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Slack Bot

SlackBot that spits out quotes from Gustavo Santos whenever a Trigger Word is written.

It runs entirely on the SlackClient for python by using the Real Time Messaging Api.


To run you must install docker and run the following:

# Build and run project
~/santosbot/bot $ docker build -t bot:latest .
~/santosbot/bot $ docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD):/app -e SLACK_API_TOKEN=$SLACK_API_TOKEN bot:latest 


First of all you need to create a new Bot on your slack team. For the sake of the joke, we will call it "santosbot". You just need to go to "" under "Custom bot users", and submit your bot name.

Once you have your new bot created, you need to save the API Token that is under Integration Settings section.

You can customize your bot with a picture, first name and last name. For this project, we will be calling it Gustavo Santos

Now that we already have our API token, we just need to set the environment variable:

~/santosbot/bot $ export SLACK_API_TOKEN=xoxb-*****
~/santosbot/bot $ docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD):/app -e SLACK_API_TOKEN=$SLACK_API_TOKEN bot:latest
2020-04-10 16:01:52,999 - bot - INFO - Found BOT_ID=<@U6BR114N7>
2020-04-10 16:01:53,860 - bot - INFO - "santosbot" connected and running!
2020-04-10 16:02:03,893 - bot - INFO - "andreffs18": "Ola mundo"
2020-04-10 16:02:06,730 - bot - INFO - "santosbot": "É o amor, ou a falta dele, que rege o mundo. Nada de bom acontece na sua ausência e todos os passos que possam ser dados sem o seu cunho serão passos em falso."

Environment Variables

The only variable that we need to setup to make this bot work is the SLACK_API_TOKEN. The remaining have already default values. Below is the description of each:

Variable Description Default value
API_URL Url for requesting quotes on backend service. Default value is set to communicate with the docker container when we use docker-compose up "http://api:8888"
SLACK_BOT_NAME Bot name. This variable is configured when we setup the slack bot. "santosbot"
SLACK_API_TOKEN Slack token that allows us to crawl messages from a particular channel. Not defined.
READ_WEBSOCKET_DELAY Time spent, in seconds, waiting for the next message fetch. "1"

So, instead of defining every variable on the $ docker run command, we can do something like:

~/santosbot/bot $ cat <<EOT >> .env
~/santosbot/bot $ docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD):/app --env-file .env bot:latest
2020-04-10 16:01:52,999 - bot - INFO - Found BOT_ID=<@U6BR114N7>
2020-04-10 16:01:53,860 - bot - INFO - "santosbot" connected and running!
2020-04-10 16:02:03,893 - bot - INFO - "andreffs18": "Ola mundo"