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Neodim Chat

A mobile application that allows you to chat with AI via Neodim Server or llama.cpp.

NOTE: Before installing this application make sure that you can run either Neodim Server or llama.cpp and that you understand how these servers works. Neodim Chat fully relies on these external servers and does not work without them.

You can read the detailed help in the app itself.

Key features

  • Chat between two or more participants
  • The next chat participant is chosen by AI (when more than two participants are involved)
  • Write a story (as a "monologue" of one participant)
  • Text adventure game simulation
  • Write comments in between chat lines (i.e. non-dialog text)
  • Quick controls to generate/edit messages for any chat participant and undo/redo/retry messages
  • Only the required amount of tokens are requested, i.e. not wasting GPU time on what is not needed
  • Continuous generation (AI chats with itself or generates a story until manually stopped)
  • Advanced repetition penalty settings
  • Force the use of new words when retrying message generation, i.e. no same message on retry
  • Generate several messages upfront for quick retries (no loss of speed, but requires more VRAM, also only available when using Neodim Server)
  • Auto-correcting some English grammar and punctuation, e.g. i dont know, mr anderson => I don't know, Mr. Anderson.
  • View/copy the chat/story content as plain text
  • Undo the text by sentence
  • Color customization for speech bubbles
  • Built-in help

Chat mode

The main purpose of Neodim Chat is to allow you to have a conversation with a chat bot that is powered by a language model. The list of supported models depends on the chosen server:

An example of the chat mode

Chat mode

All blue messages were generated by AI.

Group chat mode

This is similar to the chat mode, but allows you to have a conversation with multiple participants.

An example of the group chat mode

Group chat mode

All blue messages except the first two were generated by AI.


  • Not all language models support conversations between multiple participants.

  • The next participant is chosen by the AI. But the AI may be confused about this when there's no context, so it's advisable to first write at least one or two chat lines for all other participants yourself (using <name>: <message> format).

Adventure mode

Adventure mode lets you play a text adventure game. In this mode the first chat participant is the player, and the other one is the "story" (or a game master).

AI can't generate the player actions, but you can write the story.

You may want to prefix all player's actions with "You", e.g. "You pat the goblin" instead of just "Pat the goblin". Or, you can write something like this in the preamble:

This is a transcript of a text adventure game.
Player choices start with ">" prompt.

The > symbol is used internally as the player's prompt, so you may want to inform the AI about it in the preable. With this preamble you may try to write your actions without "you", e.g. just "Pat the goblin".

It may also help if you first write a couple responses yourself to set the model on the right track.

But in the end, the method of achieving the best text adventure experience really depends on the model.

An example of the adventure mode

Adventure mode

All blue messages except the first one were generated by AI.

Story mode

Story mode will let just write any text, but in "chat format".

In this mode there will be only one "chat participant", and the whole text will be their "monologue".

An example of the story mode

Story mode

All blue messages except the first one were generated by AI.

More screenshots

Settings page

Debug page


Get it on Google Play

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Neodim Chat is made with Flutter.

To build this application do the following:

  1. Download this repository.

  2. Install Flutter and Android SDK. It's easier to do it from Android Studio.

  3. At this point you can already debug the application from Android Studio. To build the release version follow the next steps.

  4. Go inside the repository root and create the file android/ based on android/ Fill in all fields. For more information see the official "Signing the app" tutorial.

  5. To build the release APK run ./ apk inside the repository root. To build the release Android App Bundle run ./ bundle. These scripts will remove the entire build directory before building, so e.g. ./ bundle will remove the APK file that was built by ./ apk.

Upload to Google Play

For uploading production releases this project uses fastlane.

  1. Create fastlane/Appfile file using fastlane/Appfile.template as a template.

  2. Use the following instructions to obtain api-secret.json file:

  3. Install Bundler, e.g. on Ubuntu: sudo apt install ruby-bundler.

  4. Run bundle install. It will install fastlane.

  5. Make appropriate changes in fastlane/metadata/android.

  6. Build and deploy a new release: ./ upload.

Repeat 5 and 6 for each new release. These steps are not exhaustive. Consult fastlane docs for more information.
