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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 23, 2020. It is now read-only.

Releases: andrewmcodes-archive/rubocop-linter-action


12 Sep 21:41
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NOTE: This is likely the final release barring a new maintainer stepping in.

Implemented enhancements:

  • Only run Rubocop against the diff #159
  • Meta updates #150
  • refactor: remove old docs and update the ones in the readme #160 (andrewmcodes)

Fixed bugs:

  • No such file or directory - rubocop (Errno::ENOENT) #138
  • check_scope modified has a git failure but still runs #135

Closed issues:

  • Put docs back in README or wiki #157
  • The project name casing is incorrect. #154
  • Allow the github action check to fail #149
  • Use Rubocop version from Gemfile.lock #147
  • Configurable Rubocop Version #145
  • Turn off ruby linter annotation on PR page #144

Merged pull requests:

Version 3.2.0 Release

08 May 23:08
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Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

Closed issues:

  • cannot load such file -- rubocop-rails #137

Merged pull requests:

Version 3.1.0 Release

12 Mar 18:24
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Implemented enhancements

Fixed bugs

  • Configuration file seems not to be loading #123
  • Unable to pull private gem #121
  • Only modified files #105

Closed issues

  • Unclear documentation around action secrets #125
  • Are we able to run ruby 2.6.5 with version 3? #124

Merged pull requests

Version 3.0.0 Release

24 Jan 04:42
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Breaking changes

Implemented enhancements

Fixed bugs

  • Rubocop Results action is running forever #96
  • Action breaks if RuboCop check outputs a start_column value greater than the last_column for the line #91

Merged pull requests

Version 3.0.0.rc4 Release

16 Jan 02:14
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Merged pull requests

Version 3.0.0.rc3 Release

11 Jan 04:46
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Implemented enhancements

  • Specify RuboCop version and its extensions using the same configuration key #93

Fixed bugs

  • Action breaks if RuboCop check outputs a start_column value greater than the last_column for the line #91

Merged pull requests

Version 3.0.0.rc2 Release

20 Dec 02:19
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Merged pull requests

Version 3.0.0.rc1 Release

19 Dec 00:20
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Implemented enhancements

Merged pull requests

Version 2.0.1 Release

18 Dec 03:08
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Fixed bugs

  • The RuboCop version is not respected if there are extra gems #67
  • Rubocop action stops the build even when level is set to fatal #63

Closed issues

  • Lint changed files only instead #70
  • This action seems to not work for Pull Requests #68
  • [request] ability to set working directory #64

Merged pull requests

v2.0.0 Release

22 Nov 04:26
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Merged pull requests:

Breaking changes

  • file_paths is no longer an option
  • rubocop is the only gem that comes pre-installed