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🏓 Awaiting team response
🏓 Awaiting team response
📉 Benchmarks
📉 Benchmarks
Benchmark reports
🐛 Type: Bug
:bug: Type: Bug
👷 Build logic
👷 Build logic
📲 Subscriptions
:calling: Subscriptions
🚗 Runtime
:car: Runtime
🍒 Nice to have
:cherries: Nice to have
☁️ CI
:cloud: CI
☕ Java
:coffee: Java
📚 Documentation
📚 Documentation
🐘 Gradle plugin
:elephant: Gradle plugin
📜 Feedback Wanted
📜 Feedback Wanted
This feature/API needs more use cases and details before it can be implemented.
🗄️ Normalized cache
:file_cabinet: Normalized cache
✅ Fixed in v4
✅ Fixed in v4
⚙️ Codegen
:gear: Codegen
✋ Blocked
:hand: Blocked
🤝 Help Wanted
:handshake: Help Wanted
✔️ Fixed in SNAPSHOTs
:heavy_check_mark: Fixed in SNAPSHOTs
The fix has been merged and is available in SNAPSHOTs, and will be available in the next release
⌛ Waiting for info
:hourglass: Waiting for info
More information is required
🌍 Http cache
🌍 Http cache
🧊 Icebox
:ice_cube: Icebox
Features that would be nice but probably won't happen in the near future
🧩 IJ/AS plugin
:jigsaw: IJ/AS plugin
🔍 Type: Investigation
:mag: Type: Investigation
⚡️ Performance
⚡️ Performance
💜 PR welcome
💜 PR welcome
❓ Type: Question
:question: Type: Question
🚀 Type: Enhancement
:rocket: Type: Enhancement
🚀 v4
:rocket: v4
✨ Type: Feature
:sparkles: Type: Feature
🧑‍💻 Tests
:technologist: Tests