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GSoC 2022 Contributor Guidance

Harendra Chhekur edited this page Feb 19, 2022 · 1 revision

How to Apply

Please provide a brief CV.

In your application please include answers to the following questions:

  • What interests you most about our project?
  • Information about you, including contact information.
  • As project coordinators, how can we get the best out of you?
  • Is there anything that you’ll be studying or working on while working alongside us?

Once you’ve selected a project assignment from the ideas page, please include a well-defined, with clear milestones and deliverables around it. Alternatively, if you want to propose your own idea then please include an outline, goals, clear milestones, and deliverables.

Please complete a matching mandatory qualification task on the idea page (also linked to with every idea/task on the idea page) when you apply. When applying with your own idea please check with the mentors/org admins beforehand to see which qualification task would be a good match. Applications without completed qualification task will not be considered."


  • Communication is probably the most important part of the application process. Talk to the mentors and other developers, listen when they give you advice, and demonstrate that you've understood by incorporating their feedback into what you're proposing. We reject a lot of applicants who haven't listened to mentor feedback. If your mentors tell you that a project idea won't work for them, you're probably not going to get accepted unless you change it.
  • Be Patient! Our mentors typically have day jobs and can't always answer right away. If you can't hang out on IRC for an answer, send an email instead.

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