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Get Wallpaper

Get Wallpaper is a mobile application built using Flutter. It allows users to browse, download, and set wallpapers from the internet. The application fetches wallpaper data from an external API and displays it in a user-friendly interface. Dart Codemagic build status


  • Browse Wallpapers: Users can browse through a list of wallpapers.
  • Search Wallpapers: Users can search for specific wallpapers using the search functionality.
  • Wallpaper Details: Users can view details of a specific wallpaper, including the photographer's name and the average color of the wallpaper.
  • Download Wallpapers: Users can download their favorite wallpapers and set them as their device's wallpaper.

Code Structure

The project follows a clean architecture pattern and uses the BLoC pattern for state management.

  • lib/main.dart: This is the entry point of the application. It initializes the BLoC observers and runs the main application.
  • lib/presentation/pages: This directory contains all the pages/screens of the application. Each page is a separate widget.
  • lib/presentation/widgets: This directory contains reusable widgets used across different pages.
  • lib/data: This directory contains the data layer of the application, including the models and data providers.
  • lib/core: This directory contains the core functionalities of the application, including utilities and constants.


The project uses several dependencies for various functionalities:

  • async_wallpaper: For setting wallpapers asynchronously.
  • bloc and flutter_bloc: For state management.
  • dio: For making network requests.
  • dartz: For functional programming support.
  • get_it: For dependency injection.
  • go_router: For routing and navigation.
  • google_fonts: For using Google fonts.
  • palette_generator: For generating dominant colors from images.
  • shared_preferences: For local data persistence.

For a complete list of dependencies, refer to the pubspec.yaml file.


To run this project:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run flutter pub get to fetch the dependencies.
  3. Run flutter run to start the application.

Or simply download the apk on the Release Page

Please note that you might need to set up your own Pexel API keys and endpoints to fetch the wallpaper data.