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A random assortment of AHK Scripts which I found joy in creating


  1. Contents
  2. Shortcuts
  3. ItemInsert


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shortcuts.ahk is a small script used to create, and keep track of, small shortcuts. Allowing for adding custom replacements in a txt file.

To do this, create a folder called IgnoredFiles. Inside of this folder, create a txt file and name it personal_information.txt. In this file, you will write the replacements using the following format

"key" : "replacement text"

In the script, it currently implements replacements for the key values mail, username, discord, and password. Adding more if needed is not difficult. By copying the out-commented implementation of the function PrintTemplate(), and changing the String in this line, template := information_map["CHANGE_THIS"], to whichever key you have defined in personal_information.txt will let you use that function to replace a text.

Towards the bottom of the file, you will find the Hotkey/Hotstring implementations. By copying the out-commented Hotstring and replacing the text, HERE_GOES_HOTSTRING, with a desired text of your own, when you then type that exact text, it will replace the text with the defined replacement.

Current Shortcuts are

  • _shrug - Sends a Shrug Emoticon
  • _lenny - Sends a Lenny Emoticon
  • _mail - Replaces with Text from File
  • _username - Replaces with Text from File
  • _discord - Replaces with Text from File
  • _password - Replaces with Text from File. Please don't actually use this...
  • _today - Writes current date as DD/MM/YYYY
  • _exit - Exits the Script, terminating the process as well
  • +shortcuts - Reloads the Script


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ItemInsert.ahk is a small script used for quickly inserting different texts. Primarily meant for quickly sending one of a collection of Dongers

The Inserter is activated when typing _insert. This will open a GUI near the cursor. The GUI will then have a list of different items, these are loaded from a text file, and you will then be able to select one of them by either Clicking the button, or clicking the matching number on your keyboard.

insert preview

To modify the list of items, you will find a items.txt in the same directory as the script. Every line of text in this file will show as an option when using the ItemInserter. By adding a new line of text, and writing a piece of text, you will have added a new possible item to insert.

itemlist preview


  • _insert - Opens the Insert Menu
  • +insert - Reloads the script


Random Small AHK Scripts



