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Netflix GPT

Log of Steps I did

  • Create React app
  • Configured Tailwind CSS
  • Header
  • Routing of app
  • Login Form
  • Sign up form
  • Form Validation
  • useRef hook
  • Firebase Setup
  • Deploying to production
  • Create Sign up user account
  • Implement Sign In user API
  • Created Redux Store with userSlice
  • implemented Sign out
  • update Profile Api Call
  • BugFix : Sign up user display name and profile picture
  • BugFix : if the user is not logged in Redirect /browse page to login page and vice versa
  • UnSubscribed to onAuthStateChange callback
  • Added hard coded value in constant file
  • Registered in TMDB API and create an app and get access token
  • Get data from Now Playing movie list API
  • used custom hooks
  • Updated store with movie data
  • planning for main and sec container
  • fetched data for trailer video
  • update store with trailer video data
  • Embedded the youtube video
  • Made it autoplay and mute
  • Added tailwind css classes
  • Built Secondary Component
  • built Movie List
  • built movie card
  • added tmdb image url
  • added css (tailwind)
  • usePopular custom hook
  • useToprated custom hook
  • GPT Search feature
  • GPT Search Bar
  • (*)Multi language feature
  • Get Open AI API key
  • GPT Search API call
  • Used Gemini API instead of GPT (OpenAI API were not free)
  • Implemented Gemini for movie suggestion
  • Memoization
  • Added .env file
  • Adding .env file to gitignore
  • Made Our App Responsive


  • Login/signUp

    • Sign In / Sign Up Form
    • Redirect to browse page
  • Browse (After Authentication)

    • Header

    • Main Movie

      • Trailer in backgroud

      • Title and Description

      • Movie suggestions

        • MovieList * n
  • Netflix GPt

    • Seaech Bar
    • Movie Suggestions