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Phase 1: Foundation and User Interface (UI)

No due date 0% complete

Milestone 1.1: Project Setup and Dependencies (1 week):

  • Create a new Flutter project and configure the development environment.
  • Install and configure necessary Flutter plugins for functionalities like user interface, navigation, and state management.
  • Define the project structure and folder organization for efficient code management.

Milestone 1.2: UI Mo…

Milestone 1.1: Project Setup and Dependencies (1 week):

  • Create a new Flutter project and configure the development environment.
  • Install and configure necessary Flutter plugins for functionalities like user interface, navigation, and state management.
  • Define the project structure and folder organization for efficient code management.

Milestone 1.2: UI Mock-ups and Design (2 weeks):

  • Design user interface mock-ups for key screens in the app (login, class browsing, enrolment, etc.).
  • Implement the core UI elements and styling using Flutter widgets and layout components.
  • Ensure a responsive and user-friendly design across different screen sizes.

Milestone 1.3: PoC - User Registration and Login Flow (2 weeks):

  • Implement a simplified user registration flow with email and password (can be dummy data for PoC).
  • Integrate login functionality with basic user authentication (can be in-memory for PoC).
  • Include a basic user profile to store user information (optional for PoC).