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What is this

This repository contains my preliminary general psychology model, which aims to aid in understanding narrative comprehension and other psychological phenomena.👍 The core ideas of the model can be explored on my shitty website.

While there are various ways to implement this model, an integrated approach might lead to some confusion and challenges in interpretation. Hence, I'm currently concentrating on the 3 Graphs Implementation. The model comprises three interdependent graphs: the representation graph, action graph, and state-action graph. Recently I started considering a new way of representing actions and state-action chains, that is, using a network. ⚠️ Notice, none of these is done.

Integrated Implementation


3 Graph Implementation (Rep Graph Below)


Network Implementation


Task list

  • Basic features of the rep graph
  • Graph demonstration
  • Simple test script
  • Activation of reps in rep graph
  • Spreading of activation in rep graph (forward & backward)
  • Cohort generation mechanism (moving to Model)
  • Union of reps
  • Intersect of reps
  • Basic features of the act graph