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Scott C. Krause edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 10 revisions

Neodigm 55 is an eclectic JavaScript UX micro-library. The lightweight components come together in a unique way that will make your website playful and fun.

Neodigm 55 Demo Apps - See it in Action

Demo Marketing Dashboard

Demo Pet Supplies eCommerce SPA

The Attributes API Documentation describes all the HTML attributes and their equivalent JavaScript methods.

The CheatSheet is like a cook-book of solutions to commonly asked questions. We try to keep this document up-to-date.

Neodigm 55 Popups are “declarative”. That means that you simply add a tag to your existing HTML. No JavaScript required. You can use JavaScript if you want however it's not necessary. See CodePen.

TypeScript ⚡ WASM ✨ Svelte

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