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This library provides SwiftUI Views and ObservableObject for fetching iTunes Feed using ITunesFeedGenerator library


  • Displays song/book/app in a List/Grid using MediaListItemView.
  • Displays song/book/app in an embedded webview using MediaDetailView.
  • Provides Observable Objects to fetch song/book/app.


A detailed guide for installation can be found in Installation Guide. Make sure you use iOS 16, macOS 13 Ventura as target deployment for your app.

Swift Package Manager


Displays 25 Most Played Songs Feed from Singapore in a List

struct SongsFeed: View {
    @StateObject var vm = SongListObservableObject(region: "sg", resultLimit: .limit25)
    var body: some View {
        List(vm.results ?? []) { 
            MediaListItemView(song: $0)
            .navigationTitle("Most Played Songs (SG)")
            .task {
                if vm.results == nil {

Displays 50 Top Paid Books Feed from US in a List

struct BooksFeed: View {
    @StateObject var vm = BookListObservableObject(region: "sg", resultLimit: .limit50, pricingType: .paid)
    var body: some View {
        List(vm.results ?? []) { 
            MediaListItemView(book: $0)
            .navigationTitle("Top Paid Books (US)")
            .task {
                if vm.results == nil {

Displays 50 Top Free Apps Feed from US in a List

struct BooksFeed: View {
    @StateObject var vm = AppListObservableObject(region: "sg", resultLimit: .limit50, pricingType: .free)
    var body: some View {
        List(vm.results ?? []) { 
            MediaListItemView(app: $0)
            .navigationTitle("Top Free Apps (US)")
            .task {
                if vm.results == nil {

Handle Loading/Failure/Empty cases

You can access the phase enum. It contains 3 cases each for success, failure, and loading. The example below declare an overlayView that can be passed to overlay modifier in View.

private var overlayView: some View {
    switch songsVM.phase {
    case .success(let feed) where feed.results.isEmpty:
        Text("Feed is empty")
    case .failure(let error):
    case .loading:
    default: EmptyView()

Displays song iTunes detail web Page in WKWebView

MediaDetailView(song: song)

Supported Region Code Strings

You can get the list of all supported region code parameters from this GitHub Gist. Kudos to Marcus Stöhr/daFish