  • the standard lib has a TCPListener type
  • in order to read a line (i.e. until the '\n' character) use std::io::BufReader and fn read_until
  • to write, try fn write_all
  • to use succinct error handling, it may be worth it to place code in a function that returns Result, and use ? inside the function
  • if it helps, you can also use tests

Part 2

Adding basic shared state:

  • a Mutex, shared between the threads
  • the Mutex wraps a structure with fields that count the number of successful and error requests
  • set up a way to request or print the statistics while the server is running

Tasks (using the project from above):

  1. create a Stats struct with fields for successful and failed to count the requests
  2. early in the program, create a Mutex<Stats>
  3. wrap the mutex in an Arc<T> (threadsafe shared pointer), and hand out references to every worker thread
  4. on each worker thread:
    1. when a request succeeds or fails, lock the mutex
    2. increment the corresponding field
    3. remember, that successfully receiving 0 bytes means the connection was closed, and is not an error condition
  5. choose and implement a way to print statistics: possible ideas:
    • have a different thread that sleeps for 1 second, locks the mutex, writes the stats to stdout, and repeats
    • introduce a new json request to let clients request the statistics instead of computing a midpoint


  • if you haven't done so yet, it may be good to factor the parsing and responding logic in a function that returns a Result or Option. It will be easier to check if the result is success or error to increment the stats
  • a simple way to handle several kinds of json requests is to define an (de)serializable enum, with each variant holding the requestpayload