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Releases: approvals/ApprovalTests.cpp

Single Hpp File - v.10.13.0

12 Mar 19:21
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  • Breaking changes
    • If you are building against the Catch2v2 in the ApprovalTests repository: The CMake library target name changed from Catch2::Catch2 to Catch2v2::Catch2v2
  • New features
  • Bug fixes
    • None
  • Other changes
    • Remove mingw getenv_s() declaration workaround

Single Hpp File - v.10.12.2

25 Feb 17:02
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  • Breaking changes
    • None
  • New features
    • None
  • Bug fixes
    • None
  • Fixed compilation warnings
    • Fix compiler warning C4459 in MSVC with /W4 (See #193)
    • Fix compilation failure with clang13 due to -Werror/-Wdeprecated-copy-with-dtor (#194)

Single Hpp File - v.10.12.1

23 Nov 17:39
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  • Breaking changes
    • None
  • New features
    • None
  • Bug fixes
    • Using kdiff3 as diff tool, users no longer have to specify name of output file after merge (#191 - thanks @bjosv)
  • Other changes
    • None

Single Hpp File - v.10.12.0

08 Sep 16:49
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Single Hpp File - v.10.11.0

02 Sep 16:18
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  • Breaking changes
    • None
  • New features
  • Bug fixes
    • None
  • Other changes
    • Add a copyright statement to the released single header (#189)
    • All code snippets in documentation include the ApprovalTests:: qualification, so example code can be copied and pasted more easily. (#115)

Single Hpp File - v.10.10.0

17 Aug 17:16
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Single Hpp File - v.10.9.1

30 Apr 21:26
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See also the v.10.9.0 changelog for the full list of major new features, bug fixes and other improvements.

  • Breaking changes
    • None
  • New features
    • None
  • Bug fixes
  • Other changes
    • None

Single Hpp File - v.10.9.0

30 Apr 20:05
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Single Hpp File - v.10.8.0

15 Feb 17:33
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  • Breaking changes
    • None
  • New features
    • None
  • Bug fixes
    • Ninja builds now work when inside source tree. (#171)
      • The entire Misconfigured Builds page of workarounds is no needed, but is retained for those using older releases.
  • Other changes
    • None

Single Hpp File - v.10.7.1

09 Feb 21:17
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  • Breaking changes
    • None
  • New features
    • None
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix incorrect line '#include <ApprovalTests.hpp>' in single header, that was present in v.10.6.0 and v.10.7.0 (#170)
  • Other changes
    • None