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A Maven plugin for converting wsdl files to service documentation in different formats.


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wsdlit is a project that creates documentation in HTML, PDF, EPUB and MOBI formats from the documentation embedded in wsdl files (service contracts), to which other additional documentation can be added such as examples of messages, security documentation, endpoints...

The main motivation behind the creation of this project, was to provide a tool that alleviated the effort required to write a quality document, avoiding inconsistencies in style and content, respecting the fidelity to the service contracts and within the process of continuous delivery of Employment:

Developers will write service documentation using the AsciiDoctor syntax to enrich the final visual appearance, and wsdlit will be responsible for creating the final document always following the same line of corporate style, generating content that is always updated and in line with the service contract.


This code is under the European Union Public License 1.2.

Review the contents of the NOTICE file for the required notices and attributions.


wsdlit has the following relevant features:

  • The final product is the documentation generated in various formats.* Supports the use of themes, with the aim of homogenizing the visual aspect of an organization.
  • Allows writing documentation in AsciiDoctor format.
  • The wsdl documentation itself remains easily readable.
  • The wsdl file itself is used as a starting point, to create the service documentation.
  • Supports the use of themes, to configure the visual appearance of an organization's documents.
  • Allows grouping multiple services in the same documentation.


See the project documentation at this link.

How to build this project

To build this project just run a standard Maven build.

Build requirements

To build wsdlit it is necessary:

  • Java 8.
  • Maven [3.8.6, 4).
  • Linux or MacOS.


  • Building on Windows should work, but the scripts present in the bin directory do not support Windows.

Maven Profiles

Several profiles are defined in the pom.xml file, which are enabled in specific scenarios, to make the development process as fast as possible:

  • jacoco: to generate the coverage files; is enabled using -Pjacoco. Enabled on:
    • .github/workflows/codecov.yml.
  • wsdlit-example-api-enabled: to generate the example documentation; is enabled with -Dwsdlit-example-api-enabled. Enabled on:
    • .github/workflows/build.yml.
  • wsdlit-license-update-file-header-enable: update license file headers; is enabled manually using -Pwsdlit-license-update-file-header-enable. Enabled on:
    • bin/


Just use the following standard Maven build command line:

Build without Integration tests

mvn clean package

Build with coverage

mvn clean package -Pjacoco

Build with example API (wsdlit-example-api module)

mvn clean install -Dwsdlit-example-api-enabled

Sign the artifacts

During the development of the plugin it is not necessary to sign the artifacts. The signature is reserved for the release creation process.

The wsdlit-sign-artifacts profile is enabled when the gpg.passphraseServerId property has a value. To assign value to this property, some options are:

  • Create a profile with the property: gpg.passphraseServerId in the file ${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml.
  • Assign a value to the user property gpg.passphraseServerId on the command line: mvn clean install -Dgpg.passphraseServerId=my-gpg-serverId, and configure in the ${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml file a server with the appropriate value in the passphrase.

Building of project documentation

wsdlit embeds documentation to be uploaded to GitHub (branch gh-pages), to which the documentation of an example project is incorporated as an example of the product. For this reason, an mvn site site:stage is not sufficient for a complete generation, and it is necessary to first execute an mvn install and then a mvn site site:stage and finally a mvn post-site, which generates the target/gh-pages directory with the content to be uploaded to GitHub.

For ease of maintenance, the bin/ script has been created, which is in charge of the documentation generation process.



mvn install
mvn site site:stage
mvn post-site

Once the build is complete, the documentation can be consulted in target/gh-pages.

Reproducible building

It is possible to verify that the project meets the Reproducible Build requirement described in the Maven documentation. The script that automates the checking process is bin/


If the script completes successfully, then we have a reproducible build, but if it ends with an error it will be due to one of the following causes:

  • A build error in maven clean install.
  • An error in verifying or generating the Reproducible build report (mvn clean verify artifact:compare).
  • Building is not reproducible.

Updating the license in the project files

To insert and update the files with the project license it is necessary to activate the wsdlit-license-update-file-header-enable profile. This process should be part of the release procedure.


The script supports parameters, so we can write a command similar to:

bin/ -DdryRun -Dlicense.verbose


Currently it is not possible to download the generated artifacts from any repository, until we are done with the configuration on GitHub and Apache Maven Central.